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Prexit and the Planet: Our Resistance Must Know No Borders

…than our share. The second story is to imagine that we don’t share earth, air, water and sky with the rest of the world. Perhaps we can put up a wall and have our air be clean even if no one else’s is. Now my only hope for citizenship, by which I mean caring for the globe as well as caring for my own country, is to befriend a few unlikely allies. If I want to advantage Pittsburgh and Paris and the planet, I need to tell a story beyond the victim…

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“I Had No Intention to Write Atheistically”: Darwin, God, and the 2500-Year History of the Debate

…mans evolved from beasts ever since the publication of Origin of Species in 1859, but long after the appearance of Descent of Man in 1871, most continued to reject the idea that human mentality and morality evolved by naturalistic processes. The skeptics included Alfred Russel Wallace, who co-discovered the theory of evolution by natural selection along with Darwin and who remained a staunch Darwinist on other matters, became persuaded that an “Ov…

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At Moms for Liberty Summit, ‘Mama Bears’ Declare Spiritual War on the ‘Radical Left’

…y prayers, invocations, and explicit (as well as implicit) references to a spiritual war. Earlier, DeSantis had declared, in reference to a popular Bible verse amongst those who see themselves as soldiers in a spiritual war, that “there will be arrows that we have to take.” He lauded the “sacrifice” the “Moms” were making for enduring the dance party outside, essentially equating being called “fascists” by protesters to dying on Omaha beach. “We’r…

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I Know Why a Rain Dance Won’t End The Drought

…he Coconino Plateau (7000’) and the San Francisco Peaks (13,000’+) the hot air off the desert and the cool air of the high mountains cause thunderstorms to form. These storms move from the southwest to the northeast right toward the Hopi reservation in north-central Arizona. The weather pattern, called the ‘monsoon’ in Arizona, is predictable (monsoon actually comes from the Arabic word for season). Arizona’s monsoon may deposit only a few tenths…

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A desolate road in Israel lined with security fencing.

Decadence, Sickness, and Death: Mourning and the Israel-Hamas War

…with a sincere belief that coexistence was possible. Peace Now, founded in 1978 to promote a genuine and just peace between Israel and Palestine, was a real, forceful movement in the 1980s, with some political power. No more. In fact, it is today’s protest movement, a mostly centrist movement, which has taught us that Israel has transformed into a more ethnocentric, illiberal, even autocratic, right-wing society. Many are against this, but the me…

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New Poll: Americans Disagree with Hobby Lobby

…ondents were essentially even (49% to 48%) on whether providers of wedding services should be able to refuse those services to same-sex couples on religious grounds. It’s an interesting split, given that a clear majority of Americans have supported marriage equality since at least 2013, according to Pew. It’s worth noting that Pew asked respondents about their feelings on these issues, but did not include information about the current state of law…

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No Room for Non-Theists at Boston Interfaith Service

…ssed over 45,000 people in attendance at these events during his decade of service as a humanist chaplain—he was not invited or included to participate in “Healing Our City.” This interfaith memorial event, held at Cathedral of the Holy Cross in Boston on Wednesday, April 18, was attended by President Obama along with representatives from the Protestant, Greek Orthodox, Catholic, Jewish, and Muslim faiths. Epstein notes, “We weren’t asking to spea…

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SoulCycle Looks to Sell its Soul

…ty gospel, only in the opposite direction: a business using the tools of a spiritual community, instead of a spiritual community celebrating the values of a business. Here, too, we get the unambiguous mélange of the profitable and the ethereal. And here, too, there’s a fierce emphasis on individual improvement, in which positive thinking is linked to physical gains. SoulCycle isn’t alone in its willingness to fuse spirituality with publicly traded…

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Hookers for Jesus: Sex and Salvation on the Strip

…She continues, fighting back tears and yelling: “It ain’t right. It’s not fair. It’s wrong. To sell sex with porn, and to get people addicted so that now guys have to act out their fantasy and call us. And then we get blamed for their addiction!” Cut to the fishnets. Conflating Prostitution, Sex-Trafficking, Slavery Annie Lobért grew up in a middle class family on a tree-lined street in Minnesota. Her upbringing was strict, and she hated the rules…

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Scientology: All-American or Aging Hoax?

…ercent of that.   By the mid-1950s, Hubbard was most likely a multi-millionaire; by the 1970s, he had Swiss bank accounts. His cash on hand was a shoebox or four, each filled with $25,000. (You have to wonder where he put his shoes.) But Hubbard seems to have enjoyed earning money more than the money itself. He lived modestly, given his fortune, and Reitman quotes a 1972 policy letter from Hubbard: “MAKE MONEY. MAKE MORE MONEY. MAKE OTHERS PRODUCE…

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