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Wheaton and the “Same God” Controversy: A Theological Opportunity Squandered?

…for relationship with God; moral precepts are ordered to the knowledge and service of this God. This philosophical language and these intertextual themes are less prominent in Christian thought today, especially among Protestants. Where Christianity’s similarities with the monotheisms—whether of Greeks, Jews, or Muslims—were once central to Christian interfaith apologetics, now it is the distinctive marks that predominate. Some evangelicals have a…

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#VanillaISIS, White Tears and the Adventures of Captain Moroni

…undy has said that the Pauite “have rights as well” and should likewise be free from the federal government, but has been vague as to how his protest would accomplish native freedom. Tribal council member Jarvis Kennedy finds more in common with #BlackLivesMatter protestors. “We’d be already shot up, blown up or in jail…they are used to killing us.” This is a surprisingly complex web of issues around what might, at first glance, look like sedition…

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Russian Orthodox Patriarch Blames Gays For ISIS; ‘Christian Nationalist’ Sworn In As Guatemala’s President; Vatican Resists Civil Unions in Italy; Global LGBT Recap

…t LGBTQ people need opened to them. Mercy is an act of love, compassion or service given to those who sin or are afflicted in some way. LGBTQ people, same-sex relationships, and transgender persons are not sins or afflictions. Some Catholics have tried to convince me that the doors of mercy have a connecting corridor to the doors of justice. “A change in tone can eventually effect a change in teaching,” I’ve heard more than once (usually from folk…

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Clinton’s Faith Talk Not New, But Was There a Better Answer?

…o-Clinton project Correct the Record, recently wrote for the Religion News Service about his admiration for Clinton’s faith and how he has “loved every second of getting to know this woman with such strong Midwest, Methodist sensibilities.” Faith Voters for Hillary tweets quotes from Clinton that promote this view of her faith. Quoting her remarks at a 2007 forum on faith for Democratic presidential candidates, the group highlighted that she prays…

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The Bindi Isn’t Indie

…him when Groupon offered a deal. There, she was invited to a local New Age service, a mix of meditation and discussion centered on the Puranas and Vedas of Hinduism. “And I was so nervous, like, will I be the only white girl there? But I went and was so surprised, there were people from all over. Lord Krishna’s plan includes everyone, even people caught in the middle like me. And I’m fine existing in that gray area, I’m happy.” We finally get to h…

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Are the Girls Scouts Evil? And What About Thin Mints?

…le with Catholic values.” And what could members of the 100-year-old girls service organization be doing that has so alarmed Carlson? Are Brownies dissing Jesus by making Christmas trees out of old Reader’s Digests? Is someone taking that Campfire badge a little too seriously (I swear it was an accident—and my sister’s eyebrows did grow back)? No, what has Carlson concerned isn’t anything specific Girl Scouts or Girl Scout troops in St. Louis are…

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Conservative Catholic Elites Oppose Trump… as He Rides Catholic Vote to Victory in Michigan

…crumble around you from years of economic stagnation, “defending religious freedom” or “rebuilding our marriage culture” as defined by the Catholic right are of little concern. And while George and Weigel give lip service to “wage stagnation,” it’s still wrapped up with their pet concerns of “grossly incompetent governance, profligate governmental spending [and] inept foreign policy.” That’s why, as Mark Silk notes, working class Catholics are flo…

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Not Ready to Forgive: Hillary Clinton & the Ugly Truth of the Reagan Years 

…ut Hillary? Hillary also violated the second rule of funerals and memorial services. The first rule, of course, is never to speak ill of the dead. But the second and equally important rule is that you don’t make shit up, either. You don’t invent an alternative fantasy life for the person whose remains lie in that coffin. If the deceased is actually a disreputable character, you are allowed to mumble nice generalities, but that’s the extent of it….

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Is the Pope’s Concern for Immigration Just a “Numbers Game”?

…f working with refugees when he visited Centro Astalli, the Jesuit Refugee Service’s Center in Rome two years ago. Before mentioning migrants from Latin America traveling north to the United States in his speech to the U.S. Congress, Pope Francis spoke of Europe’s immigration crisis. “Our world is facing a refugee crisis of a magnitude not seen since the Second World War,” he said. He will likely spend more time on this topic at the United Nations…

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Why We Should Stop Trying to Pigeonhole This Pope

…erican Right, he calls upon Americans not to “be taken aback” by the sheer number of immigrants, “but rather [to] view them as persons, seeing their faces and listening to their stories.” On the other hand, Francis’ critique of capitalism emphasizes the collective over against individualism. Quoting from the encyclical Laudato si, Francis calls business “a noble vocation,” but stresses that it should regard “the creation of jobs as an essential pa…

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