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Birtherism, Conspiracy Theories, and the “Christian Nation”

…the American people and distracting from the many challenges we face as a country. Therefore, the President directed his counsel to review the legal authority for seeking access to the long form certificate and to request on that basis that the Hawaii State Department of Health make an exception to release a copy of his long form birth certificate. They granted that exception in part because of the tremendous volume of requests they had been gett…

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Scottish Episcopal Church Angers Conservative Anglicans With Embrace of Same-Sex Marriage; and more in Global LGBT Recap

…le about the time the failings of the Catholic Church were exposed in that country: paedophilia, abuse, forced separation of unwed mothers and their children, and burial grounds full of unidentified babies. By the time the Irish people got the chance to vote on same-sex marriage in a referendum (the only way to change the laws about marriage in that country), the Catholic church’s moral authority to define marriage, family and what is in the best…

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25 Things You Can Blame Muslims For

…he Star Wars Prequels Tattooine’s a real city, in Tunisia, which is a real country, in Africa, which is a real continent trying to become the country it is regularly confused for. Now you know why Jedis and Sith look that way—their robes are a reflection of North African culture. The lightsaber, unfortunately, was not our idea. “Hospitals” by Emory Banker 12. Hospitals The first hospital was founded in Cairo, and Muslim hospitals once even include…

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The Threat to Democracy Runs Deep, But Mathematics Could Address the Abominable State of Representation and Voting

…eneral election while it was still a constituent republic of Yugoslavia, a country whose socialist-era days were clearly numbered. Three ethnic parties, representing Bosnian Muslims, Croats, and Serbs, swept the election and formed the new seven-member presidency. The dream of Bosnia as a multicultural, multiethnic model of tolerance and coexistence for the rest of Yugoslavia—and Europe—had started to unravel. On June 25, 1991, Slovenia and Croati…

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Condemnation, Condolences in Wake of Orlando Massacre and More

…protest vote” that pro-family and pro-marriage advocates called for in the country. After Peña Nieto announced he would promote a constitutional reform to recognize gay marriage throughout the country, as well as amendments to the Federal Civil Code to allow homosexual adoption, more than 1,000 organizations joined together to form the National Front for the Family (FNF). Heading up this front are the National Union of Parents, Family Network, Con…

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Elections Show Growing Support for LGBT from People of Faith

…tyranny,” he shares. “It’s great news in Iowa, and it’s great news for the country that judges don’t have to lord it over us. ‘We the people’ are the ultimate authority.” Wait, who is the ultimate authority? In his next sentence, Hurley contradicted himself: “God is our ultimate authority, and we think that we did God’s will by standing up to the three judges who would try to redefine God’s institution and say that marriage is anything other than…

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Religious Right Reax to SCOTUS: “A Spiritual 9/11”

…hbor and respect others, including those making lifetime commitments. In a country as diverse as ours, good people who have opposing views should be able to live side by side. It is now crucial that as a country we protect religious freedom and the right of conscience and also not discriminate. Scott Walker reaffirmed his call for a constitutional amendment. The Family Research Council’s Tony Perkins declared that “the Supreme Court has set our go…

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The End of Roe and the Assault on Trans People — Fail to See the Bigger Picture and We’ll Never Be Free

…oric reversal in our fundamental rights will only be content if the entire country follows their own twisted theology. Marriage equality is in grave danger. Loving parents will be charged as abusers. Women will be forced to bear children they do not want. And every miscarriage will become a potential murder investigation. All of this tramples every person’s religious liberty to discern their gender and whether they wish to bring new life into the…

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Update: Mubarak Steps Down; The Crash After Mubarak’s Speech

…shock, and then anger from the people of Tahrir, and the people around the country who are a part of what I have grown to call “the Square” – this movement of people who simply want a new start for this country, that goes beyond Tahrir Square. An incredible array of emotions, all in a very short time, reacting to Mubarak’s refusal to treat their demands with seriousness. There were people crashing so hard from the immense high that there were call…

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Neither Radical Nor Secular: The West Struggles with the New Islamism

…aja bin Salama, in Basij Square in Tunis, because she [had] called for the country’s new laws to be based on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.”  What all this anxious coverage failed to recognize is the one unmistakable trend now clearly visible: That the political transformations of the Middle East are the coming of age of a new Islamism. Like Germany’s Christian Democratic Union (a “Christian-based” party that applies Christian principl…

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