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UPDATED: The Coup That Never Ends: ‘Whitemanism’ and the Perils of a Flimsy Liberalism

…he actual history. I cringe a little when white Lefties evoke the glorious days of the 1930s, complete with images of industrial workers of all hues marching arm-in-arm and singing “Solidarity Forever.” That’s not how Black people experienced those years. 3. Whitemanism isn’t the same thing as concentrated wealth, but the two work in tandem. And we can’t fully understand how wealth got concentrated in this country without also understanding how Wh…

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CPAC 2017: Hypocrites on Parade

…asked each man to detail the most critical accomplishments in the first 30 days of Trump’s presidency, Priebus pointed to traditional Republican goals, including the Supreme Court nomination of Judge Neil Gorsuch, which he framed as an example of Trump establishing “trust” with the American people, pointing to the list of 20 names (including Gorsuch’s) that the Trump campaign released as potential nominees last summer. Priebus went on to complain…

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Raw Power Is Just What The Religious Left Needs

…et out the vote efforts in southern Alabama: The Mobile NAACP crunched the numbers and showed local pastoral leadership that whatever they had done in recent years to turn out voters wasn’t working. The pastors then pushed for and got resources to do congregation-wide robo calls and voter reg tables at church events. There are legitimate concerns about churches getting involved this closely with a political campaign, whether Republican or Democrat…

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Kirk Cameron’s Monumental Reveals Subtle Influence of Christian Reconstructionism

…leased The Passion of the Christ, a controversial depiction of Jesus’ last days deeply influenced by the radical Traditionalist Catholic worldview to which he subscribes. This Easter season, without the hype, and even less controversy, Kirk Cameron has released Monumental, a documentary that “seeks to discover America’s true “national treasure”: the people, places, and principles that made America the freest, most prosperous and generous nation th…

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‘Christian Warriors’: Who Are The Hutaree Militia And Where Did They Come From?

they hope to see the Second Coming of Jesus Christ in their lifetime. The numbers vary over time and due to the ways questions are structured. It is clear, however, that more people are excited by this type of apocalyptic belief than can be explained by counting the actual parishoners sitting in the pews in fundamentalist churches. Most of these folks, however, are not considering actual criminal acts or violence. Brenda E. Brasher notes that apo…

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The Roots of White Evangelicalism’s Crisis Are in White Evangelical Churches, Not Republican Politics

…angelical coalition. They insisted this had nothing to do with the bad old days of segregation. They were merely finding the most effective ways to spread the gospel. The more important story tells of burgeoning member rolls in local churches as pastors learned to invest in whiteness in the name of spreading the gospel. Black evangelical pastors such as Clarence Hilliard warned that a theology of church growth that focused on homogeneous congregat…

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By the Way: Religious Right Eats its Own

…ush, the eventual nominee). I tracked Religious Right activists during the days leading up to the caucuses, and I came away convinced that they would emerge as a determined, militant force in the state’s politics. Indeed, they commandeered the state’s Republican Party long ago. “It’s pretty well controlled now by the Christian Alliance,” Steve Roberts, who was ousted as Iowa Republican National Committee member, told the Washington Times. “If some…

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A Writer’s Murder Raises Fears of Death-by-Decree

…tish police while the Azerbaijani author in Baku was stabbed and died five days ago in hospital. You are undoubtedly aware that these two individuals are not the only ones who have insulted the Prophet (Peace be upon him), Quran and Islam. There are some who on a daily basis and in different languages, in the print and Internet, insult religious beliefs in general, and propagate insult against Islam in particular. I doubt it that you and other res…

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Mauled by an Angel: Why Do Americans Need “God’s Secret Agents”?

…pecially active on Earth. These angels, more active than usual in the last days, provide constant help, intervene on behalf of believers (not human beings in general) and even engage in the rather creepy sounding “divine surveillance.” I suspect the evangelical interest in angels has its roots in two important cultural and religious phenomena. First, I would suggest that a real theological quandary for fundamentalists helped to create an interest…

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Jesus for Atheists (and Agnostics, and Nones, and Everyone Else)

…and helpful in the attempt to understand what’s going on our society these days. What’s your next book? I don’t know. I’m open to ideas! After all, the idea for Confessions of a Secular Jesus Follower book was gifted to me, so why would the next one be any different? When it comes to writing books, I’ve learned the hardest part is coming up with a truly good idea. I feel like that happened with Confessions of a Secular Jesus Follower, but it was n…

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