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Christian Imperialism in Haiti? Missionaries, Theo-tourism, and the Invasion of the Global South

…are more entrenched) will affect the future of Catholicism in this nation. International money and support will flood into Haiti on behalf of every Christian denomination that has ever had a foothold there, especially as communities go through the work of rebuilding. This aid is desperately needed, along with the presence of aid workers, yet the imperialist attitude that generally accompanies this mission work, this idea that we are “saving the po…

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Israeli Right Demonizes Israeli Left, With American Money

…. The what, why and how of the Israeli offensive not only opened Israel to international condemnation but also galvanized internal critics who charged that the military operation had gone too far—and continues to do so as an Israeli blockade still prevents supplies and reconstruction materials from reaching local residents. Many Israelis have called for an independent civilian investigation of last year’s events, but thus far the government has re…

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Na’vi and Goliath: Palestinian Protesters Dress as Avatar Underdogs

…een going on for almost five years and have attracted the attention of the international media, the photos of the blue-painted demonstrators were seen around the world. The conflict at Bilin revolves around disputes over the West Bank separation barrier—what many Israelis call the ‘security fence’ and what Palestinians refer to as the ‘racial segregation wall.’ The section of the barrier that runs through Bilin separates the villagers from their f…

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Israel Claims Holy Sites, Reignites Religious Flashpoint

…and Muslims are not welcome. As an occupying power, Israel is required by international law to preserve the status quo and to act for the benefit of the local civilian population. But Israel claimed security reasons for its Jewish-only access. “These are Muslim holy sites,” explained Sheikh Taysir Tamimi, head of the Palestinian Shari’a Islamic courts. Tamimi remembers praying in the Bilal Mosque as a child before the Israeli occupation. Today he…

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‘Christian Warriors’: Who Are The Hutaree Militia And Where Did They Come From?

…they hope to see the Second Coming of Jesus Christ in their lifetime. The numbers vary over time and due to the ways questions are structured. It is clear, however, that more people are excited by this type of apocalyptic belief than can be explained by counting the actual parishoners sitting in the pews in fundamentalist churches. Most of these folks, however, are not considering actual criminal acts or violence. Brenda E. Brasher notes that apo…

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Are They Jewish Bones? Battle for Separation of Synagogue & State in Israel

…his coalition’s Ultra-Orthodox constiuents, Benjamin Netanyahu (busy with international affairs in general and with the conflict with the Obama administration in particular) at first made a hasty and incautious decision that may have wide-ranging implications for all Israelis—and not only for those served by the staff of Barzilai Hospital. Then this week, in one of those sudden reversals of policy for which he is now known, Netanyahu told Deputy…

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The Faith-Based Militia: When is Terrorism ‘Christian’?

…s accounts. And while the sentencing was massively covered by national and international media, it would have been fair to describe Roeder as a “Christian terrorist,” though the media didn’t go there; he was described neither as a Christian nor as a terrorist in any of the news or broadcast accounts I could find. In the ’90s, other terms were used to describe what we might now call Christian militias. The most famous militia group at the time, The…

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“I Had No Intention to Write Atheistically”: Darwin, God, and the 2500-Year History of the Debate

…c mind during the late nineteenth century. Spencer’s many followers, whose numbers comprised a virtual social register of the Anglo-American moneyed elite, typically embraced Darwinism as well. In his Autobiography, for example, Scottish-American industrialist Andrew Carnegie recalled the day in the 1870s that his reading of Darwin’s Descent of Man, Haeckel’s History of Creation, and various books by Spencer transformed his life. “I remember that…

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Aung San Suu Kyi: The Verdict is Unfair

…l ended in long prison sentences for all of the accused, and has triggered international outrage. Senator John Webb negotiated Yettaw’s release last week. General Than Shwe reduced Aung Than Suu Kyi’s sentence to a year and a half under continued house arrest. His act of leniency prevents her from playing a role in national elections scheduled for next year. Aung San Suu Kyi is the daughter of Burma’s national martyr and founder of the armed force…

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Rand Paul and the Influence of Christian Reconstructionism

…y and Banking. In that book, North explains his view that the cause of the international debt crisis of the 1980s was the Federal Reserve System. The solution, he maintained, rested in eliminating that institution and moving to a hard money standard. It sounds familiar to Paul-ites, but for North it is all based in the biblical command to have “just weights and measures.” Paul, in very similar language, attributed our current debt and economic cri…

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