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Christianity Today’s ‘Humble’ Hindu-to-Jesus Conversion Story is Still a Story of Christian Triumphalism

…n I read Kamesh Sankaran’s “The Humbling of a Proud Hindu” in Christianity Today, which mixed a genuine spiritual journey with the idea that Christianity is superior to Hinduism. This sort of triumphalism among Christians—particularly converts—is nothing new, but it also hides the realities many Hindus living under Christian contexts face. For example, in southern India, where Sankaran (and my parents) hails from, many poor Hindus couldn’t receive…

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Gary North (1942-2022) Sought to Deny Religious Liberty to ‘the Enemies of God’ — But He Was Willing to Wait Patiently For The Revolution to Develop

…his father-in-law, the seminal thinker of the theocratic Christian Reconstructionist movement, R.J. Rushdoony. Assuming they were honest about their vision of a slow motion revolution in the hearts of men on the road to religious and political dominion—what they didn’t seem to anticipate is that they couldn’t control how others used their ideas. Once the Reconstructionists provided a biblical rationale for a Christian politics and the basis for a…

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Attraction to Covid-19 Conspiracy Theories Can Be Traced to the Christian Apocalyptic Imagination

…mouth-to-mouth with a speed rivalling the virus itself. Many of the half-truths and untruths involved capitalized upon the already-thriving online market for conspiracy theories. About three in ten Americans, for example, apparently think the virus was created in a top-secret lab (including four in ten conservative Republicans). Almost half of Canadian respondents believe at least one conspiracy theory about Covid-19: the virus was spread to the…

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Beth Moore’s Departure Could Hurt Southern Baptists and Move Them Further Right

…bookstores. The difference is that Augsburg Fortress and Cokesbury stores stocked books across the mainline Protestant spectrum: Lutheran and Methodist and Episcopal and Presbyterian and UCC. But they didn’t carry books by Lifeway, and as far as I know, Lifeway didn’t carry theirs. Nor did Lifeway books turn up on the all-important book tables at mainline gatherings. Whether as a cause or result of this situation, most mainline clergy don’t read…

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Are Evangelicals Sweetness and Light or Enablers of Cruelty and Racism? Gender Roles Hint at an Answer

…e space looked as though it had been furnished at Joanna Gaines’s Magnolia Market. Whereas Trump rallies tend to be rather boisterous affairs, this was anything but. The event opened with a welcome by Kathy Berden, the National Committeewoman of the Republican Party in Michigan. With perfectly coiffed white hair and bright red lipstick to match her striking red blazer, Berden embodied a Phyllis Schlafly-esque type of Republican femininity, one tha…

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Why Did Facebook and Instagram Ban #Sikh on the Anniversary of an Infamous Massacre?

…, just days before #Sikh was censored, Mark Zuckerberg had defended his refusal to take action against Trump’s posts—one of which quoted a segregationist police chief that “when the looting starts the shooting starts”—and concluded with “I disagree strongly with how the President spoke about this, but I believe people should be able to see this for themselves, because ultimately accountability for those in positions of power can only happen when t…

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The Non-Mask of the Red Death: A Deadly Necropolitics Hits Home

…Trump’s thugocracy is an exceptionally crude one, but no one can say that Trump and Trumpism lie outside of the American grain. There’s a reason why Trump keeps Andrew Jackson’s portrait on the Oval Office wall. “God will decide.” The theology sounds innocent enough, if only because it’s so familiar. It flows, or pretends to flow, from an exalted idea of divine sovereignty: a keystone of Calvinist thought. The God in question is a jealous God, not…

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Don’t Die For Me, Wisconsin

…k, a local nurse. Wisconsin gonna Wisconsin, which is damn close to saying rummies gonna rummy. I’m just grateful that in our small city, only about half the bars downtown were open today, and most of those were not very full. But that’s the way it’s going to go in Wisconsin for a while. Although the Supreme Court ruling tossed out the governor’s mandates, it left in place local restrictions. Places like Milwaukee and Madison continued stay-at-hom…

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In Time of Crisis Christians Must Reject Charlatans and Magical Thinking

…ear dictate actions. It’s absolutely legitimate to respect the awesome destructiveness of this virus. But we need to react appropriately, listening carefully to those whose opinions are based on experienced analysis of data (CDC, WHO, respected epidemiologists), and not to social influencers, Tweets, and Facebook posts. Acting out of fear, which includes hoarding, often makes things worse both for ourselves and others. Ironically, some of the very…

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The Man Who Hoarded 17,000 Bottles of Sanitizer Did Nothing Wrong ― And That’s the Problem

…hand sanitizer are set inefficiently when it’s sold through the local supermarket or Target; the market will bear higher prices, and Colvin is willing to do the leg work to collect the premium. Colvin says that it costs him more to deliver the goods than might be apparent: “Just because it cost me $2 in the store doesn’t mean it’s not going to cost me $16 to get it to your door.” He might be downplaying to defend his profit, but he’s probably not…

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