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RDBook: Wifely Submission and Christian Warfare

…ved country roads southwest of Nashville lined by hay bales festooned with American flags and notices to “Vote Yes on 1 to Protect Marriage,” I met one of the grande dames of American Christian womanhood, Nancy Campbell, author of books such as Be Fruitful and Multiply and The Power of Motherhood, and the self-titled “editriss” of the internationally distributed Above Rubies magazine, a missive of “family encouragement” for women seeking to become…

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Jerusalem Countdown: Christian Zionists and the New Israeli Government

…events that are shaping our world and shaking our future,” said Rosenberg: Americans are reading apocalyptic headlines out of the Middle East. They are looking for answers to questions like, Is there any chance of peace in the Middle East in the near future, or are we headed toward even more catastrophic wars? Why are Iran’s leaders saying the end of the world is near, and the way to hasten the coming of the Islamic Messiah is to annihilate the U….

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Obamunism? The Traditional Values Coalition Coins a Term

…eally [a] far left activist who formerly ran the God-hating People for the American Way (PFAW), an anti-Christian group, that is still engaged in a relentless war against traditional values.” TVC also identifies Podesta as “the brother of John Podesta, who is Obama’s chief counsel in the White House. (John Podesta came from the Center for American Progress, a George Soros front group that pushes socialistic policies).” ++++++++++ Focus on the Fami…

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Revelations from Family of Secrets (an addendum)

…itical and business connections to the Saudi royal family; and to apparent international slush funds and money laundering schemes. Much of this is told in such a matter of fact fashion that it is easy to lose sight of the significance of many of the individual facts. Regarding George W. Bush, in addition to the manufacture of the legend his conversion story (see main story) the book covers familiar turf regarding how strings were pulled to get Geo…

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Religion in Tension on World AIDS Day

…ltations on AIDS/HIV and Islam in South Africa sponsored by Islamic Relief International. The Sangha Metta Project brings Buddhist monks together to work on both prevention and care. And President-elect Barack Obama said in a 2006 speech to the Global Summit on AIDS and the Church, sponsored by evangelical Christian Rick Warren, that “Corinthians says that we are all of one spirit, and that ‘if one part suffers, every part suffers with it.’ But it…

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Defending the Helpless: New Bible Highlights Poverty and Justice

…creases as nearly 47.4 million people live in poverty and some 3.5 million Americans are homeless in a given year. My other concerns come from Vest himself, who, in the course of his 700 Club interview made it clear that part of his goal is not just to “give a handout” to the needy, but to proselytize them as well: “That’s why we feel like any kind of charitable organization that is Christian has to be so attached to the Bible. The American Bible…

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RDBook: Evangelical Christianity and Democracy in Africa

…it distracts them from their true pursuit, salvation. The others who lack international connections are reluctant to advocate political reform because they have nowhere to turn for help in case of state persecution; some of these welcome the patronage of politicians. Others still refuse to buy into the dualism of sacred versus secular, preferring instead to see God as fully invested in humanity’s full experience—these consider democracy an arena…

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Tariq Ramadan in Montreal: Defining Ethics in Terms of Religion

…aker at the American Academy of Religion’s annual meeting, is a subject of international fame and infamy; yet this infamy seems less tied to the revolutionary political agenda advanced in his work than to that central and most controversial fact—that Ramadan is a Muslim. Indeed, for Ramadan, all of his thought and work emerges from his acceptance of the claim that the one and only God, Allah, creator of the universe, twice offered Revelations of H…

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Weird Testament: The Bible Gets the R. Crumb Treatment

…ater renamed the Worldwide Church of God, and now known as Grace Communion International). This Adventist offshoot was fervently pre-millennialist, and Armstrong saw in Wolverton’s grotesque style the perfect means of capturing and communicating the horrors of the tribulation. And horrific the illustrations are—with their crashing planes, erupting volcanoes, boil-stricken sufferers, and monstrous whirlwinds—Wolverton’s literalist depictions of Rev…

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Atheists Gather in Burbank: A Humanist’s Response

…scended on Burbank, California earlier this month for the Atheist Alliance International 2009 convention. The main topic? The great harm done throughout history by religion: the single most dangerous human creation. The welfare of humanity, it was argued, depends on the dismantling of religion and all of its delusions. The possibility of collaboration, of compromise, of any shared ethical commitments between theists and non-theists, was not on the…

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