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Muslims Need Not Apply—To the White House or Congress

…hould be impeached because he is a Muslim (complete with a promo promising free guns, paid for by “a millionaire” who wants you “protected against what’s coming.”) The video in the email is by evangelist Jack van Impe, known for his premillennial rapture theology and his disconnected rambling in Bible verses. It is entitled “President Obama’s Religion in Question” and argues that he is really a Muslim. Joan, who claims in an email to be “well-educ…

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What Passover Taught Me About Being Black

…xpected happened, I converted to rabbinic Judaism under the guidance of an African-American rabbi and within the context of a primarily African-American congregation. Observing the Passover seder communally with my congregation was exciting. As time progressed, however, Passover became further removed from my annual celebration of freedom from Egyptian slavery and the hope for the end of American bondage to debates over whether, as a non-Ashkenazi…

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The Eddie Long Scandal: It is About Anti-Homosexuality

…ssues at stake here, however there have always been the “other issues” the African American community has wanted to discuss. Any “issue” was considered more important than gay rights. For years African Americans advocating for gay rights have been told, “That’s not our issue” “We have too many other important issues to deal with in our community. We can’t put gay rights at the forefront.” We have pleaded with the African American church and its le…

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White Rockers in Search of Soul Salvation

…preach and vouched for him; after his master’s death Andrew Bryan won his freedom. Andrew Bryan eventually became a slaveholder himself, one of the very small class of free black slaveholders in the nineteenth-century South. After his death, Bryan’s nephew, Andrew Marshall, took the pulpit at First African Baptist, and became one of the best known (and most controversial) black ministers of the antebellum era, leading to a major schism of the chu…

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New World A-Coming: How Black Religion Helped Shape Racial Identity

…xt book? I’m just getting started on a book about the intersections of race, African American religions, and psychiatry in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century United States. I’m interested in the way that psychiatric theory framed African and African diaspora religious practices in relation to ideas about normal and disordered minds, and in the treatment black people deemed to be suffering from religiously grounded mental illness recei…

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Why the Next Archbishop of Canterbury Should Be African

…ncluded. But Johnson was wrong. Today, the Anglican Church in Nigeria is a central player in a vibrant and aggressive religious marketplace. Along with Pentecostal churches, other so-called “mission denominations,” and, yes, Islam, something like twenty million Nigerian Anglicans compete for attention. And they do so as part of a world Church. The church’s official name is Church of Nigeria (Anglican Communion), indicating the way in which they se…

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Burma’s Spirit Festival, and More in This Week’s Global LGBT Roundup

…re different in parts of Serbia. But some journalists were in a village in central Serbia where part of my family come from. They saw a couple of people just drinking beer in front of the local store and they asked them about me, and they replied: ‘Well, listen, in this part of Serbia we grow raspberries, fruit and vegetables, and we do not grow discrimination.’ Netherlands: Anti-LGBT U.S. Ambassador called ‘a Dutchman from the Netherlands of the…

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Global LGBT Recap: Homogeopolitics; Dalai Lama Says Gay is OK; Pope Says Civil Unions May Be

…of U.S. Freedom to Discriminate Debate While Americans debated “religious freedom” or “freedom to discriminate” laws, a British politician, Lewes councilor Donna Edmunds, got into hot water suggesting that business owners should be free to refuse to provide services to women and gays. After an outcry, she said she regretted her comments: “I in no way endorse any form of discrimination. I believe in cutting red tape for business and I also strongl…

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Is LGBT-Muslim Clash Aiding Rise of Right in Europe?

…hat provide AIDS-related services, which Health Minister Ummy Mwalimu said promoted homosexuality. Gay sex between men is severely punished in Tanzania. Those convicted could receive anything from 30 years to life imprisonment. However, there is no such ban on lesbian sex. Until recently the gay community in Tanzania had not be subjected to levels of discrimination seen in other African countries, such as neighboring Uganda. Politicians had largel…

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Trayvon Martin and American Exceptionalism

…it alone. So much of what I teach is about the violence and pathos of the African-American experience, that I have to say what is in my heart. It grieves me to know Trayvon died in such a horrible way, but it does not surprise me. Violence is at the core of much of the African American experience. As a scholar, I know that black lives and bodies are cheap in the psyche of “white America.” If we aren’t dancing, catching a ball, or cleaning houses,…

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