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From Shofars to Hammers: The Spiritual Warriors of MAGA are ‘ReAwakening’ to Political Violence

…ripes and Glock pistols for stars. The rally where one of the most influential Christian pastors in the nation roared: “This is a spiritual attack, but we understand that we have power! The Bible declares that we have power to tread over demons and evil—even when they’re called Nancy Pelosi!” The rally where 4,000 of my neighbors, packed shoulder to shoulder in Covid-denying intimacy, nearly lost their minds in shofar-blowing delirium at that Pelo…

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In Tea Party Senate Candidate’s Dissertation, A Nostalgia for a Populist Christian Nation

…n to the amendment. Evangelicals, in contrast, lacked a unified position.) Despite Becker’s humiliation, he rises from the ashes as a roughed-up hero in Sasse’s telling. Sasse likens him to William Jennings Bryan, embarrassed by Clarence Darrow in the Scopes monkey trial. To Sasse, however, Becker should not be a source of shame for conservatives, but a source of pride, a true believer representing the authentic American masses. “His dreadful perf…

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Our Father, Who Art Our Mother: The (Open) Secret Queer History of God

…”—is referred to as “he.” Mordecai—who takes Esther as his own daughter—is described as the young woman’s “nursing father.” Isaiah—extending the trope—prophetically declares that Israel’s future kings will be “nursing kings.” (Then, to be sure we don’t miss the point, Isaiah adds “kings’ breasts you shall suck.”) All of the above—and many other examples which I cite in my book—are, I argue, hints to the closely-held priestly secret of the pronunci…

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On the Erasure of Whiteness in Responses to Convicted Pedophile Jan Joosten, a White Man

…rs have responded to one of the most horrific crimes against children—especially Asian children—in recent memory. On June 19, 2020, the story broke that a powerful white male scholar, Jan Joosten, had downloaded over 27,000 pictures and 1,000 videos of child pornography over a period of at least six years. Some of these victims were children “originaires d’Asie ou des pays de l’Est” (originating in Asia or Eastern countries). Which is to say that…

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Marjorie Taylor Greene’s Genocide Rhetoric Creates a Permission Structure for the Right — But Permission to do What?

…genocidal form, AiM (Accusation in a mirror) has been used and refined by Nazi, Serbian, and Hutu propagandists. Adolf Hitler, for example, warned that Jews intended to engage in mass-murder while he devised his own plans for Aryan domination. Similarly, the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia observed this phenomenon in Serbia: ‘In articles, announcements, television programs and public proclamations, Serbs were told that th…

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If the Media Are Reluctant to Properly Label the GOP’s Racist, Christian Nationalist Ideologies, We’ll Have Trouble Hanging on to Democracy

…of this myth in France have to be seen against the backdrop of French colonial history, especially the fear of white slave owners of slave uprisings when it comes to the construction of the social in- and out-group. The “Great Replacement” became more widely known after Jean Raspail published his novel Le Camp des saints in 1973, which details an invasion of France by “dark-skinned” refugees. In the end, white Christian Europe falls, and chaos and…

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How Herbalife’s Gospel of Health and Wealth Fuels a Billion-Dollar Deception

…kman, too. But even if things are legally on the level, a certain kind of razzle-dazzle is baked into Herbalife’s model. If we were feeling generous, we could call this razzle-dazzle a fantasy. Alternatively, we could call it a deception. At some level, everyone in the weight loss business is selling the prospect of personal transformation. Herbalife, though, is doubly in the transformation business. It sells the prospect of bodily metamorphosis t…

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At the UN, Conservative Christian Agenda Cloaked in Human Rights Language

…’s annual, invitation-only global policy forum for UN delegates often includes testimonials from people “cured” of “homosexuality” by conversion therapy. According to FWI literature, “so-called ‘homosexual rights’ are driving much of the current worldwide assault on marriage, the family and family related issues.” Nevertheless, the Caucus’ discourse linking the family to children’s rights and global developmental is not without scholarly and evide…

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Rick Santorum Figures Out the Feminist Plot to Create “Phony” Abortion Exceptions

…and to ask why you want to confuse the American people with your love of razzle-dazzle legalese. Perhaps we can talk about that another time.) But the point is: All of these things — the frightened families, the individual circumstances that would be impossible to codify in law, the desperately-wanted pregnancy that becomes a living hell, the agonizing questions about what would happen to the already-born children should Mom die due to a medicall…

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Argue-by-Number: A Suggestion for the Church

…rescind same-sex marriage.) In recent decades, many of the most authoritarian Christian denominations have staked a large part of their authority on the reiterated condemnation of homosexuality. To back away from it, to give up chanting the refrains of condemnation, would be to risk the claims of authority altogether. These are powerful motives. Like the stubborn demons of which the gospels speak, they are not easily cast out—in ourselves or in o…

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