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The Sacred and the Dead: Three Ways to American Beauty

…n (the Duino Elegies). Rilke, a contemporary of Nietzsche, also wrote The Book of Hours, a description of circadian perception of time as message, based on rhythms of prayer. Like prophets, a poet’s use of language can subvert popular assumptions, reified or dead assumptions. Influenced by Rilke, Hunter convenes American idioms into dense, precise, equivocations. One of Hunter’s most mystical Dead songs is “Attics of my Life”—an expression of apop…

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“Tell Me What You Believe About Ferguson, and I’ll Tell You What You Believe About God”: A Missouri Pilgrimage

…nd how to reimagine divine justice. As I sat in a frigid hotel conference room in Bridgeton, Missouri, a suburb of St. Louis that represents the outer edge of the city’s white flight, I took stock of the 30-odd people surrounding me. An interesting mix, some of the attendees were longtime activists of color, some seemed to be defectors from the traditional black church, some were white Christian millennials eager to dive into social movements and…

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The ‘Freedom Convoy’ is Inspired by a Biblical Account of Divine Massacre: Welcome to the Jericho March

…loud shout, the wall collapsed; so everyone charged straight in, and they took the city. They devoted the city to the Lord and destroyed with the sword every living thing in it—men and women, young and old, cattle, sheep and donkeys. Jericho Marches are organized by a group by the same name. They were created by a coalition of Christian nationalists in the US. They are co-led by a Catholic think-tank writer, Arina Grossu of the Family Research Cou…

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New Film Chronicles Unlikely Friendship in Battle Over God and Guns

…pidation and fear. McBath, a Lutheran-turned-Pentecostal whose family has roots in the civil rights movement, had yet to meet a religious leader who saw gun violence as a spiritual and moral issue and was willing commit to speaking out about it. Schenck, whose organization bills itself as “America’s only Christian outreach to top-level government officials in Washington, DC ,” is a white evangelical with close ties to conservative Republicans. In…

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Give Me That Old-Time Ex-Gay Snake Oil

…o sell its snake oil. Say hello to David Kyle Foster, author of a pair of books about leaving homosexuality, whose new article over at the Christian Post rehashes all the lies the right-wing loves to spout about lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transgender people. Lest you think he was never gay in the first place, his first paragraph is used to prove his queer cred: “To those who suggest that I never was homosexual, my response is, ‘Does sleeping wi…

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Some Thoughts on Richard Dawkins’ Terrible Tweet

…y tweeted, “have fewer Nobel Prizes than Trinity College, Cambridge.” For good measure he sprinkled salt in the wound: “They did great things in the Middle Ages, though.” It happened so long ago, in internet time, that you might wonder the utility of a lengthy response. But in the great green country of Islamophobistan, where no argument goes unrecycled, what’s late one day might be on time another. Unfortunately, too, many who responded to Dawkin…

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Why The Book of Mormon (the Musical) is Awesomely Lame

…an extraordinary season of critical adulation. What’s going on? Why has a good-not-great religious satire from the creators of South Park received rapturous praise from the whole canon of media tastemakers? It may be true that The Book of Mormon is the second-best musical début (behind American Idiot) on the Great White Way in recent memory, but that’s really not saying much. In a season devoted mainly to re-runs, revivals, and adaptations, The Bo…

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End-Times Watcher Sees Satan in an Energy Drink

…t breaks God’s heart.” This comes near the end of a video that went viral soon after it was uploaded on Facebook on November 8. In the video, end-times enthusiast Christine Weick seeks to prove that the Monster Energy logo is satanic. Her evidence? First of all, the energy drink’s slogan is “Unleash the Beast.” We all know what beast they’re talking about. Also, in the word “Monster” there appears to be a cross in the letter O. Weick doubts this i…

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The Burning Houses of Worship We Missed

…osque from above, casting an elongated shadow. The second image shows “a smooth patch of earth.” There’s a less radical but nevertheless disturbing story about China’s Kargilik Mosque. According to Radio Free Asia, the Chinese authorities stripped the 16th century building of its Islamic imagery and festooned it instead with banners proclaiming, “Love the Party, Love the Country.” The destruction and desecration of the mosques is part of a larger…

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New Poll: Repeal DOMA

As a bill to repeal the Defense of Marriage Act was introduced into Congress, a new poll shows a majority of voters support ending the federal law defining marriage as one man and one woman, and denying federal benefits to gay and lesbian couples. The poll, commissioned by the Human Rights Campaign, revealed that overall, 51 percent of voters polled oppose DOMA while 34 percent favor it. Independent voters, who were instrumental in the Republican…

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