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Taking the Economy Back From the Elites: Blessed Are the Organized

…what makes it an elite affair. The Tea Party was able to scoop up a lot of free-floating resentment and direct it against taxation and the social safety net. It’s true, however, that some of this resentment appears to be truly populist in spirit. If so, it is unlikely to sit well with the funding structure of the organization. Obama employed the rhetoric of grassroots democracy during his campaign for the presidency, and his political apparatus is…

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Science, Syphilis, and the Evolution of Ethics

…e of people in the name of science were going on in post-WWII Germany, the United States Public Health Service was intentionally exposing Guatemalans to the bacterium that causes syphilis, so that different therapies for the disease could then be tested on them. First, infected prostitutes were identified and made freely accessible to ‘volunteer’ prisoners for sex. When this didn’t work so well, attempts were made to infect patients in an asylum f…

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From Christian Temperance to D.A.R.E. — The War on Drugs Has its Roots in White Christian Nationalism

…g religious within its content, yet a conservative Christian reader in the United States today is likely going to see religious significance in the article nonetheless. Protestants consuming media about substance use a century ago similarly saw significant religious implications whether journalists wrote about it that way or not. The antidrug campaigns of Rear Admiral Richmond Pearson Hobson, an influential Prohibitionist, short-term congressman,…

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Mormon Leader Affirms Doctrine on Marriage; and More in Global LGBT Recap

…nces is as impoverished as the concept of rights without responsibilities. Freedom for the pike is death for the minnow; freedom for the hunter is death for the hunted. When it comes to the struggle for life itself, or in the struggle of conscience and belief against coercive liberalism or angry atheism, all know that we are greatly indebted to Alliance Defending Freedom for providing the intellectual ballast, rapier like arguments, and a counter…

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Blaming Young People For the Fall of Roe is Like Holding Firefighters Accountable for Arson

…ry against a sustained and multi-pronged sectarian assault on reproductive freedom. Journalists and historians have sketched the broad outlines of this sustained attack, which has ranged from quotidian sidewalk pickets to drives to amend the U.S. constitution with a Human Life Amendment. But those with the luxury of distance from these sites seldom appreciate what it means to be bombarded day in and day out by graphic signs and aggressive, megapho…

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Who is Mat Staver, Counsel for Anti-Gay Activist Against Suit from Uganda?

…try will no longer be the United States of America but instead will be the United States according to Massachusetts, California, or Vermont.” The posting included a letter written by Lindevaldsen, asking for prayers and help for “Lisa Miller—my client, my friend, my sister in Christ.” The letter, dated September 22, 2008, claimed that Miller “is one of thousands across this nation who have left the homosexual lifestyle through the redeeming power…

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Religious Leaders Accuse Conservatives of Misleading Public on Contraception

…of Christ, the Central Conference of American Rabbis, the Covenant Baptist United Church of Christ, and United Methodist Church also spoke in favor of the legislation, and in support of the campaign. “We hope that we can help women and men understand what’s available to them now and to ask for those things when they come to open enrollment periods with their employers,” said Knox. While the ruling comes into effect in August, many congregants will…

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From Here to Eternity: Of Mormons and Celestial Marriage

…irst marriage in Utah—Groom: 23 Bride: 21 *Median age at first marriage in United States—Groom: 26.8 Bride: 25.1 Marriages contracted so early face significant challenges, so it is good that the Mormon church does not forbid divorce, although the fact that Mormon couples often begin having children soon after marriage (and typically have larger families than the rest of the U.S.) does something to inhibit divorce. Even still, “Utah’s divorce rate…

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SCOTUS Decision Changes the Meaning of Civil Religion in America

…set by the legislative reversals of Ozawa vs. United States and Thind vs. United States (and the shameful Dred Scott decision) would guide the Supreme Court to sanction racializing citizenship and giving the executive branch carte blanche to exclude certain groups. Tuesday’s 5-4 decision proved us wrong. The court’s decision does more than codify exclusionary policies and expand the executive branch’s authority (which the court vigorously attacke…

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Bill Mill-ennialism: Arkansas’ End Times Politics May Be Coming to a State Near You

…gram descriptions. Whatever his fate in these matters, Rapert epitomizes a number of trends on the Christian Right, here in the End Times. While the notion that the Christian Right is dead, diminished or in precipitous decline may never die, the movement nevertheless continues to grow and adapt to the ever-evolving religious and political landscape. Its strength has never been in the raw numbers of conservative evangelicals and conservative Cathol…

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