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Blame Series Bonus: How Federal Policy Created America’s Fergusons

…t’s a home price that was affordable with an FHA or VA mortgage to working class families, black or white. Many black families could have afforded those homes in the late 1940s and 1950s, but they were prohibited from purchasing them by FHA policy. Today, those homes sell for $500,000 or $600,000. We now have a law, the Fair Housing Act, which says that African Americans are free to live anywhere they want. They can live in Levittown, they can liv…

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Coming Out on a Christian Campus, Then and Now

…ure. Another essay, entitled appropriately “Toxic Teachings,” interrogates class notes from a course on Christian Home, notes that repeat outdated psychological theories about distant fathers and cross-gender identifications and that offer tips on how to bring your kids up straight. (I recall my own Christian Home class. I still have the textbook with its litany of gender stereotypes. I remember the professor split up the boys and girls one week t…

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To Serve God and Wal-Mart: The Making of Christian Free Enterprise

…r relationships for a new corporate environment and in sanctifying working-class consumer capitalism—help explain the connections between conservative politics, the market economy and family values. But Sam Walton also had a major role in spreading the gospel of Christian free enterprise, an amalgam that linked religious principles, government support, and entrepreneurship. Even as business was becoming the default major on campuses, Walton and hi…

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An American Muslim Abroad, Or, Things I Saw in Dubai

…helmingly South Asian, especially in Dubai—they form the service and labor class, but many South Asians are wealthy professionals and businesspersons. Dubai and the UAE have historically been more a part of the Indian Ocean economy than the Arab world, which is barely a coherent economic concept (countries like Turkey belong as much to Eastern Europe as the Middle East; the Gulf more to India and East Asia than to Arab and Berber North Africa).  O…

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Heterosexual Martyrs and Gay Saints: Did AIDS Coverage Clear the Way for LGBT Equality?

…rtyr. A “magically gifted” kindergarten teacher, she injured her knee on a class trip and was infected by a blood transfusion during surgery. Yet even as she faced death, Ryan prayed for the person whose blood she had received and hoped that her passing would spur the search for a cure. Belinda Mason, another martyr, was a “white, middle-class, non-drug-using heterosexual housewife from the mountains of Kentucky” who likewise received a tainted tr…

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Strippers versus Church: Cosmic Battle With Civic Consequences

…ole, filed a lawsuit against the church asking for restitution for loss of business. When the lawsuit was dismissed, he petitioned the county to remove the protestors. This request was also denied citing freedom of speech—though a judge limited the number of protestors that could be present to fifteen. So on August 8, George and several of his strippers decided to turn the tables by holding their own protest in front of the church during Sunday mo…

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Decolonizing Jewish Studies Part II: A Response to the Backlash

…o non-cismen. Classics and early Christianity are also confronting racism, classism, and transphobia. As ever, webs of injustice are woven of overlapping threads (“intersectionality”). By not naming these phenomena, we deny their reality: the limits of language are the limits of our world. Critics denouncing terminology as “jargon” aren’t just lazily dismissing positions they find threatening or conceding their inability to proffer critique: they’…

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The Battle for the Bible Against Christian Nationalism Seeks to Continue Historic Campaign

…non-violent civil disobedience against the British Empire. We all live on reservations Toward the end of the evening, the panelists sought to transcend the ways that race has been used to divide people against one another, and to recognize and grapple with our often multiple racial identities. Rev. Barber noted that he’s White, Tuscarora (a Native American tribe) and African American, and has had to “recover from some deep hatred” from the time t…

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American Missionary Could Face Genocide Charges, But Brazil’s Indigenous Communities Have a Bigger Problem

…azil’s National Indigenous Foundation (FUNAI) following his venture into a reservation inhabited by the isolated Hi-Merima tribe in the southern Amazonas. FUNAI, the government agency on indigenous affairs, stated that the missionary could be charged with genocide for exposing the tribe to potentially deadly microbes. A second-generation missionary, Steve Campbell has lived with the neighboring Jamamadi people since 1963. He said he was teaching t…

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Christians of Color Are Rejecting “Colonial Christianity” and Reclaiming Ancestral Spiritualities

…endee Chantelle Todman Moore, an Afro-Caribbean life coach, was trained in classical music from an early age. But as an adult, she claimed the djembe as her “spirit instrument” and has sensed how its “rhythm and movement feel like homecoming and healing.” When Jade Perry was growing up, her family came together regularly to play the congas, which her mother called “the heartbeat of God.” “When we would end,” she said, “people would just be weeping…

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