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Mao, Meet Confucius: China’s Religious Revolution

…tourist attractions. New religious movements, such as Qigong and mind-body-spirit movements, have huge following.  Chinese scholar Qiu Feng has called this religious renaissance the greatest social movement in China in the last thirty years; it has been attributed to many factors—the spiritual vacuum left by the loss of faith in Marxist ideology, increased materialism and consumerism, the strength and vitality of Chinese popular religion, and a ce…

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When Nazi Comparisons are “Civil”

…zing in humility that “we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror” (1 Cor. 13:12). In other words, when it comes to policies and politics, we could be wrong. We must be ever mindful of the language we use and the spirit of our communication. Arrogance and boasting are indeed sins, and violent language can create a poisonous and dangerous public atmosphere. We must take care to not paint our political adversaries as our mortal enemies.  (emphasis…

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State of the Union Stuck in that Olde-Time Semi-Niebuhrianism

…different from Mr. Obama’s SOTU… sort of. Just before he affirmed that the spirit of “civility,” the solution to our dangerous dissention, is the mark of American exceptionalism, he also turned the problem itself—“the noise and passions and rancor of our public debate”—into a mark of exceptionalism. The “contentious debates” are “a good thing,” because “That’s what a robust democracy demands. That’s what helps set us apart as a nation.” He reprise…

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Adult Realism and the State of This Union

…t we do to deliberate about such big problems. The line was offered in the spirit of can-do American industriousness, the notion that when we put our minds to a thing, we achieve it beyond the wildest expectations of a witnessing world. Such a line is neither Niebuhrian, nor necessarily very realistic. The vast majority of the President’s attention in this speech was focused on the economy, for obvious reasons. And he was trying to get back on mes…

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Tim Pawlenty, Bad Fundamentalist

…need for literary criticism or historical interpretation because the Holy Spirit of God spoke truth through the scriptures themselves. Furthermore, the Fundamentalists also held to Scottish Common Sense philosphy, a tradition that argued that facts were readily accessible to every person through common sense. To understand the Bible, all you needed to do was read it—no need to inject your own personal editorial comments. Pawlenty applies similar…

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Will Women Priests Change the Church?

…ook place in Detroit, Michigan; the eponymous organization arose from that spirited event. WOC sponsored another meeting in 1978 in Baltimore where women were very specific about the kind of renewed priestly ministry they would accept: one without clericalism, without mandatory celibacy, without hierarchy, but with the inclusion of all and a focus on social justice. WOC became the go-to organization on these matters, holding subsequent meetings an…

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The End of the Beginning: The Coming of Egypt’s “Wise Men”

…en and women as heroes – and few could deny their bravery, the strength of spirit, or their power of soul. Especially, and particularly, after violence was sent against them. As yet, though, these men and women, who have come from all walks of life and backgrounds, have not provided leaders for themselves. Perhaps somewhere in those crowds are the seeds of a new political party, or people whose names will be known for decades to come – but so far,…

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God-Haters Can Be Great Company

…ure, atheists have been known to condemn God, but they do this in the same spirit as one would condemn a fictional character—say, hapless Othello or the Grinch who stole Christmas. There is absolutely nothing unusual about people expressing disgust and dislike of fictional characters, and that includes the atheists. What is more unusual and, indeed, highly paradoxical, is to encounter people who do believe in the existence of God (hence, for them…

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What is ‘The Square’ that Beat Mubarak?

…he current ruler goes, due to the power of the people. And go he did—on the 11th of February, 2011, a little after 6pm, the vice president of Egypt announced that the president had stepped down, and that Egypt was now under the authority of a military council. That same council declared shortly thereafter that they had no desire to keep power, and that they would take the pertinent steps thereafter. At so many points in the last 18 days, those in…

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Arcade Fire and the Suburban Soul

…t (yet) be a household name, but where the technological revolutions of the 1990s and early 2000s had their aural counterpart in Radiohead (especially OK Computer), today belongs to Arcade Fire, the Montreal-based band whose symphonic rock addresses big questions in narrative song form. Like all award shows, the Grammys serve as an advertisement for an industry—and the music industry certainly needs it, given the collapse of the market for overpri…

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