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Americans Say Religion is “Losing Influence”

…s ongoing coverage of nones underline the big tent approach to coverage of American ir/a/religion. But do the Gallup numbers point to new ways we might be thinking about business as usual? Two findings are striking. First: Gallup reported that although Americans felt religion’s influence was declining, many—75 percent—agreed that more religion would be positive for the country. Not surprisingly, churchgoers were most gung-ho about religion’s benef…

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Be Prepared: Preachers’ Daughters, Episode Eight

…able in your area—both its presence and its quality. Getting the names and numbers for referrals is a good first step, but you can do much more than that. Which counselors in the area can be trusted not to blame a victim for his or her own abuse? Which social workers and police officers are most responsive to domestic violence reports? Which therapists have sliding fees for young people who have a hard time affording treatment? Ask around, find ou…

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Obama, MLK, Not “Nice” Enough to Moderates?

…utered, de-radicalized form), complete with statue in D.C., that meant all Americans, whether red-stater or blue-stater, conservative or liberal, had agreed on his status as an icon. And “Letter from a Birmingham Jail,” too, had entered American scripture. Not so fast. In reviewing Jonathan Rieder’s work Gospel of Freedom: Martin Luther King Jr.’s Letter from Birmingham Jail and the Struggle That Changed a Nation, the historian Barton Swaim gives…

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What to Make of the Chechnya Connection? An Expert Weighs In

…now that’s not the issue. It’s a false fear that denies the reality of the American Muslim experience, and how all Americans deal with one another. One only has to look at the Islamic Center of Boston’s response in providing doctors and refuge, as well as calling for as many people as possible to join the Boston Marathon next year, to show that Boston will not be cowed.  There is no pattern that indicates when someone is going to do something as a…

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#PrayForBoston: Prayer as a Meme

…political leaders see prayer as some sort of civic cement that will unite Americans across their differences, they might call for prayer and pray with other Americans not just on a politically engineered Thursday each May or in the face of grotesque national tragedies like the one that unfolded in Boston this week, but every time a young woman ravaged by rape or an LGBT teen tortured by bullies is shamed into taking her or his own life. Three yea…

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The Myth of News Media as Secularist Conspiracy

…ological, and theological basics of world religions need to be part of the American educational system. Once they are, coverage not just of religion but also of politics, culture, international affairs, and probably even sports, is bound to improve. Yet, I’m not convinced that improving the American educational system is really at the heart of Cannon’s plaint about religion coverage and his subsequent post on Kermit Gosnell. Gosnell’s practice had…

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The Third Party Publicity Stunt

…risis over marriage equality: should they continue to alienate the growing numbers of (particularly younger) voters in favor of marriage equality or should they continue to make nice with the anti-equality ideologues?  The reality is the anti-equality contingent has nowhere to go that gives it any sort of leverage. By the same token, the GOP needs them like cake batter needs flour. So they’ll probably force the GOP to at least frame the issue arou…

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Historic Prayer by Woman at LDS General Conference Signals Growing Concern with Gender Equality

…Church’s global proselytizing missions—an advance that follows a surge in numbers of women missionaries. Some observers believe that the changes are part of a concerted LDS Church effort to bolster its rates of retention among younger women.  Increased attention to the theology of gender and equality is also evident, both among rank-and-file Mormons and on the part of leaders. Last month, advocates of women’s ordination to the Mormon priesthood—a…

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The Curious Case of Mormons and LGBT Rights

…des in Salt Lake City, Boise, and other cities for the first time in large numbers, carrying banners that read “Mormons Building Bridges” (MBB). Donning Sunday attire and holding signs with messages of love, MBB forbade signs that criticized Church teachings—namely the notion that same-sex intimacy is a sin. Erika Munson, the founder of MBB, has assured me that the marches were a grassroots affair not in any way directed by Church leaders, but giv…

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New Report Raises Questions about Pope Francis’ Response to Sex Abuse Scandal

…th the choice, Pew reports.  What should the new pope’s priorities be, for American Catholics? According to Pew, a top priority is dealing with the sex abuse scandal: Seven-in-ten Catholics say that addressing the sex abuse scandal should be “a top priority” for Francis. U.S. Catholics as a whole attach less importance to other possible priorities on the list. But among Catholics who say they attend Mass at least once a week, roughly equal numbers

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