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The Sacred and the Dead: Three Ways to American Beauty

…t of secular modernity, when Catholics were opening the windows of Vatican II and American theologians were delving into what was known as the gospel of Christian Atheism, a California dance band re-named themselves, and the Warlocks became the Grateful Dead. The name was intended to disturb. Language employed as undertow to wash away cultural carcinogens: the strangling of mystery through control, convenience and predictability. Civilization as t…

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“Tell Me What You Believe About Ferguson, and I’ll Tell You What You Believe About God”: A Missouri Pilgrimage

…akes the bus because he got tired of the random stops and numerous traffic tickets he would get each month due to racial profiling. At 30 years old, he says he has been stopped or arrested for unjust cause more than 150 times. “If you’re a person of color in Missouri, it’s just part of the normal experience. You go five miles over the speed limit, you sit in jail for two weeks.” Masri, whose family is Palestinian and who spent some time living in…

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The ‘Freedom Convoy’ is Inspired by a Biblical Account of Divine Massacre: Welcome to the Jericho March

…Alexandra Hospital in Edmonton in September, received 10 Public Health Act tickets for organizing various anti-public health rallies in northern Alberta last year and revived her Twitter account, dormant since 2016, specifically in order to promote anti-public health events she organized and ran. But the story of Jericho is nothing to worry about. It’s only about divine massacre. Walls come crumbling down They know what they’re doing. One particip…

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Give Me That Old-Time Ex-Gay Snake Oil

…n Chambers), scandal (George Rekers) or enlightenment (John Paulk), the religious right is scrambling for a new face to sell its snake oil. Say hello to David Kyle Foster, author of a pair of books about leaving homosexuality, whose new article over at the Christian Post rehashes all the lies the right-wing loves to spout about lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transgender people. Lest you think he was never gay in the first place, his first paragraph…

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Some Thoughts on Richard Dawkins’ Terrible Tweet

…uslims,” Richard Dawkins recently tweeted, “have fewer Nobel Prizes than Trinity College, Cambridge.” For good measure he sprinkled salt in the wound: “They did great things in the Middle Ages, though.” It happened so long ago, in internet time, that you might wonder the utility of a lengthy response. But in the great green country of Islamophobistan, where no argument goes unrecycled, what’s late one day might be on time another. Unfortunately, t…

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Why The Book of Mormon (the Musical) is Awesomely Lame

…he play mischaracterizes Mormon theology. The elaborate showstopper in Act II, “Spooky Mormon Hell Dream,” shows Elder Price imagining the consequences of being a bad missionary. The problem is that contemporary Mormons don’t believe in hell—at least not the way other Christians understand that word. The screenwriters could have learned this in about one minute of online research, or a single conversation with a church member. Yes, Mormons speak o…

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End-Times Watcher Sees Satan in an Energy Drink

…prove that Muhammad, Martin Luther, John Calvin, Napoleon, Kaiser Wilhelm II, and countless popes were the Beast. Some have noted with dread that each of Ronald Wilson Reagan’s three names contained six letters. Indeed, when the Reagans retired to Bel Air in 1989, they asked to have their new address changed from 666 to 668 St. Cloud Road. The truth is that we are evolutionarily hard-wired to find patterns even when they do not exist. Two or thre…

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The Burning Houses of Worship We Missed

…lem, a brief fire frightened the faithful at the al-Aqsa Mosque; and in Louisiana, the son of a deputy sheriff was arrested for allegedly torching three Black churches. Each fire was upsetting in its own way. Al-Aqsa and Notre Dame are world-historical buildings, and, although the former turned out to be no big deal, I for one feel a twinge of concern whenever anything happens in Jerusalem. Notre Dame will take years and millions of euros to rebui…

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New Poll: Repeal DOMA

…s, a new poll shows a majority of voters support ending the federal law defining marriage as one man and one woman, and denying federal benefits to gay and lesbian couples. The poll, commissioned by the Human Rights Campaign, revealed that overall, 51 percent of voters polled oppose DOMA while 34 percent favor it. Independent voters, who were instrumental in the Republican House takeover, oppose the law by a 52 percent to 34 percent margin. Additi…

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