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By the Way: Fractured Religious Right Endorses McCain

…wonder if anyone at the meeting bothered to point out that from February 1, 2006, when Samuel Alito was sworn in as a Justice of the Supreme Court, until January 3, 2007, when the new Democratic majorities took control of the Senate, the Republican-Religious Right coalition controlled all three branches of the federal government. The chief executive, the majority leader of the Senate and the speaker of the House of Representatives all claimed to…

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What if Israel Were in Germany? An Alternate History

…ca is a patchwork of dictatorships and Christian theocracies. On November 9, 2001, Christian fundamentalists from the Rocky Mountain Independent Territories hijack four jet planes and fly them into buildings in Baghdad and Riyadh. In retaliation, the Arabs capture Denver and shoot up the surrounding countryside, but after failing to locate the terrorist mastermind, they decide to open a second front in the now global War on Terror. The obvious tar…

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Exodus “Ex-Gay” Ministry Closes Up Shop

…s opening remarks at the ex-gay ministry’s 38th annual convention in Irvine, Calif., Wednesday night.  To the ears of most gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender people, that sounds like nails on a chalkboard.  Church has in fact been the very last place for LGBT people to seek help—a claim validated by the Pew Research Center who recently found that nearly half of LGBT people claim no religion at all. Not a surprise considering that many LGBT fo…

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Material(ist) Girl: A Philosopher Argues Against the Soul

…y this discussion. Of course, he didn’t immediately change his mind and say, “Oh, yeah, you’ve got to be right.” Which is fine—it takes time to get used to these things. But, I think it did motivate him to be very worried that there perhaps was not this nonphysical thing that had all the properties of personality and mood and temperament and learning that got transferred. Interesting, given that Tibetan Buddhists believe that the Dalai Lama himsel…

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Insurance Coverage for Abortion in Health Care Reform Threatened

…e coverage for abortion is already restricted to the narrow cases of incest, rape, or life endangerment: women who receive Medicaid, federal workers, the military, the American Indian health service, women in federal prisons, and even Peace Corps volunteers.) This effort may be more devastating to women’s reproductive health care than the hundreds of individual state laws now on the books—or it may be a pivotal moment of change in the bitter battl…

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ABC’s Good Christian Bitches Makes Feminists of Religious Right

…and “bitch,” right next to each other like that. The literary juxtaposition, O, it dazzles. It’s like saying… I don’t know… “four weddings and a vasectomy” or “love in the time of booger-eaters” or “the unbearable lightness of being a redacted expletive.” Perhaps I should back up. Good Christian Bitches is evidently about some mean rich church ladies in Texas who find each other’s lives endlessly fascinating. And in this religious community, the r…

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By the Way: Fractured Religious Right Endorses McCain

…wonder if anyone at the meeting bothered to point out that from February 1, 2006, when Samuel Alito was sworn in as a Justice of the Supreme Court, until January 3, 2007, when the new Democratic majorities took control of the Senate, the Republican-Religious Right coalition controlled all three branches of the federal government. The chief executive, the majority leader of the Senate and the speaker of the House of Representatives all claimed to…

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Colonialism and the Crisis Inside the Crisis of Catholic Sexual Abuse

…roles in the racialization and, at times, sexualization of native-born men, women, and children. Into the twentieth century, it was marked by a failure of the archdiocese to curb the near-feudal styles of governance wielded by priests in some rural parishes, and to respect local lay forms of Catholic authority. At midcentury it was marked by the Paracletes’ purchase of two thousand acres of “free and available” land in a “safely remote” location…

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Pawlenty Stars in American Civil Religion: The Movie

…American intervention in WWI. While the term itself fell out of political usage, the myth expanded as America spread its reach to the moon, to Vietnam, and to the Middle East. If we are exceptional and if we work the hardest, than surely we deserve to grow. It’s not imperialism, it’s a blessing for our hard work. This is the myth Pawlenty draws on when he brings up the examples of Valley Forge, the moon landing, and the settlement of the west. Th…

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The Story of a Post-Holocaust Group Seeking Revenge Against Nazis is Part of the Story of Israel Itself

…ll of six million, while Plan B was to kill only acutely guilty SS soldiers, numbering in the thousands. As Kovner met with Yishuv leaders it was clear that while there may have been sympathy with Plan A, only Plan B would receive the support of even the angriest of Palestine’s Jewish community. Plan B’s support came from leadership of the Haganah, the fighting force that would eventually lead the 1948 war. The Yishuv, itself working to unify Pale…

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