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Dispatches from the Beltway: Beyond the Graying and Greening Religious Right

…represents not simply a broader agenda but also a significantly different spirit and worldview. Last week, Dr. David Gushee, Distinguished University Professor of Christian Ethics at Mercer University and author of The Future of Faith in American Politics: The Public Witness of the Evangelical Center, talked compellingly about the arrival of the evangelical center at a standing-room-only presentation at Third Way, a progressive think tank in Wash…

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Christianity Without the Cross

…ot the next. What the images said was that God blesses this world with the spirit.” I am easily persuaded that truth is to be found in art. In 2007, although living in the Northwest Territories of Canada, I went on a ten-day pilgrimage to Rome with feminists of faith led by Christine Schenk, CSJ of Future Church in Cleveland and taught by archeologist Dorothy Irvin. We too, as Brock and Parker, crept through the catacombs of Rome, discovering arou…

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Niebuhrian Humility and DC Punditry

…emselves up as dispassionate umpires rising above the partisan fray in the spirit of Niebuhrian humility, when Niebuhr himself would tell them that they were just as prone to error as anyone else. Again, I’ll leave it up to my readers to decide if this is fair to the Villagers or not. I will say that after eight years of George W. Bush’s reign of error, calls for a more technocratic form of government sound welcome. I will also say this much. Rose…

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The Queen is Coming: Preparing for Ramadan

…n, activist and scholar on Islam and gender. All the more to share, all the more to keep a record, all the more then to celebrate, as I do today the next stage in the transition of the human spirit from the planes of the mundane everyday ordinary to the throne of the divine in celebration of the divinity within our selves. Feel free to join me….

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Meet The Liberal Tea Partiers

…ear to raise sales taxes rather than just try to fill the budget hole with service cuts. “It was better to have a regressive tax shared by everyone than lose services,” said Rev. George Reed, the council’s director. This year, the council and statewide coalition is campaigning against corporate tax breaks to help close a $1.5 billion gap in the 2011 budget. Two-thirds of Alabama Arise are religious organizations. Its defeat on April 8 (despite maj…

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Mormons React to Prop. 8 Ruling

…in this country, and we urge people on all sides of this issue to act in a spirit of mutual respect and civility toward those with a different opinion.” As we’ve reported here at RD, members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, responding to a letter from the Church’s First Presidency read over the pulpits during Sunday meeting in June 2008 and other organizing efforts headed by high-ranking and local Church leaders, contributed the…

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“Soul Freedom” versus “Christian Nation”: Exploring the Legacy of Roger Williams

…ed on” in Christ. The orthodoxy of a “Christian society” was the source of spiritual and social stability in which moral society and true religion would thrive and be protected. New England was a “City on a Hill” whose witness would transform corrupt religion of the Old World. Without government sanctions, spiritual heresy and moral chaos would result. This would, for example, require the exile of heretics like Williams, and the execution of heret…

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The ‘Messy’ God of Science

…, was not quite so sanguine. He offered critiques of Polkinghorne, if in a spirit of respect. Take the apparent fine-tuning of the universe, he said. Believers need to be wary of making theological hay with what is also known as the anthropic principle, which essentially asserts that the universe is as such because otherwise humans would not be here to observe it. For one thing, physicists may one day be able to explain it from within the domain o…

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Bobby Jindal Squares Packing Heat with Jesus

…what happens in the sacred space designated for worship, amid the peaceful spirit of a faith that wants to change the world, not bend to society’s lowest standards for resolving problems. Yes, I understand the violent environment in which some worship centers are located. One time in the past, I had a bottle rocket shot at me while I was delivering a sermon in a pulpit. Such an occurrence is frightening. But that is not a reason to replace peace-m…

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To Be Loved or Feared: Doctor Who, part IX

…to shake the holy hand of fate? —Kansas, “Rainmaker” from the album In The Spirit of Things The first of two episodes that together make up the season finale of Doctor Who is “The Pandorica Opens.” Although it ends with quite a cliffhanger, the fact that Doctor River Song had already passed through these experiences when we encountered her in a previous episode suggests that all will turn out okay for her and her husband. Time travel can make for…

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