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The New York Times Adds a ‘Kinder,’ ‘Gentler’ Anti-Gay Authoritarian Christian to its Roster

…with a side of faux-feminism. Warren once put it this way to Christianity Today magazine: “My hope is that in 30 years, we wouldn’t need anything like the Pelican Project, because local churches would be full to the brim with theologically rooted, theologically trained, institutionally credentialed, orthodox women leaders.” But this (unrealistic) dream is couched in excessive concern over the unease of (conveniently unnamed) male Christian leader…

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The Man Behind Ben Carson’s “Secular Progressive” Fixation

…ughout his campaign, often more dramatically than he did with Christianity Today. Just last month, in an address at Liberty University, Carson inveighed against the secular progressives “who are trying to push God out of our lives.” “Let me tell you,” Carson continued, “our nation’s survival as the pinnacle nation in the world…is rooted in our values system, the values and principles that made us into a great nation. And the real question is: Are…

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Four Changes Evangelicals Must Make

…e conservative editorial policies of their flagship magazine, Christianity Today. It really ought to have some staffers who are free not to parrot the old shibboleths of evangelical political and social ethics, and who are more in tune with the values of centrist liberals. Currently they do little more than uphold knee-jerk Republican positions. The lack of serious political and theological diversity in the magazine’s treatment of current issues i…

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Will Christian Publishers Stand Behind Mars Hill’s Sketchy Legacy?

…at much of the work attributed to celebrity figures in the Christian world today is not their own. But the glaring fact remains that plagiarism is a very serious offense that in non-evangelical settings often results in loss of employment. Yes, in secular circles, author/speakers with star power like Fareed Zakaria can emerge from a plagiarism scandal with their gigs intact. However, even Zakaria was given a one month suspension from Time and CNN,…

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Who Killed Mars Hill Church? There’s One Suspect Evangelicals Simply Aren’t Prepared to Interrogate

…they assess Driscoll. This is particularly strange given that Christianity Today’s official statement of faith says that the Bible is “inspired of God, hence free from error,” and constitutes “the only infallible guide in faith and practice.” Perhaps the best explanation for this curious lack of biblical assessment is that the very practices that Driscoll is critiqued for find sanction in the Bible. The absence of the Bible from the story of RFMH…

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Where Is American Christian Outrage on Russia’s Treatment of Jehovah’s Witnesses?

…in’s father Billy Graham, Carl F. H. Henry—founding editor of Christianity Today—and others harshly criticized religious repression in the Soviet Union. Yet Christianity Today has largely been silent on the subject of abuses in Russia and recently named Uzbekistan a poster child for religious freedom. An article describing the 2017 ban on the Witnesses provided theological reasons for evangelicals to “oppose” them, noting the group’s denial of the…

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A Dismayed Democrat Reads the Bible

…re more moral people, they’d be rich. The scandal of American Christianity today is that it is deeply divided not only about issues like biblical inerrancy and evolution, but it’s deeply divided between a conservative vision of Christianity that emphasizes that what really matters morally is personal morality, the behavior of individuals. Much of that is focused on what I call the ‘loin issues,’ the issues of gender and sexuality. Social values ar…

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Christian Colleges, Gay Faculty—and the Boy Scouts

…gay faculty member at a Christian college, got my attention. Christianity Today posted an interview with the new president of Calvin College, a highly respected member institution of the Council of Christian Colleges and Universities (CCCU), while the Huffington Post’s “Parents” portal featured the reflections of a gay father on the Boy Scouts’ decision to permit scouts to be openly gay, but not its leaders.  Rather than celebrate the Boy Scouts’…

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Gen X, Gadgets, and God

…ster will eventually come to the conclusion that engagement with believers today has to be both digital and mobile. Thus, I wasn’t surprised to read about an Anglican priest in Nova Scotia who offered a “grace for gadgets” service over Labor Day weekend during which the faithful had to opportunity to have their smartphones, laptops, and other mobile electronic devices blessed. In a similar vein, earlier this year, a Methodist church in Texas began…

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Will ‘Pandemic Time’ Save Us From the Inhuman and Destructive Demands of ‘Fossil-Fuel Time’?

…anet is one of the sources of social and ecological ills around the planet today. This “fossil-fueled time,” has literally been constructed over the past century as the mining and use of fossil fuels have sped up the processes of transportation, communication, and production since the time of the Green Revolution after WWII, a period some sociologists refer to as “The great acceleration,” which has now led to the geological time known as the Anthr…

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