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Religious Exceptions Not So Exceptional According to New Study

…ied under the accommodation designed by the Department of Health and Human Services. The Supreme Court is scheduled to hear a consolidated case challenging the exemption in the spring. The large number of Catholic nonprofits currently using the accommodation and potentially seeking a broader exemption means that potentially thousands of women could lose contraceptive coverage and, according to Kaiser, would have to “pay out of pocket for services…

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“Love Them As Yourself”: God’s Words or IKEA Instructions?

…t the best possible life for all of God’s creatures… the law stands in the service of a stable, flourishing, and life-enhancing community.” From the Jewish perspective, Hazony echoes: the biblical author “wished to persuade his readers that there exists a law whose force is of a universal nature, because it derives from the way the world itself was made.” While the ritual aspects of the Mosaic code aimed at guiding the Israelites, the theological,…

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My Congregation Tried to Help a Syrian Family Settle in the US

…’t need protection, thank you very much. Something has shaken loose in the American psyche this week, a vein of paranoid xenophobia that for a long while has been inflated with poison by people eager to take advantage of the cultural and economic anxieties of the nation. The rottenness has finally burst for everyone to see and those responsible for pumping it up are scrambling to take advantage. All I want to do is be free to live my faith as best…

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ISIS, ISIL or Daesh? Either Way, Obama Gets it Right

…. (Unhelpfully, this gave them the same acronym as Pakistan’s intelligence service, namely Inter-Services Intelligence). From very early on, however, al-Qaeda’s top leaders had trouble getting the Iraqi group to do as they asked. Al-Qaeda wanted its subsidiaries and foot soldiers to focus on attacking Western targets, and have increasingly demanded operations which avoid Muslim casualties, in the belief that this would cost them popular support. T…

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Is Twitter Doing Enough to Remove Extremist Content? An Ex-Employee Weighs In

…form, personified in former-CEO Dick Costolo’s favorite description of the service as the “global town square.” Acknowledging that, it becomes clear how profoundly important the policy, execution, and precedent set by content removal was and is to the company and its understanding of itself. The Twitter Rules warn, in two places, that an account may be suspended if it “publish[es] or post[s] threats of violence against others or promote[s] violenc…

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New Mormon Anti-Gay Policy Sparks Mass Exodus From Church; Christian AID Workers in Africa Refuse to Help Gay Refugees; Ukraine Rejects, Then Accepts EU-Required Gay Rights Law; Global LGBT Recap

…tional Center for Lesbian Rights, announced via a column for Religion News Service that she had formally resigned her membership in the LDS Church and asked that her name be removed from the records. Even at the height of church involvement in the passage of Proposition 8 in California, I never seriously considered removing my name. It just didn’t matter that much to me. Spiritually and emotionally, I left the church I grew up in decades ago. And…

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GOP Debate Invokes Lincoln-Roosevelt Gospel, Candidates Take Turns Trampling It

…federal controls over food, drugs, and rail rates. He set up the US Forest Service and brought 230,000,000 acres of land under federal protection from corporate development. He intervened in the 1902 coal miners’ strikes, earning the workers higher pay and a shorter work week. He supported an inheritance tax that would increase with the size of the estate. And set out to use federal power to reform the rules for football. All told, the Lincoln-T.R…

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Mormons Declare Same-Sex Marriage Apostasy, Deny Baptism to Children of Same-Sex Couples; Colombian Court OKs Adoption Over Church Objections; Franklin Graham Praises Putin’s Anti-Gay Policies; Global LGBT Recap

…he homosexual movement, without which it would not substantially proceed.” American evangelist Franklin Graham went to Russia, praising Vladimor Putin and attacking President Barack Obama. “I have met the president on several occasions. He’s a very nice person,” Graham told a Russian newspaper. “But he supports and promotes policies that contradict the teachings of God. As a Christian I believe that abortion is murder, he supports it. Homosexualit…

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White People Dying Younger Because of…Moral Turpitude? Give Us a Break

…f the economy have pretty much evaporated; it’s not that a majority of the Americans who work now make less than $30,000 per year for their trouble; it’s not that service sector employers have created a wretched temp economy in which wage workers can’t plan and can’t enjoy a normal personal life because their work schedules are constantly shifting; it’s not that involuntary part-time work is at an all-time high; it’s not that the earning prospects…

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Cruz and the Evangelical Illusion

…merged as the eventual nominee, although both eventual nominees played lip service to evangelical concerns. This cycle, as I wrote on several occasions last year, Donald Trump has scrambled the formula for winning over evangelical voters. Rather than pandering to evangelical voters with talk of “biblical values,” opposition to abortion, or promises to fight for “religious liberty,” Trump has played his own game. While evangelical “leaders” demand…

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