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Australia’s Harsh Refugee Policies Stirring Backlash; Malawi Court Sides With Pastors To Lift Moratorium on Sodomy Prosecutions; Uzbek President Says God Has Taken Gays’ Reason Away; Global LGBT Recap

…ty in London, on legal approaches to resolving conflicts between religious freedom and freedom from discrimination Lorenzo Zucca, Professor of Law and Philosophy at King’s College London, on the use of conscientious objection claims by opponents of LGBTI rights Michaël Vermeulen, a Buddhist inspired philosopher who studies philosophy, medicine and religious sciences at the University of Leuven in Belgium, on common myths at the center of debates a…

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Win For ‘Natural Family’ Crowd at UN Human Rights Council…

…awaiting trial, for a rainbow-themed paint job that the Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and Vice charged was promoting “emblems of homosexuality.” Taiwan: Marchers hope for marriage equality in near future Reuters reported that on July 11, “[t]housands of gay rights supporters marched through Taipei…months ahead of elections that are likely to usher in a pro-gay party and could make Taiwan the first place in Asia to legalize same-sex marria…

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Religious Kids Are More Selfish: The Stickers Don’t Lie

…y, instead of the difference between Chinese kids and non-Chinese kids, or Western kids and non-Western kids, or Guangzhou kids and everybody else? Well, you can analyze the stats enough to pick out religiousness as one factor, distinct from country-of-origin, that seems to be driving some of the result. That’s important. But it’s not clear from the numbers provided in the study that non-religious kids, globally, share fewer stickers in a way that…

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Egyptian President Al-Sisi is a Dictator, Not a Reformer of Islam

…i an Islamic “reformer” and an ally in the quest to deliver the message of Western freedom to Muslims. The praise for Al-Sisi comes in the aftermath of his January 1, 2015 speech at Al-Azhar University, during which he called for an Islamic “religious revolution” to combat extremist thought in the Muslim-majority world. Analyses (which accelerated after the Charlie Hebdo attacks) have suggested that American leaders need to let Al-Sisi lead the ch…

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The Other, Forgotten Apocalypse of 2011

…t is enough, I hope, to refute such a crass interpretation of at least one Western commentator, Jacob James Prasch, of Moriel Ministries, who was quoted as writing of the Dien Bien gathering: Due to a combination of poverty, ignorance and persecution these poor Christians don’t understand much so they believed Camping’s shortwave broadcast which is how most get their teaching. Prasch’s explanation is terribly close to that of the Vietnamese govern…

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The Ground Zero-Sum Game

…y economic and social problems and the increased numbers and visibility of Western Muslims. But the biggest boost to Islamophobia without question has been the appalling deadly attacks against the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, the lethal bombings in London and Madrid, and the nature of reaction by key Western leaders to these events. Given the deep suspicion of Islam so deeply imbedded in our culture and the horrendous nature of these attac…

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Clarion Fund Claims Times Square Bombing Attempt Proof of “Coordinated Jihad Against Western Values”

…ector, Wayne Kopping, a South African neocon – from going on television to promote their work. The film has been promoted by numerous neoconservative, Jewish, and Christian Zionist outlets and activists, and no doubt Iranium will receive the same treatment, particularly if it is released around election time and could be used to question whether the Obama administration is doing enough to combat Tehran’s nuclear ambitions. In the meantime, though,…

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The Myth of ‘Voodoo’: A Caribbean American Response to Representations of Haiti

…e end, I must concur with Mr. Robertson: “Something” did “[happen] a long time ago in Haiti, and people [do not] want to talk about it.” Enslaved Africans asserted their humanity, religious freedom and political sovereignty and, under the influence of sour grapes, Western powers have sent one ‘earthquake’ after another Haiti’s way ever since….

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