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Alaska Airlines 800-299-7264 Customer Service Toll-Free Number

Space X and the Photo-Op: Trump’s Use of the Bible Was Just the Latest in a Series of Christian Nationalist Messages

…ace Force: God’s hand will guide these space soldiers in their “defense of freedom”—that is, the freedom of commercial enterprise. The administration advertised the biblical foundations of its protectionist pursuit of dominance in space with a ceremony at the Washington National Cathedral on January 12th, 2020. At an event that conflated Christian supremacism with American exceptionalism, the first Chief of Space Operations was sworn in on a King…

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Hitchens Debates Conservative Evangelical: Nothing Happens

…of “rebuttals” they’re supposed to use in response to the various reasons customers might offer for not buying a product. For the salesperson armed with this flexible script, the human vulnerability of the single mother (one who expresses concern both for her children’s safety and for her precarious financial situation, for example) becomes a trigger for a set of prepared arguments that will ultimately result in a payment plan for a state-of-the-…

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Beliefnet Readers: Are You Really Offended by the Word “Feminism”?

…marketing analyst would devote attention to the preferences of a company’s customer base, and try to gather data on said preferences. It’s not surprising that a writer, even in these lean days, would refuse a regular writing gig which required her to adopt a very different voice than the one she’d spent years crafting. What does surprise me is this: Evidently a non-trivial number of readers of Beliefnet out there are offended by the word feminist….

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Occupy Francis Lewis Boulevard

…s crammed into small spaces, breeding like, well, South Asian rabbits. The customer at front grins at his rubber bullet origins story, but more out of exasperation than actual amusement. “They showed it on TV. A protester held a bullet up to the camera and it said, clearly, ‘Made in USA.’” I nodded my head blandly. He kept going, ever more frustrated. “Every other damn thing in the world is made in China, but when it comes to the rubber bullets an…

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You Gotta Have Heart: A Response to Critics of “Why I’m Not an Organ Donor”

…rch and on the OPTN website run by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. From my own clinical experience, I have anecdotal data about how significant resources are in getting on the list for an organ transplant (non-kidney). None of this is new to those who work in transplant, and there are many hands taking up the work of ameliorating this situation. These main points were wrapped in a short personal narrative about not being a donor…

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Scientology: All-American or Aging Hoax?

…urch is, to some extent, a reflection of American values. He also posits a number of broad questions (maybe too broad) about how we define religion in America and about “legal and theoretical issues in the study of religion.”  In the interest of objectivity, Urban employs a simultaneous “hermeneutics of respect and hermeneutics of suspicion”—meaning that he takes Scientology’s religious claims at face value while acknowledging its illegal practice…

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The Vampire Who Beat Wells Fargo

…ow to sue in small claims court. So many companies have made it clear that customer service is not a priority for them. Americans need to force them to rethink that position.” The fictional vampires of contemporary “paranormal romance” frequently appear threatening at first, but inevitably end up using their powers to protect mortals from other, more evil vampires. Self-identified, real-world vampires (strange as they might seem) may currently be…

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America, the Mythical: “Mother of Exiles” or Denier of Safe Haven?

…that vessel is framed above the establishment’s urinal for any intoxicated customer to peruse. It would, perhaps, be just as well to say that the Mayflower Pub in London is the place where “America was born” as Plymouth Rock in Massachusetts. Of course there is no real moment when “America was born.” That a pub in South London is as suitable a christening place as a beach in New England speaks to the arbitrary power of myths. As concerns the relig…

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A Mennonite on American Obesity

…les and one of my favorite people in the world. Dietz also sells eggs from free-range chickens so happy, he assures me each week, that they have achieved personal enlightenment: Today, I had lunch with a friend at Old Country Buffet. I ate more than I needed to, but less than I could have, resulting in a satisfied, not bloated sensation. As I negotiated my way back and forth between the food bars and my seat, I noted the morbidly obese appearance…

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Obamunism? The Traditional Values Coalition Coins a Term

…ersity in Deerfield, Illinois; Glenn Stanton, director of global strategic services for FotF and co-author of “Marriage on Trial”; Joe Dallas of the Dallas-based Genesis Counseling, and author of “The Gay Gospel? How Pro-Gay Advocates Misread the Bible”; and, Jim Tonkowich, of the Washington DC-based Institute on Religion and Democracy, and can be found here. ++++++++++ RD Tidbits: CPAC Rides Again: As the calendar whisks its way toward Super Bowl…

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