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From Fox News to the Far(ther) Right — Calls for Violence and Retribution Follow Trump Verdict

…dent Biden, Judge Juan Merchan, Maxine Waters, CNN commentator Norm Eisen, New York Attorney General Tish James, Democratic lawyer Marc Elias, and Chuck Schumer, claims that Democrats are not “above killing their political opposition.” Yes, leading voices on the American Right are openly writing lists of which political opponents, members of the justice system, or parts of the media they want jailed, while at least some of their boots on the groun…

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I May Disagree with You, but I’m Pretty Sure You’re not Satan

…ing front-page, column-one headlines in the national edition of the Sunday New York Times and Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert calling for a “Million Moderate March” on Washington, DC, for October 30, it seems right to ask of these moderates the same questions we here at RD have consistently asked of the Tea Party: does this movement have a religion? Here’s a brief roll call from the moderate camp: Michael Bloomberg: Reform Judaism Jon Stewart: Ref…

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Schools Should Compete for Cash, Obama Says

…sized big and fast over well-structured and thoughtful.” And last week the New York Times ran a juicy Page One report on the droves of hustlers and charlatans who have already tried claim a piece of the action: shameless operators who know zero about education but who promise local school agencies quick results. “Many of these companies clearly just smell the money,” noted Jack Jennings of the Center on Education Policy in Washington DC. I want to…

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“One of Us”: Rick Santorum and the Politics of (Very Big) Family

…e same sort of logic offered by another Louisiana rally-goer quoted by the New York Times, 18-year-old Haley Harris, part of the Oklahoma family band that created the unofficial Santorum campaign song, “Game On!”: “If he can run his household, he can run the country,” Harris (whose pastor dad is part of her band) told the crowd. “One of the things that kind of caught our eye with Rick was the size of his family,” yet another supporter told the Was…

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Glenn Beck’s Salvation Army

…n had indeed restored its honor. The prayer Lee cited had been composed by New York state officials to be read in public school classrooms at the start of the school day. Lee said the prayer “is not an establishment of any particular religion, but an acknowledgment of a truth, and a debt we owe God.” The Supreme Court, with only a single dissenting vote, disagreed. The Court’s decision appealed to the same founders that Beck and Barton are claimin…

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Conservative Christians Insist the Toxic Theology Portrayed in the Duggar Family Doc is ‘Fringe’ — But is it Really All That Different?

…exas governor Rick Perry, former mayor of Indianapolis and deputy mayor of New York City Stephen Goldsmith, and current U.S. Representative Daniel Webster (R-FL). Past members of the IBLP’s Board of Directors and Advisory Board include billionaire and part-owner of the San Antonio Spurs James Leininger, former Congressman Sam Johnson (R-TX), and Georgia State Senator Ralph T. Hudgens. Gothard’s foundational beliefs—the eponymous “basic life princi…

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Commies, Blacks, Jews, the UCC and Other Threats to America

…ately he has nothing else to fall back on, no compelling ideology, no good news for anyone who hasn’t been following his worn-out shtick for thirty years. So, good if they’re afraid of the religious left. It means we’re doing our job. And just in case anyone missed the number of religious progressive groups endorsing the rally, here’s a list culled from One Nation site. Their list of endorsers is pretty long, so I apologize if I missed somebody: R…

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Life Imitates Satire Imitates Life: Rep. King Revives Manchurian Candidate

This week Rep. Peter King of New York alleged that “over 80 percent of the mosques in this country are controlled by radical Imams,” based on a remark made 12 years ago by neoconservative-friendly American Muslim leader, Shaykh Hisham Kabbani. In honor of this magic number and the hearings King will hold next month in order to address the “creeping threat of Sharia law,” RD presents the first edition of Life Imitates Satire Imitates Life.   In th…

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We Were Here Before September 11th

…w when he was a toddler), is opening up in Chicago. It opened last week in New York to grave reviews and a few awards. If you are near by I hope you check it out: “Mooz-lum”, the movie. It is not the story of every African-American Muslim but it is a story about African-American Islam, in one of its many reflections. We are here. We were here before September 11, 2001. Since we survived the peculiar institution of race-based slavery in America, de…

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Fusion Politics: A Way Forward for Bernie Sanders?

Tuesday’s Democratic primary in New York made even clearer a point that has been obvious since Super Tuesday: Bernie Sanders almost certainly will not be the Democratic nominee in 2016. But that doesn’t mean he should get out of the race. As many have argued, when we get to Philadelphia, Sanders can use his total delegate count to leverage changes in the party platform or nomination process. He could press for a $15/hour minimum wage plank, for e…

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