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Time to Reject the “We’re All Sinners” Defense of Religious Conservatives

…t of powerhouse programs like Florida State and Auburn. Some are there because they used drugs. One was charged with burglary. Another punched a woman in a bar. Football players spout self-serving platitudes all the time. “No relationship is perfect” is how Ray Rice explained the video of him striking his then-fiancee in an elevator in 2014. But Johnson isn’t trying to justify himself. He doesn’t use our shared imperfection to paint over his sins….

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Greatest Hits of 2015: Religion Stories Our Readers Couldn’t Resist

…d preferred mercy, amnesty and forgiveness over force (though Muhammad did use force, and at times that use of force shocks). #5 Josh Duggar and the Purity Lie The downfall of the Duggar family, of reality TV fame, was among the most notorious sources of Schadenfreude this year. Sarah Posner goes beyond the gossip and muckraking in this post about the family’s cover-up of Josh Duggar’s sexual predation. #4 Why Tony Campolo’s LGBTQ Reversal is Evan…

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Decoding Scalia’s Secret Hunting Society, From Jägermeister to Medieval Heresy to Buddhist Legend

…entral Asia at precisely the right moment to act as a permeable “membrane” between Buddhist and Christian monastic cultures. At the same time, a flood of heterodox clerics from Asia Minor and the Balkans were re-introducing old heresies (known as neo-Manichaeism) to the mercantile cities of the Mediterranean coast, springboard to the Silk Road. This phase of European history led ultimately to the Albigensian crusade and the horrors of the inquisit…

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Judeo-Christian America: The Fall of the ‘Christian Nation’

…eligious composition of the nation. The first half of Tri-Faith America focuses on the early-twentieth-century battle between those who considered the United States a “Christian nation” and those who pushed for the tri-faith concept. The forces for unity and exclusion were numerous and powerful. A resurgent Klan was led by men like Hiram Wesley Evans who wanted the nation to be a “Native, white, Protestant supremacy.” Antisemitic and anti-Catholic…

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Bans on Gender Affirming Care for Youth Reveal Purity Culture Is More Than Just an Evangelical Problem

…binary. Nearly every medical form I’ve ever completed requires me to pick between some form of binary gender—i.e., “Are you a man or a woman?” On the rare occasion when a third box is offered, staff still misgender me, and use my legal name instead of the one I write over it. This even happens when I politely add “Preferred Name” to the form or scrawl “PLEASE CALL ME COOPER” above and around the space for the name. The bracelet they put on my wri…

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Elaine Howard Ecklund Wants to Dispel Myths Surrounding Religious Resistance to Science

…e you okay with your child marrying a scientist”—social scientists love to use that, because it’s a good measure of social distance—heck yeah, everyone would love their child to marry a scientist! These are highly educated people, who we hold in esteem. And “would you like your child to have more science education”—of course! But especially the more conservative faith traditions do sometimes feel like scientists overstep their bounds, and that the…

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Romney “Walks the Line” on Immigration

…ng the line” (and fomenting outrage among base conservatives about Obama’s use of executive order—never mind the Bush administration’s use of the same) is meant to distract from the fact that the GOP does not have a viable, reasonable strategy for addressing the broken immigration system in a way that balances even the interests of its own stakeholders.   Yes, immigration is one of those big-time challenges that requires an everyone-at-the-table s…

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Archbishop Boots LGBT Catholics from Philly Church

…From Catholic Perspectives” scheduled for September 25 which reportedly caused Chaput to cancel the group’s permission to use the space. “Unfortunately, this is yet another instance of the kind of exclusion LGBT Catholics and supporters have endured for decades. Bishops have refused to allow us to meet in our own Churches, retreat centers and colleges,” Equally Blessed said in a statement. “There is a lack of information in the Catholic Church ab…

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God is a Terrifying Monster, and Other Takeaways from the Study of Vampires in Pop Culture

…napped with my iPhone while on a trip to southern Ohio. I didn’t intend to use it for the book; I just thought it was a great picture. But as I considered cover ideas, that image of a decaying church perfectly embodied what I was trying to say in the book. Is there a book out there you wish you had written? How do you even narrow down a question like this? Fiction? Non-fiction? Historical? Contemporary? Other than naming my all-time favorite novel…

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The Heart of Texas Ain’t Hateful: An Open Letter to Lawmakers From a Texan Trans Queer Latinx

…seated sense of awareness of difference. When I was a young trans queer, I used to love visiting the Texas statehouse, with its statuesque building that I believed was filled with good people committed to making our beloved state better. I loved standing underneath the rotunda that was as round as the Texas sky is big. I enjoyed traversing the state—from Big Bend to the Panhandle—and, back then, did not know the fear that I do now when I think of…

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