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The Kids Are All Wrong: Texas Tosses The Enlightenment

…aid as much when she prayed: “I like to believe we are living today in the spirit of the Christian religion. I like also to believe that as long as we do so, no great harm can come to our country.” Dunbar was quite clear: only our citizens’ shared belief in Jesus and Divine Providence can save and preserve Texas and the nation—and the SBOE’s new social studies curriculum will teach the youth of Texas just that. Why Keep Calvin? More important than…

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The High Church of Art

…museum escape the fiction of its own secularity and thereby rediscover its spiritual roots, its spiritual task? It is telling that Sweeney’s bold vision was not entirely successful. He resigned from the Guggenheim when Harry Frank Guggenheim encouraged him to promote “a more popular educational approach.” And he was later asked to step down from his post at the Houston Museum when his “innovative if controversial curatorial approach came up agains…

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Evolution and Creation Fight to the Death: What Emerges from the Ashes

…hing they had. Dawkins’ massively successful The God Delusion has sold over 1.5 million copies; some are claiming that it has “mainstreamed atheism” for the first time in American history.  For the contenders, the stakes are ultimate: the very existence of God on the one side, the very existence of science on the other. Is it any wonder that reasoned debates—discussions that acknowledge common ground—are almost nonexistent? When we ran the global…

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Proposition 8, Mormonism, and the Other Fight for Alternative Marriage

…n beings can become like God, who is also married and who is literally our spiritual father in heaven: with his many wives, he not only created but procreated the spirit of every person born physically onto this Earth. Proving oneself worthy of the right to do the same thing in another corner of the universe is, in Mormon belief, the goal and purpose of our mortal existence. The film argues that because gay people cannot procreate on their own, th…

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All the Lonely People: Holiday Blues and the Epidemic of Isolation

…lot of it will be empty blather, but we can hope that at least some of America’s pastors will help us think about what showing good will toward all of God’s children actually requires—and (speaking of angels) about how the better angels of our nature can actually be awakened. In that spirit, we and those preachers might well consider the import of this passage from a lovely prayer by Howard Thurman: “Give me the listening ear. I seek this day the…

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How Not To Respond to Haiti

…d, but illness decimated the troops and they finally surrendered on January 1, 1804. Since then, the small island nation’s fortunes have waxed and waned, often in tandem with American military occupation. In this, her story is like many others, deeply saddening, and offering a glimpse into the “dark side” of the European Renaissance (this is the marvelous title of Walter Mignolo’s important book on the ambivalence of European Modernity in the Amer…

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American Supports Ugandan Anti-Gay Bill

…ly, a stunning view of Uganda’s largest mosque on a nearby hill. Only about 100 people had gathered by the appointed starting time of 2:00 p.m., but many more, the audience was told, would be coming from their earlier church services at their regular parishes. Far from the stage, but clearly in view, several vendors set up meat-roasting stands in anticipation of a crowd that might not fully embrace The Call’s advertised proclamation, “Prayer, fast…

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Religious Right Prays To Lift Curse Of Obama, Glenn Beck’s Commencement Speech, And A Cross In The Desert: The Week In Religion, Poetically

…and an insult to citizens of all faiths.” Eric Lee Garner was sentenced to 17 months in prison after threatening a Muslim woman and her child with a knife, saying of her head scarf, “You Muslim people scare people when you wear things like that.” A German Muslim group supported the display of crucifixes in public schools. “Religion needs to be visible in public space. That applies to all religions,” said a spokesman. A high school band director i…

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Meet The Liberal Tea Partiers

…n the Heritage Foundation began reaching out to social conservatives in the 1990s to win support for tax cuts even for the wealthy, and the success of that outreach can be seen not only in McClusky’s work at FRC Action but in Mike Huckabee’s support for a national sales tax, and the antitax politics of Christian conservatives like Sarah Palin and Michelle Bachmann. Trickle-down economics has trickled down to Christian conservatives, as a September…

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The Transfiguration of the Fanboy: How I Lost One Leper Messiah, and Gained Another, The Conclusion

…n Mick Rock, Blood and Glitter (London, UK: Vision On Publishing, 2001), unnumbered page. The quote in question is from 1974, but he expressed similar sentiments when Ziggymania was peaking, in ’73. [7] See Bart D. Ehrman, Jesus, Interrupted: Revealing the Hidden Contradictions in the Bible (And Why We Don’t Know About Them) (New York: HarperCollins, 2009), passim. [8] Bart D. Ehrman, Jesus, Interrupted: Revealing the Hidden Contradictions in the…

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