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Inside the Evangelical Beliefs and Practices that Facilitate Abuse in Families like the Duggars’

…nd speakers at IBLP conferences. In fact, Jim Bob and Michelle were in Big Sandy, Texas preparing to deliver a speech at the IBLP annual Family Conferences last week when a warrant went out for their son’s arrest. The prevalence of sexual predation among IBLP leaders and devotees is no coincidence. As Chrissy Stroop writes here on RD, Josh Duggar’s indiscretions are just one symptom of far deeper theological roots that enable abusers and gaslight,…

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Not Peace, But Division? Evangelical Vaccine Refusers Divide Families

…their stories of vaccine-related family strife on the record. Cheryl from Santa Cruz, California, who asked to be identified only by her first name, described the struggle to convince her evangelical mother to get vaccinated. “It’s been maddening to see my parents putting themselves at risk to maintain relationships with their siblings during the past year,” she says, adding: “When she got her first Moderna shot, her sibling tried to intervene to…

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First Roe, Then Contraception: Unless Action is Taken, Supreme Court is About to Strike Down Fundamental Rights of American Women

…e and medical services? First, that case was decided before Roberts was outnumbered by conservative justices who want change now. Roberts is an incrementalist, but still deeply conservative. He wants to change things slowly to preserve the legitimacy of the court and its ability to move the country in line with his conservative ideology. But now there are five conservatives who don’t care, who, as we’ve just seen, are willing to overturn precedent…

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Convergence of Far-Right, Anti-Democratic Factions in the Northwest Could Provide a Model for the Rest of the Nation

…he NAR camp include Donald Trump’s spiritual advisor, Apostle Paula White; Texas-based Christian Right strategist David Barton; Rev. Samuel Rodriguez of the National Hispanic Leadership Conference; and Lt. Gen. William Boykin, (ret.) Executive Vice President of the Family Research Council. Taylor’s Kingdom League International website declares, “We are a covenantal alliance of leaders, ministers, churches, ministries and networks collaborating tog…

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Biden’s New Domestic Terrorism Strategy Addresses Trump’s Omission of White Nationalism, But Fails to Address Targeting of Black and Brown Americans

…surveilled white nationalists, including Civilian Materiel Assistance, the Texas Light Infantry, and the American Pistol and Rifle Association, in an operation called PATCON, short for Patriot Conspiracy. Unlike the COINTELPRO operation that ran from 1956 to 1971 and the systemic surveillance of Muslim Americans after 9/11 PATCON neither resulted in prosecutions nor in the criminalization of white Americans, nor in the suspicion of white people ev…

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Religion in Real Time on CNN’s “Believer”: A Conversation with Reza Aslan

…volve to changing times. Part of why Catholicism is stagnant in Mexico and Santa Muerte is ascendant is that Santa Muerte has the ability to respond to the changing needs of Mexicans in an instant, whereas Catholicism doesn’t. Santa Muerte is a little speedboat and Catholicism is an ocean liner—it takes about a day for an ocean liner to make a left turn, whereas in that time Santa Muerte’s already done three or four circles. I spent two years rese…

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How a 15th Century Book on Witchcraft Helps Make Sense of Trump’s Bizarre Baby Execution Story

…after they are born. On February 12, at his border wall rally in El Paso, Texas, Trump accused governor Ralph Northam of Virginia of plotting to execute babies: The governor stated he would even allow a newborn baby to come out into the world, and wrap the baby, and make the baby comfortable, then talk to the mother and talk to the father, and then execute the baby. Later in February he tweeted that “the Democrat position on abortion is now so ex…

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Critical Race Theory is Just the Latest Battle — ‘The Bible Told Them So: How Southern Evangelicals Fought to Preserve White Supremacy’

…ck minister Dwight McKissic removed his 1,600 member congregation from the Texas state convention over the organization’s outspoken repudiation of critical race theory. But McKissic’s departure would become the first of many desertions from the SBC after noted Bible teacher Beth Moore and ethicist Russell Moore resigned from the denomination over its mishandling of sexual abuse allegations and tolerance for white supremacists. The Bible Told Them…

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Benefit of the Doubt? The Shaky Ethics of Giving Prime Time to Trump’s Propaganda

…st watch list were apprehended trying to cross the southern border (actual number: 6). These are the same networks that have reported for many months that the rate of unauthorized border crossings is way down, that experts who actually understand smart border security believe physical barriers don’t work, and that even conservative members of Congress whose districts lie along the border (e.g., Will Hurd of Texas) think Trump’s proposed barrier ma…

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First Baptist Church, Sutherland Springs Texas

Can Government Solve The Evil Of Mass Shootings? A Response to Mollie Hemingway

Yesterday’s shootings at the First Baptist Church in Sutherland Springs, Texas were horrific and especially cruel given the tight-knit nature of a small community. It was more than a little surreal to see Christianity Today report that, what is now the nation’s fourth-worst gun massacre (the shootings in Las Vegas being number one), was “only the 14th mass murder at an American house of worship since 1963.” Only! We have to have rankings of such…

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