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“The Call” Warns of Antichrist Legislation in California and Beyond

…we’re going to return to our wedding vows.” Engle and his cofounder of the International House of Prayer (IHOP) in Kansas City, evangelist Mike Bickle, insist that continual prayer is required for this covenantal relationship to be restored in preparation for Jesus’ return. Bickle said, “God wants to build a global house of prayer before Jesus returns,” and Engle called it “a global army of prayer in the last days.” “Do you believe America can cha…

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Can a Greek Monastery Be Ground Zero of Global Financial Meltdown?

…k at it.  Once the shocking state of the Greek economy became clear to the international community and representatives from the IMF and the EU had a closer look at the Greek books, the story we’ve all heard in pieces began to emerge.   Nationalized industries like the railroads paid employees salaries out of all proportion to their competitors (in reality of course nationalized companies have no competitors—that’s part of the problem), and offered…

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Rand Paul and the Influence of Christian Reconstructionism

…y and Banking. In that book, North explains his view that the cause of the international debt crisis of the 1980s was the Federal Reserve System. The solution, he maintained, rested in eliminating that institution and moving to a hard money standard. It sounds familiar to Paul-ites, but for North it is all based in the biblical command to have “just weights and measures.” Paul, in very similar language, attributed our current debt and economic cri…

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Focus on the Family Cashes in on Anti-Gay “Day of Truth”

…relative peak a couple of months ago, leading “ex-gay” organization Exodus International dropped its sponsorship of the annual “Day of Truth” designed to counter the “Day of Silence” observed by gay kids and their allies at schools around the country. At the time, Exodus cited the “Day of Truth” activities as too divisive in an atmosphere where kids were being bullied to death for their sexual orientation. Have no fear, though, because the Focus o…

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Waterboarding in the Living Room

…tention and interrogation in countries where—in the CIA’s view—federal and international legal safeguards do not apply; in other words, to countries that torture. The U.S. has long been engaged in torture: from the genocide of native peoples, to the lynching of African Americans, to the School of the Americas, to the Tuskegee Institute, to the treatment of prisoners in US prisons. And, as this most recent case shows, US torture culture is not limi…

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Why All the Silly Devil Talk Should be Taken Seriously

…a talented platinum-album-selling, award-winning woman who achieved a mass international following through dedication and hard work. Instead, she is a witch. [See also: “Lady Gaga’s Secret Religion.”] Finally, popular culture and the occult associations are a class issue. Jay-Z and Beyonce are a top-earning couple who made $122 million between June 2008 and June 2009. If they keep doing what they’re doing, their great-grandchildren will have old m…

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Robertson’s Organizations Persist in Calls for Probe of Congressional Muslim Staffers

…ent on to claim — something already disputed by Khan — that the Council on American Islamic Relations chooses the speakers. “This group,” said Sekulow, referring to the CMSA, “meets under the United States Capitol dome, they actually meet at the United States Capitol, at taxpayer expense. If CAIR is running prayer meetings there, and bringing in known terrorists, the American people deserve to know about it.” As the interview went on, it became cl…

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Nonviolent Resistance in the West Bank: A Review of Budrus

…likely to raise objections, is Bronner’s underlying assumption: Above all, Americans want to know whether the Palestinians have really committed to a strictly nonviolent struggle and whether they should, whether that approach will gain their independence. The same questions framed his colleague Nick Kristof’s reporting from the West Bank, when he lamented that Palestinians were still “waiting for Gandhi.” If Gandhi himself could reappear, though,…

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Homosexual Thoughts and Feelings Not a Sin, Says New LDS Handbook

…to refer members to practitioners of reparative therapy such as Evergreen International. Reparative therapy has been discredited by scientists and professionals and, in some instances—including the electroshock aversion therapy prescribed by BYU-affiliated practitioners in the 1970s—exposed as abusive. 4. Adds the counsel that LGBT members who remain chaste should be “supported” and “encouraged” by Church leaders and be included in every dimensio…

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US Catholic Bishops Elect a Culture Warrior

…bishops. But she was also nobody’s fool. As the distinguished historian of American Catholicism James Terence Fisher has stressed, Day was shrewd enough to become one of the most influential American Catholics of the twentieth century. And just because she didn’t get into rows with the bishops doesn’t mean she was their lackey. A colleague the other night told of once seeing Dorothy pitch a fit at the editor of her newspaper, The Catholic Worker,…

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