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Day of (Anti-Bullying) Silence Shows “Pro-Family” Activists to be Anti-Gay Bullies

…to protect them from being “sexually indoctrinated” in schools where their classmates will remain silent. Moreover, SaveCalifornia’s response seems decidedly like bullying. Since the school funding is based on attendance, they advocated keeping students out of the classroom for the explicit purpose costing the school money to “prevent the Day of Silence” and/or “punish” school administrators that “allow” students to remain silent. Calling the even…

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The Jersey Shores of Tripoli: MTV and Arab Revolution

…Lithuanian, but these differences seemed perfunctory. They were just white Americans, to me and to themselves. Their subcultures were formed by class, music, sports, and other local criteria, and rarely by either faith or ethnicity. Here’s a secret, white people: For us brown people, you were long part of a magical, all-powerful civilization, and we had no idea how in the hell you did it (these days, it seems, you’re desperately wondering the same…

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Women and Children First: Syria’s Day of Dignity

…t is largely unaffiliated with political parties, and cuts across economic class, with a strong showing in the countryside. While the regime claims a progressive agenda on gender, neither women nor men are free in an authoritarian state. Women and children are at the forefront of the movement for freedom in Syria, a movement as inclusive as Syria is diverse.   In the Lead-up to Day of Dignity: Children Imprisoned Two dozen schoolchildren tagged th…

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Shari’ah (Panic) Threatens the Constitution

…ers legitimates the whole creeping, toxic American system of providing one class of legal protections for some but not others: special laws for children of immigrants, special laws for people who might look like immigrants, different jails for those who seem too dangerous, special laws for people worthy of wiretapping, and special laws for corporations. After today it will be easier than ever to use words and slogans to invent classes of people wh…

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Abortion’s Not in Kansas Anymore?

…ics, Kansas abortion facilities were licensed as part of this more general class of ambulatory surgical centers, or ASCs. Twenty-one states, now including Kansas, impose targeted licensing requirements on abortion clinics for abortions performed during any stage of pregnancy. Critics of TRAP laws claim that such rules bear no relation to patient safety and are offered in bad faith. The intent, they say, is not to make abortion safer, but to make a…

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How Evangelicals Pick Presidents

…was going to win.’” (Some of those “prophetic voices” included Barton and American Family Association founder Don Wildmon, who is listed as part of the “leadership” of Perry’s prayer August prayer meeting; one person singled out for Huckabee’s ire was Hagee, who hosted Huckabee for a sermon at his church just days before Christmas 2007, but then endorsed John McCain.)  Huckabee had a problem: while he was beloved by many evangelicals who believed…

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How Religion Shapes Sex Discrimination at Wal-Mart

…ening arguments before the Supreme Court in the landmark Dukes v. Wal-Mart class action suit—no big surprise from the Court that gave us Citizens United (2010). But as a nationwide assault on workers’ rights continues, it’s worth remembering the role that gender and religious views of gender play in the fate of labor. And experts say there’s little doubt that religion played a role in shaping the “Wal-Mart Way” on gender. (Recent stats show that t…

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Mark O. Hatfield and the Politics of an Earlier Era

…d are the peacemakers. We’re with you, Mark.” Hatfield’s speech, entitled “American Democracy and American Evangelicalism—New Perspectives,” returned the favor. Fuller’s mandate, Hatfield said, was to offer a social and ethical alternative to the “Biblical Nationalists.” Fuller’s evangelical leadership should revolve around three pressing issues—war, race, and the distribution of wealth—all moral, even spiritual, obligations that could return evan…

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Humiliation and ‘Success’ in the Great Recession

…Depression, when the worst of all hard times brought out the best in many Americans. To the point that, years later, many old-timers could recall those days as both unimaginably horrible and unimaginably wonderful. Re-read Studs Terkel’s Hard Times if you doubt it. ’Buked and scorned for centuries by white oppressors, African Americans built for themselves a rich religious and ethical culture filled with tenderness and respect for personhood. Som…

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Religion, Marriage, and Maine’s Tortured Soul

…e who claimed that at her public school she was made to feel like a second-class citizen for being straight. It seemed like a ludicrous assertion, so I asked filmmaker Joe Fox who told me that those teens were brought out to read their scripted statements, then declared off limits for follow-up questions. Question 1 also makes it clear that religion was a motivator for many people on the pro-equality side as well, documenting campaign events organ…

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