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This is No Ordinary Anti-Blackness — The Racist History of the Pet-Eating Conspiracy

…in the 1980s, Haitians continued to bear the stigma of Black revolutionary freedom. Following waves of Haitians’ migration to the United States during the later years of François Duvalier’s reign of terror—and the regime’s overthrow in 1987—Haitians experienced tremendous racism in the United States. During this era, the Centers for Disease Control accused Haitians of being one of the 4 H’s (heroin substance abusers, hemophiliacs, “homosexuals,” a…

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The Most Forgotten Queer Folks in the US are Fighting Back Against a Powerful — and Publicly Funded — Group That Discriminates With Impunity

…ons are heavily involved in the promotion of a narrow vision of “religious freedom” that can be advanced only at the expense of LGBTQ rights. These organizations claim to be supportive of pluralism, but in my view and in the views of many liberal, pro-democracy scholars and commentators, they have twisted the meaning of the concepts of religious freedom and pluralism in an effort to justify their bigotry. Paul Southwick, director of the Religious…

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New Challenges to Gay Marriage Bans From Within States & Denominations

…nk there is no doubt that the advocates who are driving this effort in the United States want to see us end up in that same place,” Cruz said in an interview with the Christian Broadcasting Network. He is, of course, not alone in his freak out. Certainly, it is only a matter of “when,” not “if,” marriage equality will eventually be the law of the land in the United States. Those who continue to stand in the path of the growing snowball of support…

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Attack on the US Capitol Has Many Journos Finally Taking White Evangelical Authoritarianism and Christian Nationalism Seriously

…re: I am an ex-evangelical). Under conditions of Christian hegemony in the United States, however, that has not been the prevailing practice—not by a long shot. If social media buzz is any indicator, there’s still a widespread tendency for liberals to dismiss Christian nationalists as “fake Christians”—a deflection that only serves to reinforce Christian supremacism by equating “Christian” with “good,” thus harming the non-religious and adherents…

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Media Fail to Acknowledge That 2024 Hopeful Ron DeSantis is as Catholic as Biden

…of Catholic Bishops, currently treat one in seven hospital patients in the United States, and their share of control over hospital systems in the United States only continues to grow. In terms of practical matters, being transgender means there are restrictions on where I can live and what health insurance companies I’m able to use in order to ensure that my care takes place within a secular system of clinics and hospitals, where I don’t risk bein…

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Conservative Christians: Think Twice Before Claiming ‘Islam Is Not a Religion’

…ty and claims like these have been used successfully to restrict religious freedom in India. Since the 1950s, seven Indian states have passed “Freedom of Religion” laws that ban conversion by “force, fraud, and allurement,” and in some cases require that potential converts register with local officials beforehand. While most religious people would agree that conversions by force, fraud, and allurement are undesirable, the impossibility of defining…

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What Religion Looks Like, Wisconsin Edition

…or wages and benefits. Bishop Linda Lee of the Wisconsin Conference of the United Methodist Church wrote to Governor Walker: United Methodists state in our 2008 Book of Discipline the following: “We support the right of all public and private employees and employers to organize for collective bargaining into unions and other groups of their own choosing. Further, we support the right of both parties to protection in so doing and their responsibili…

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Why Did Facebook and Instagram Ban #Sikh on the Anniversary of an Infamous Massacre?

…an entire hashtag—not just individuals—was banned. On their Facebook page, United Sikhs wrote that they were: “distressed and appalled that the hashtag #Sikh was blocked on Instagram and Facebook. The timing of this censoring by Facebook is suspicious as the hashtag in question has been taken down when the world is expressing solidarity on the 36th anniversary of the June 1984 Sikh Genocide.” Although both social media platforms have a history of…

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Where Is American Christian Outrage on Russia’s Treatment of Jehovah’s Witnesses?

…cord on religious freedom has grown increasingly abysmal, according to the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom. The nation’s 1997 religion law tends to favor the Russian Orthodox Church. A 2002 law designed to combat extremism has been used against unpopular religious groups, like the Jehovah’s Witnesses, while a law passed in 2012 requires nongovernmental organizations (like churches) to register as “foreign agents” if the…

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Election Survey: White Evangelicals Remain Cultural Outliers on Race, Trump, Immigration

…te evangelical Protestants are the only major religious demographic in the United States for which a majority (61 percent) say that this change will be “mostly negative.” Relatedly, white evangelical Protestants are the only major religious group in the country in which a majority (57 percent) say that immigrants pose a threat to “traditional American customs and values.” White mainline Protestants and white Catholics fare only a tiny bit better,…

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