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Seguros de vehiculos en California llama ahora al 888-430-8975 Entidades aseguradoras Seguros contra todo riesgo para vehiculos Que cubre un seguro de auto Agencia de seguros para autos Agencia segura Comparador de seguros

The Most Forgotten Queer Folks in the US are Fighting Back Against a Powerful — and Publicly Funded — Group That Discriminates With Impunity

…ing experience, comes from Azusa Pacific University, a Los Angeles County, California-based nondenominational evangelical school (and CCCU member) that is among the institutions named in REAP’s class action lawsuit. In their role with REAP, Green says they work with both underground and overground LGBTQ student groups in conservative religious institutions across the country, “helping them navigate the administration, the policy situations.” In a…

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Sean Feucht’s New Year’s Rockin’ Superspreader Revival is a ‘Tepid and Meager’ Effort at Racial Reconciliation

…rship schedule includes the normal worship service—this one in a Valencia, California parking lot—but it also features an evening Skid Row outreach on Dec. 30, and an Echo Park outreach and “redigging the well” stops at the Azusa Street site and at the former home of Aimee Semple McPherson, a mid-century evangelist who founded the Foursquare church. Feucht—who has not responded to multiple requests for comment—said in an Instagram Live video last…

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How a Powerful ‘Ex-Gay’ Pastor is Chasing the Latino Vote

…blic figure that he is. Still, as I take in the glow of the late-afternoon California sun reflecting off the Home Depot across the parking lot, I’m on edge. Did I get him right? Will he be angry? Two months ago, he retweeted @realDonaldTrump’s claim that the “FAKE NEWS media”—including the “failing @nytimes”—is “the enemy of the American People!” A black sedan pulls up and Jim Domen pops out of the back seat sporting a broad smile. He is exquisite…

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LGBTQ Equality Pendulum “Abruptly” Swinging Back as Religious Exemptions Gain Victories

…o a same-sex couple. Two women asked Cathy Miller’s bakery in Bakersfield, California, to create a custom cake for their wedding reception. She declined, citing her Christian faith and opposition to same-sex marriage. There is this one substantial difference between the cases: unlike Jack Phillips, the baker in Masterpiece Cakeshop, Miller has arranged for another bakery to handle orders for same-sex wedding cakes that come her way, and in fact, s…

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Catholic Universities Have Been Paying For Abortions All Along

…overage for the past 25 years. The revelation comes with the news that the California Department of Health and Human Services has reversed itself and rescinded permission for two Catholic universities in California to remove elective abortion coverage from their employee insurance plans. It turns out that even as the bishops have been screaming that any attempt to force Catholic-affiliated organizations to cover contraception would be a heinous in…

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Same-Sex Marriage: The Cure for Unemployment (Worries)

On Monday, impoverished Imperial County, California, a lightly-populated, largely agricultural desert county east of San Diego, appeared as the only governmental entity in the state of California to seek standing as a proponent in the case to overturn Proposition 8. Whether or not the County has the standing to participate in the appeal is up to the panel of judges to determine. (Attorney Robert Tyler, appearing on behalf of Imperial County deput…

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Cali Dept of Corrections v. Peter Laarman On Prison Crowding

…letter from Deborah Hoffman, assistant secretary of communications for the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation. Laarman’s response immediately follows.  To The Editors, Peter Laarman waxes polemic in his ill-informed attack on California Gov. Jerry Brown, concluding that his “devilish deal” to address a federal court order on prisons is another example of the Governor’s “political expediency” (Jerry Brown’s Cynical, Unethical P…

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Message to Anti-Gay Pastors: Double Down

…attorneys that represented Protect Marriage at the U.S. Supreme Court over California’s Proposition 8. The conference call, held by Pulpit Freedom Sunday, a program created by Jim Garlow’s Skyline Wesleyan Church in La Mesa, Calif., featured ADF attorney Joe La Rue outlining the impact of the Supreme Court’s decision overturning Section 3 of the Defense of Marriage Act and returning the Prop 8 case to California. The call, ostensibly, was about th…

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Mormon Leader: ‘I’m Sorry’ For Hurtful Legacy of Prop. 8

…the morning of Sunday, September 19, about ninety members of the Oakland, California stake (diocese) of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints met with Elder Marlin K. Jensen, the Church’s historian and a prominent member of the General Authorities, the ranking hierarchy of Mormon leaders. Stake President Dean Criddle had invited Jensen to the special meeting, advising him that many Mormon families in the area continued to feel hurt by t…

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Muhammad and the Blind Man: A Lesson in Sensitivity

…kking back and forth some 150 miles round trip from our home in Oceanside, California to Chino, California. We were passing through long summer months, and my four siblings and I were rather oblivious to the purpose of our repeated family field trips. My father wasn’t. He was the general secretary for the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, which at the time, consisted of some two dozen families scattered throughout southern California. He had his eyes se…

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