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Fun with Facts, or, Yes Virginia, The UCC is still a Trinitarian Denomination

…—much less that President Obama is no longer a member of the UCC—he has no business chastising other reporters for not picking up on what is most emphatically a non-story. That he does it anyway says something about his project at GetReligion, which isn’t about truth or media balance or any such thing. It’s about making tendentious arguments to bolster a conservative vision of religion, even when that vision is pretty weak on the facts. You can te…

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“A Declaration of Dependence Upon MARRIAGE and FAMiLY”

…d purposeful order—as conveyed by Jewish and Christian Scripture [sic], by Classical Philosophers [sic], by Natural Law [sic], and by the American Founders [sic].” It argues protections for women and children have diminished “as we have ‘debased the currency’ of marriage,” and therefore asks candidates to vow (or solemnly attest): Personal fidelity to their spouses;          Respect for the marital bonds of others;          Fidelity to the US Cons…

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Rick Perry and the New Apostolic Reformation

…bly use more militant phrases like “capture”) in the spheres of education, business, and government. Hence, Bright tried to start a Christian university, started a “Christian Embassy” in Washington (at about this time), and started ministries to businessmen. I think he had a sense that broad-based evangelism alone wouldn’t “restore America to its Christian roots.” Campus Crusade had been converting scores of students and others for more than two d…

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Fix the Economy GOD’$ WAY: Dave Ramsey’s Great Christian Recovery

…finance geeks poo-poo his plans, Ramsey responds with some variant of the classic retort: if you’re so smart, why aren’t you rich like me?  Ramsey’s daily radio show is dominated by callers, usually in some financial distress or conflict, seeking advice, intermingled with the answers to the callers’ financial problems in the form of “scriptures of the day,” frequent political rants, arguments with his critics, live radio and television simulcasts…

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Romney Braces for Perry Testosterone Challenge; Huntsman Reboots

…didn’t file a quarterly report with the FEC, but his reported fundraising numbers (about $4 million, with Huntsman reportedly pitching in about half of that himself) suggest that Republican donors haven’t jumped on board the way his campaign might have hoped. Weeks ago, as his campaign bathed in a luminous media spotlight, Huntsman fancifully compared his chances to catching “lightning in a bottle,” a phrase that sounds like something he fished f…

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How Breivik’s “Cultural Analysis” is Drawn from the “Christian Worldview”

…the government raise their children, environmentalists are out to destroy business, and that “the homosexual movement” would “extinguish” our “heritage of religion and morality.” His film includes interviews with conservative luminaries like Phyllis Schlafly, Edwin Meese, American Family Association president Tim Wildmon, and Rep. Steve King (R-IA). It claims to link ACORN, Obama, George Soros, Saul Alinsky, anti-poverty scholars Richard Andrew C…

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The Democratic Party is Not a Religion

…he reason for that may prove to be what we in the endangered but dangerous business of education call: “a teachable moment.” There is, I suggested, a strong and unified religious culture dominating the Republican Party’s political positions, community identity, moral boundaries, and theological sensibilities. Yes, this culture includes evangelical Christians, but it also includes Mormons, Catholics, and even Jews whose economic and social prioriti…

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Newt Gingrich Visits the “Holy Ghost Bartender”

…—- I could smell them blindfolded, man….You could see, last night we meant business.” He labeled his critics “idiots” and warned that they were about to experience either “riot or revival.” Four years ago, John McCain had a “pastor problem” because of the controversial and bigoted statements made by his endorsers John Hagee and Rod Parsley. McCain responded by rejecting their endorsements and distancing himself from them. It’s hard to imagine Newt…

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Is Ken Starr ‘Pulling a Clinton’ on Jewish Studies Professor Marc Ellis?

…, told RD. “Finally they have a president who is accessible to the broader business community and can bring in lots of money.” In his first year at Baylor, Starr raised nearly $35 million of the $100 million 3-year goal he’d set upon arrival. “This has been very biblical,” Starr boasted to the Texas Tribune in September 2011. “How did the ancient Israelites build the tabernacle in the wilderness of Sinai? Well, they all pitched in.” Starr is said…

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