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Clergy May Soon Find Taxes Soaring As Result of an Under-the-Radar Ruling

…“in God we trust,” the special status of clergy in American society has gone unquestioned for many years. If Crabb’s ruling is sustained on appeal, it will substantially impact both ministers and their congregations. A minister with a $2,000 mortgage and $500 in additional monthly housing expenses can currently exclude $30,000 of income from taxation annually. The elimination of the housing allowance exclusion would likely increase her tax liabil…

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Malta Adopts Marriage Equality Over Objections of Catholics and Evangelicals; And More in Global LGBT Recap

…o home to many megachurches, including the world’s largest congregation of nearly 800,000. But their reputation has been tarnished by recent corruption scandals. “For them, the anti-gay campaign is another way to maintain their political influence in this time of crisis,” Kim said. Anglican Communion: Nigerian head of conservative group celebrates ‘traditional’ Anglicans in U.S. Archbishop Nicholas Okoh, primate of Nigeria and chairman of the cons…

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Milquetoast Liberal Religion Won’t Challenge Conservative Values: A History Lesson

…trol of key committee chairmanships, limited their capacity to reach everyone who needed work. Nevertheless, beyond the material benefits to the nation, these programs brought hope, a sense of purpose and dignity, and a feeling of national unity and pride to millions of people who had been beaten down and deeply stressed. They were a manifestation, however limited, of the “Kingdom of God” the Social Gospelers had preached about, and they showed a…

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Religious Exceptions Not So Exceptional According to New Study

…group” seeking exceptions, as suggested by the Kaiser Family Foundation’s new analysis of employer health benefits plans? Kaiser found in fact that 10 percent of nonprofits with more than 1,000 employees have requested an accommodation to the contraceptive mandate, as did five percent of firms with between 200 and 999 employees. According to Kaiser, “many of the nonprofits who have sought the accommodation are likely health systems or educational…

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Kirk Cameron Joins the Anti-Mormon Chorus
(Sort Of)

…ey’re in the throes of understanding the truth of the Bible. We can’t condone heresy but we need to give God the room to move in people’s hearts, if that’s indeed what’s happening.” He concluded by saying that while he wants to wait and see if Beck’s professed faith in Jesus is “real,” he is “very encouraged by the movement all around the country to get back to the foundations of our country. God is using Glenn Beck.” It will be interesting to see…

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Pastor of Kentucky Church Severed From Baptists Over LGBT Inclusion: Not Activism, Just Honesty

…at Crescent Hill to where we are regarding this matter today. There’s genuine sadness, for me and many others, but at same time we are delighted and greatly encouraged by the fact that so many people are reaching out to us and want to learn more about this matter and about how we got to the place where we are. There also is gladness for the opportunity to forge new relationships and to do new ministry that articulates the love of God. Listening to…

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Rage Against the New Age Machine: Three Days at the Osho International Meditation Resort

…e to come back tomorrow? Now, months later, I’m unsure about why what happened next. On my way back to my dorm, I felt compelled to visit the Galleria. Finding Yogananda, I apologized for screaming at him. He must have assumed that I was on the path to my true authentic self because he smiled and asked if he could hug me. When he did, something broke inside me. My grief and anger, loneliness and regrets remained. So did my frustration with Osho’s…

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NPR “Ex-Gay” Report Neither “Fair” Nor “Balanced”

One of the reasons I left the news business nearly ten years ago was because the media’s idea of “balanced” reporting had become increasingly neurotic and, well, unbalanced. Our modern media believes that balance means finding one example of a story it has decided to pursue on one side of the issue, and then find another single example on the other side of the story then simply compare and contrast. Voila! Balance. That’s what NPR has done in thi…

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“Equality is Not a Feeling”

…Participants returned to a local park to listen to Conference on their cellphones—the first time in history that Church officials permitted broad media access to the event, a move some have characterized as a concession to ticket requests from Ordain Women leaders.  Inside the Tabernacle and the nearby Conference Center, rows of seats went unfilled. Saturday’s Ordain Women action has initiated an unprecedented conversation about power, leadership,…

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Speaker in drag addresses audience.

Constitutional Attorney Changes into Drag During Talk on Cancelation of West Texas A&M Drag Show

…g it, the saga of the banned drag show fundraiser at West Texas A&M took a new twist on Wednesday when Andrew Seidel—a constitutional lawyer, RD senior correspondent, and vice president of strategic communications for Americans United for Separation of Church and State—paid a visit to West Texas A&M to give a supportive address to the student groups fighting the ban. For those unfamiliar with this story, here’s the broad outline. LGBTQ student gro…

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