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What in the Name of the Crusades are Tennessee Evangelicals Doing in Kurdish Iraq?

…ruling families and the Bush/Cheney Iraq war effort. In her groundbreaking 1989 book Spiritual Warfare: The Politics of the Christian Right, Sara Diamond defines the term as “A form of intense prayer—often accompanied by ‘charismatic’ practices such as speaking in tongues—intended to change either a material or supernatural situation.” Can you explain the role that ‘spiritual warfare,’ plays with SGI? In their 2000 book, Our Father’s Kingdom: The…

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#TeachAcceptance and the Fight for the Soul of SF’s Catholic Schools

…the Support SF Teachers group and create the hashtag “TeachAcceptance” in support of a welcoming attitude toward LGBT teachers, students, and community members. Reports that Cordileone is backing down, however, appear premature. In a statement released after the Chronicle story broke, the diocese said: The Archbishop has not repealed anything. He is adding explanations, clarifications, and material on Catholic social teaching … With respect to th…

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McCain’s VP Courts Conservative Evangelicals

…upport its intent, and had earlier shown her anti-gay rights colors in her support of a 1998 ban on same-sex marriage, which she defended by saying: “I believe that honoring the family structure is that important” — an emphasis on structure that surely rings true to “pro family” advocates of complementarian marriage roles. How does Palin square these nods to traditionalist family structure with her national aspirations? Through a disclaimer famili…

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Are You Doing Your Part in the Baby War?

…and policies that strip poor, working and middle class families of social support. Everything from food stamps to public education to health care are on the chopping block, while they encourage expanded government funding for a large panel of “faith-based initiatives” that are ostensibly intended to transfer the social welfare role from the government to religious organizations. In other words, transferring even more public money and power to rel…

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A New Book By Esteemed Sociologist Robert Wuthnow Struggles to Show ‘Why Religion is Good for American Democracy’

…dy’s. To his credit, Wuthnow does take note of the way in which, during the 1980s and 1990s, the focus of traditional Catholic discourse around human dignity was increasingly transferred from concern for the dignity of the poor to concern for the fate of the “unborn.” He also takes note of how the language of victimhood—the endless whining about alleged anti-Christian persecution—became a central feature of Religious Right rhetoric during these de…

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Romney’s Religion of Happiness vs. Gingrich’s Religion of Grievance

…statute that would grant fertilized eggs equal protection rights under the 14th Amendment, and strip federal courts of jurisdiction to hear challenges to it. Such a law was proposed by Robert George of the American Principles Project, and author of the Manhattan Declaration, an iconic document for the religious right which maintains that the religious liberty of Christians under assault by LGBT and reproductive rights. Gingrich has previously dec…

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How America’s Charismatic Christianity Helped Fuel the Fantasyland Presidency of Donald Trump

…w America’s Conspiracy-Theorist-in-Chief, a position that he attained with support from 81 percent of white evangelicals. Does this research help account for that? It’s bizarre. It’s interesting, because he is not, in any meaningful sense, a Christian. So why is it that our most fervently Christian fellow citizens support him so strongly? Well, as you say, our most fervently Christian white citizens. I think there is something there—it suggests th…

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Christian Pol, Attacked for Opposing ‘In God We Trust’ in School, Talks Church and State

…public official, I am accountable to the people I serve for the policies I support and the positions that I take. I am on the ballot, not my religion. Fifteen years ago, I wrote and spoke about my support for gay marriage coming from my religious faith, not despite it. This was in response to people asserting that because their religious beliefs held that same-sex marriage was evil and sinful, the Minnesota Constitution should be amended to ban it…

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Attack on the US Capitol Has Many Journos Finally Taking White Evangelical Authoritarianism and Christian Nationalism Seriously

…Jeffress and Graham proclaiming that they have no regrets over their Trump support, and that they don’t expect Trump to lose evangelical backing because of the violence. To be sure, they say they condemn the insurrection itself, but they attempt to normalize evangelical Trump support by deflecting blame from the inciter-in-chief. Their comments recall the aftermath of the white supremacist violence at the 2017 “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottes…

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Obama’s Wrong Answer on Leno

…demographics to oppose rape exceptions, and they comprise 37% of Romney’s support, according to the 2012 American Values Survey by Public Religion Research Institute. (Overall, 79% of Americans are in favor of rape exceptions.) Conservative Catholics and mainline Protestants together make up another 38% of Romney’s support. Not all of them oppose rape exceptions; an August 2012 CNN poll found that overall, only 22% of Republicans still think abor…

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