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Dispatch from Charlottesville: “It Was a War Zone. It Felt Like There Were a Million Nazis.”

…nk that surprise reflects a whole lot of white privilege. Let me just say this: This happened in part because the state is complicit in white supremacy. The police being behind barricades, or inside Emancipation Park, smiling and laughing, while people are getting the shit beat out of them, is not just a reflection of the police “pulling back,” it is a reflection of their being complicit. And we, as counter-protestors, and as people who were tryin…

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Why Anti-Gay Bullying is a Theological Issue

…umental, systematic violence. It intends to silence and to destroy from within. While most of us will never be physically attacked by another human being, all of us know we are targets. A Theology of Anti-Gay Bullying Anti-gay bullying is a theological issue because it has a theological base. I find it difficult to believe that even those among us with a vibrant imagination can muster the creative energy to picture a reality in which anti-gay viol…

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Protesters in Washington DC, the day before the January 6 insurrection, wrapped in American flags blow shofars.

Netanyahu’s Genocidal Religious Rhetoric isn’t Just an Appeal to the Israeli Right — He Has Another Constituency in Mind

…complete, Mather believed they had to fully annihilate Native Americans. This is demonstrated in his recounting of the Mystic Massacre of 1637 where roughly 700 Pequot Indians were burned alive: “Men as the Pequots, whom the First Planters of New-England found in the Wilderness. …These Ammonites perceived that they had made themselves to sink before the New-English Israel… Five or Six Hundred of these Barbarians were dismissed from a World that w…

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The Faith Outreach Canard

…major problems with this argument: first, it’s factually inaccurate — the numbers are simply wrong. While Democrats experienced significant losses compared to the last mid-term election in 2006, which was a good year for Democrats across the board, Sapp overstates the losses by a factor of two. The actual decreases in support between 2006 and 2010 for Democratic candidates in the House were 8 points among all white Protestants (37 percent to 29 p…

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55% of Utah Mormons Believe LGBT People can “Change”

…n of homosexuality? Yes, Mormons are. Are we still holding to Levitical prohibitions of homosexuality, which also declare the eating of shellfish an abomination? Yes, Mormons are. Even those who love a good shrimp cocktail. There are more nuanced aspects of Mormon theology which pertain to the importance of marriage as a salvific rite and have been marshaled in opposition to the legalization of same-sex marriage. These too deserve to be carefully…

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The Devil is in the Details

…I have access to them while in transit but enough supply for three weeks. Things like this make packing not quite final until the last day, and then I’ll be off. I even start wearing clothes I know I won’t be taking, so I don’t have to worry that my last laundry is missing something I need there, because I’m still wearing it over here. The other thing is making amends with my children. All week I’ve been trying to keep my notes generated about thi

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What Pence and Kaine Reveal About Divides in Catholicism

…tional defense for right-leaning Catholics. And, as Jack Jenkins notes at Think Progress: …if this sort of dissenting spirit was unique among modern American Catholics, one could plausibly argue that the United States has created an environment that bifurcates Catholics in unusual ways. But it’s not: In 2014, a global survey conducted by Univision found that most of the planet’s Catholics disagree with the church on birth control, abortion rights,…

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Do Space Aliens Need Baptism? The View From Gliese 581g

…ke to look up at the night sky and wonder: Are we alone? Douglas Adams, in his Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, wrote in all truth, “Space is big. You just won’t believe how vastly, hugely, mind-bogglingly big it is. I mean, you may think it’s a long way down the road to the chemist’s, but that’s just peanuts to space.” What’s more, whether or not it reflects reality, there is an unavoidable psychological tendency to associate the small with the…

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Commies, Blacks, Jews, the UCC and Other Threats to America

…no compelling ideology, no good news for anyone who hasn’t been following his worn-out shtick for thirty years. So, good if they’re afraid of the religious left. It means we’re doing our job. And just in case anyone missed the number of religious progressive groups endorsing the rally, here’s a list culled from One Nation site. Their list of endorsers is pretty long, so I apologize if I missed somebody: Rainbow PUSH Coalition The Shalom Center Un…

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Halloween, Evangelicals, and the Macabre

…master as a means of empowerment. Dr. Frankenstein is quickly repulsed by his creation for which he wishes to take no responsibility. The rest of Mary Shelley’s story is devoted the disastrous results of Frankenstein’s creation, not only due to the doctor’s decision to create such life, but also in his later refusal to take responsibility for it. In a pivotal moment, the creature asks the doctor why he was created. If our monsters could ask why t…

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