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Religious Freedom Advocates Warn of “Theocratic Zones of Control”

…ions. Sonfield writes that as the concept of religious liberty has become “highly politicized and distorted,” the “concept of balancing competing rights, responsibilities and needs seems to have given way to religious liberty trumping all other concerns.” He says social conservatives are now “using laws like RFRA to erode rights, programs and services that they wish to eliminate entirely but have been unable to do so directly through other means.”…

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Why Liberal Religious Arguments Fail

…all eager to tell us how gruesome the unemployment and discouraged worker numbers continue to be, and how desperation and depression are taking their toll for millions who struggle for a livelihood. If there is any passion at all in these recitations, it is a passion in the head. Better than none, I suppose. But if we want to galvanize people who themselves are not struggling around the grim state of the economy, reeling off the facts won’t cut i…

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To Be Atheist, Feminist, and Black

…nd self-sacrificing. Black female churchgoing and religious belief are the highest in the nation — making African American communities the most unwaveringly religious in the U.S. At the same time, African American communities are among the most economically and racially disenfranchised; in the U.S., African Americans are still disproportionately poor, under-educated and over-incarcerated. Black incarceration rates and black homelessness parallel e…

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Charged with Impiety: When Black Bodies Defy Tradition

…ety. Nationalism and patriotism are not abstract principles expressing the highest ideals, they are part of American civil religion. And as a new generation of scholarship and activism argues, white supremacy is woven into the very fabric of that system of belief. In 2015’s Stand your Ground: Black Bodies and the Justice of God, Kelly Brown Douglas tells the story of a 1923 Supreme Court case in which an Indian immigrant, Bhagat Singh Thind, petit…

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The Tragedy of Religious Freedom

…ly to them. One law professor, Marc DeGirolami, has claimed these disputes highlight the “tragedy of religious freedom”: that is, the realization that “decision making in this area… will be forever burdened by tragic outcomes, results that sacrifice important values whose loss cannot be compensated by the triumph of others.” Consider these stories from the past few weeks alone: Wheaton College received a permanent injunction permitting it to not c…

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Christian Nationalism is Authentically Christian — And According to a New Poll Most White Evangelicals are Supporters

…ecifically, frequent church attendance correlates not with lower, but with higher Trump support. A new report by PRRI now confirms the trend with respect to the broader phenomenon of Christian nationalism, the preferred ideological vehicle for evangelicals’ pervasive authoritarian attitudes. The report, “A Christian Nation? Understanding the Threat of Christian Nationalism to American Democracy and Culture,” divides Americans into Christian nation…

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Christian Voter Guide: Jesus is Wrong on the Issues and Wrong for America

…od will bless the USA. Liberty, better jobs and God’s protection come from higher scores. Helping those with lower scores means more troubles from God’s judgment for disobeying the Holy Bible, as well as unjust laws against God. This chart also reveals what percentage of a true American the person is. Candidate Overall Rating Fears God Demands to Have Christian Religious Liberty Insists to Have God-given Rights Truthful Hates Covetousness 1) Mike…

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Recounting (Again)
The Role of American Religious Activists in Uganda Anti-Gay Violence

…iate a court challenge to Rolling Stone and on January 3 of this year, the High Court of Uganda ruled that the newspaper had violated the plaintiff’s constitutional rights to dignity and privacy and issued a permanent injunction. “We can only hope that David’s murder will serve as a wake-up call to Uganda’s leaders of the dangers of silence and inaction in the face of the deadly homophobic environment that has taken root in Uganda and to which man…

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Mass Bible-Based Sexual Dysfunction as Root of Culture Wars? Frank Schaeffer Breaks It Down

…in every age. What has changed is that the stakes have gotten intolerably high because of our growing capacity to do global harm. Did you have a specific audience in mind when writing? Anyone raised in a home where one or more parent or sibling was driven by a sense of passionate mission, be that of the left, right, religious, political or social. How does one separate one’s self from a driven tribe? Are you hoping to just inform readers? Give th…

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Archbishop’s Theology is Wearing No Clothes

…marriage as we know it today being but one of them. Most troubling in this high-strung piece (“please, not here,” he squeals several times) is what feminist theologian and philosopher Mary Daly called “reversals” or “inversions”—the intellectual strategy of turning things upside down and inside out so as to end up with the very opposite of what is intended. For example, Dolan describes how China and North Korea supposedly “‘redefine’ rights, relat…

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