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When Religion is a Refuge for Scoundrels: ‘Ryan Budget’ Edition

…Benedict XVI’s 2009 encyclical, titled Charity in Truth, which criticized free market fundamentalism.” That encyclical included clear and direct criticism of the free-market fundamentalism at the heart of attempts to dismantle financial reform: The conviction that the economy must be autonomous, that it must be shielded from ‘influences’ of a moral character, has led man to abuse the economic process in a thoroughly destructive way. In the long t…

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The Higher the Dome, The Closer to God: “Megachurches” Explores the Arid Architecture of America’s New Sanctuaries

…arted reading about megachurches in the paper around that time, about this new way of worship that Americans were flocking towards. But I had never seen one. I had seen these small businesses and knew about them, but had never seen these megachurches, since I live in an urban environment, and they’re mostly in exurban or suburban environments. That’s when I started going to them and photographing them. It was a companion project to the small busin…

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The Politically Incorrect Guide to Ramadan

…overpray, and oversleep. But all the same, a practice as fulfilling and renewing as Ramadan inspires its own subculture (if that’s what you call the habits and norms of well over a billion people), so I’ve adapted a specialized Ramadan dictionary first featured on my incipient Tumblr blog, which can help you understand how Muslims experience this sacred time of year. ‘Tis the season…  Anticipatory Iftar Induction Syndrome [AIIS]: Muslims can’t fo…

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ACLU and Thomas More Law Center Rush to Terry Jones Defense

…County from a costly federal lawsuit.  As Darrell Dawsey wrote for Detroit News: “With all that this region is going through, you mean to tell me that we can’t deal with some ass-backward country preacher spouting off about his xenophobic fears of Arab-Americans and/or Islam? Indifference, ridicule, pity — any of these would’ve been an appropriate response to this fool. Arguing him down outside the center would’ve been fine, too, for the more pass…

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Rubio’s Awkward Balancing Act Between Evangelicals and Catholics

…issues, particularly abortion, with equally strong support for Republican free-market economic policies. Many of these conservative Catholics, especially those in the public eye, have become more outspoken in asserting a “gospel-centered”, biblical morality in the public square as central to their Catholicism. This is a departure from more conventional notions of Catholicism that focus on private religious practice and charitable works. Rubio’s a…

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Palin Bus Tour Like Gideon’s Fleece

…up their tents across America, traveling in buses and spreading the “good news.” Palin’s bus tour takes that strategy up a notch: it is the “Where’s Waldo” evangelical-political tour bus, touting the “good news” of Palin and her commitment to the “Fundamental Restoration of America.” The reward for those with the stamina to chase her down: a photo opportunity with Palin chatting it up with hoi polloi, with a bonus side of Piper sniping at her mom…

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Paul Ryan’s Bible, Jim Wallis’, Or None of the Above?

…n evil atheist would be persuasive enough, although if you’re not a fan of free-market worship, you weren’t likely to be a fan of Ryan, Rand or no Rand. And if they think conservative Christians will be put off by Ryan’s admiration for an atheist, well, evangelical Christians and secular libertarians have co-existed in the conservative movement for decades. The evangelicals tolerate it, because, minus the atheism, they buy it, too. As Jeff Sharlet…

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‘Religious Freedom’: Constitutional Principle or Electoral Politics?

…s its case for an exemption from the policy, which would not only allow it freedom from following the law on contraceptive insurance, but also to assert without scrutiny that any number of health services violate its religious beliefs. In her interview with Kaiser Health News, Sr. Keehan acknowledged that the CHA still has “some very real concerns in the Church that even if you get rid of the coverage of contraceptives, [there may be] problems in…

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A Better Form of Atheism: Rescuing the Christian Tradition from Religion

…herent. This seems, as you point out, to have a superficial resemblance to New Age ideas of “everything being connected.” How do we avoid such platitudes? Well, I think that you have to avoid being satisfied with platitudes. On a base level, the New Age idea that everything is connected is obviously true but I’m not sure that the content they provide is very convincing. I want to emphasize that things are connected in particular ways, and we can j…

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Enjoy the Kosher Collard Greens, But Understand This: Hebrew Israelites Have Something to Say to the Rest of the Jewish Community

…re deemed inferior simply because they’re not adequate representations of “free” peoples’ cultures. Historically, “slave-shaming” Black American spiritual traditions meant, at best, affirming a moral equivalency between enslaved and free persons, so as to disavow the notion that oppressed people’s spiritual traditions were superior in value to the religious faiths of human traffickers. Take Hebrew Israelism, for example, the primary spiritual trad…

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