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New Research May Explain the Weakness of Centrism and the Religious Left

…n’t interested in playing nice with people they considered wrong-headed at best and apostates at worst. I was once told by a member of my congregation that I was the kind of guy who would hold the gas chamber doors when “they” ushered in conservative Christians, which spoiled any transpartisan illusions I may have had. To make matters worse, the explosion of the “nones” in recent years meant that Democrats had a lot more to lose by not standing up…

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GOP Candidate: Obama is Taking Your Freedom to Find the Lord

…rsonal choice between you and the god or gods you don’t believe in. What’s best about America, though, is that each person, religious or not, has the right to be treated with both equality and equity by their government (though they may have to fight for that right to be recognized). I find it odd, though, that those who make the best arguments for the separation of church and state are most often those trying to marry the two until death do us al…

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What is a “Religious Progressive” Anyway?

…logger!” “Yes, O Majestic Keepers of the Paycheck?” we inquired, doing our best not to snivel overmuch. “Give me nine hundred words on the definition of ‘progressive!’” O.D.O. barked, nearly upsetting their daily snort of Maker’s Mark and English breakfast tea while they lightly tossed a link from TPMDC at our head: Poll: Majority Of Americans Not Quite Sure What ‘Progressive’ Means. “Define it! Own it! Spare no expense! Send a telegram to the Sov…

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Satanic Harmonies and Zoom Church: Readers Respond

…For one thing, I’m a Niebuhrian. I find the idea of progress difficult at best. For another, having many friends in the disability community and close relatives who have been immunocompromised and at great risk from the pandemic, yes, I’m pretty sensitive to “the terrible dilemma faced by the disabled.” I don’t think that’s anything to apologize for. More important, N.T.’s argument implies that “fully-abled persons” have a duty to attend church i…

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CNN Editor Leaves Over Tweet on Hezbollah ‘Giant’

…ly a democratically elected party in Lebanon, with which the US government deals with on a regular basis. Unfortunately, CNN fell into pattern and abandoned one of their reporters instead of standing up for her. Initially, CNN even refused toexplain what Nasr had done wrong, quoting a super-secret social media policy that even they are not fully aware of. Eventually, the decision was made that their reporters in America are not as free as American…

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How “Mindfulness” Lost Its Mind

….g., health, education) but: a) it is no miraculous panacea even under the best of conditions; and b) it can be pernicious when mixed with a focus on the self; selflessness is part of the essence of mindfulness, and self-focus perverts it. Regarding its being a panacea, I show in the book how even the best-designed, most robust research on mindfulness is overhyped. Regarding the pernicious effects of self-focus, those are general in a species that…

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Aliens, Nanobots, & Microbes: The Science of Secular Apocalypse

…o had kids. A lot of them are very open to debate. And so we went out on a number of occasions and had two or three drinks and talked about the ethics of having a kid. There are legitimate questions to be asked, just at an existential level, about whether it’s right to bring something into the world that will suffer—and also experience pleasure—but will suffer and eventually perish. Let’s imagine the best world we can imagine. Is it right to bring…

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Jerusalem Honors Right-Wing Mogul Sheldon Adelson

…” They ought to be offensive to Israelis as well, but Adelson is doing his best to spread the message through Israel HaYom (Israel Today), a free tabloid that is the country’s must-read news outlet. Adelson told reporters at the Jerusalem gathering that he does not dictate the newspaper’s coverage or editorials, but that both reflect his point of view and that of his close friend, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. In a nation of news junkies, Isr…

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Thank You, Satanists

…ect to my will alone. I make any decision regarding my health based on the best scientific understanding of the world, even if the science does not comport with the religious or political beliefs of others. My inviolable body includes any fetal or embryonic tissue I carry so long as that tissue is unable to survive outside my body as an independent human being. I, and I alone, decide whether my inviolable body remains pregnant and I may, in good c…

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New Book on Trump and Evangelicals Gets it Mostly Right

…tories within evangelicalism. Fea repeatedly notes evangelicals’ mixed (at best) history with respect to race relations. He devotes nine pages to the history of racial fear in the evangelical South, but he never gets messy with the most telling factor: that no other religious group even remotely approaches white evangelicals’ preference for Trump. Race proved one of the most decisive predictors of Trump support, and white evangelicals were the mos…

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