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Were You Born Selfish?: An Interview with Frans de Waal

…uroscientists are finding that if you present moral dilemmas to humans and look at what happens in the brain, it activates areas that are extremely old, that have to do with emotions. So it’s not just thinking through a number of propositions and reasoning yourself to a moral position. There are certain gut feelings involved in these moral decision-making processes that make it more like a Humean process than a Kantian process, in the sense that i…

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‘It’s Time to Defend our Children Outside of the Womb’: Pray Vote Stand Connects Anti-Abortion and Anti-Trans Messages

…o are the attorney generals in your state? Who are the judges?…you need to look down your ballot. The life issue is on the ballot, down to your local city mayor.” He then laments that “sadly, 20 states still allow elective abortion on demand through all nine months of pregnancy. We have our work cut out for us.” The task ahead, he and others explain, is how to “go all the way” to banning abortion at conception, “with very narrow exceptions.” Cole…

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Trump’s Twitter Rant Helpfully Models Universal Human Depravity, Spokesperson Suggests

…vior is OK?” Huckabee Sanders’ response is well worth examining. She said “Look, I’ve been asked before when it come to role models as a person of faith. I think we all have one perfect role model and when I’m asked that question, I point to God, I point to my faith. And that’s where I would tell my kids to look. None of us are perfect and certainly there’s only one that is.” In other words: No I wouldn’t tell my kids the President is a role model…

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Gays Attacked in Uganda After Mag Publishes Info

…at he’s expecting them for a meeting. Just as she cracks the door to get a look, they force it open and enter the house. A few weeks earlier the Ugandan tabloid Rolling Stone (not associated with the American publication) printed the identities and addresses of 100 known or suspected gays and lesbians under the headline “Hang Them; They Are After Our Kids!!” Startled awake, Yiga discovers that not only has he never seen these men before, but that…

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Santorum from the Religion Angle

…aking the continent ripe for an Islamic takeover. Santorum told me: if you look at Europe, Europe is not fighting by and large. And the reason they’re not fighting is because they’ve lost the culture war. They are a post-Christian country, they are not a people of faith, their churches are empty, they are people who are not reproducing at any rate to sustain a population. I think the number I heard is every 32 years the population, the European po…

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What to Make of the Chechnya Connection? An Expert Weighs In

…t Muslims, and this attack being framed as a religious issue. He says that looking at religion is too often an easy answer in today’s world, and people should look at issues in depth. He believes we need more and better access to mental health care, better gun laws, and most importantly, we need to think about the vast numbers of unemployed people we have, whether in this country or elsewhere—people who have lost hope.  Relying on his vast experie…

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Hungarian Mayor Wants to Import White Christians, Ban Muslims & LGBT People; Global LGBT Recap

…s. Mysterious posters also appeared around the Vatican decrying a sinister-looking pope’s “decapitation” of the Malta Knights order. Speaking of Breitbart, the far-right site published a post complaining about Vitit Muntarbhorn, the UN’s recently appointed independent expert charged with investigating discrimination and violence based on sexual orientation and gender identity: In a recent public consultation, the UN’s newly appointed “independent…

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How Julian Assange Is Like A Televangelist

…g them #MooreandMe so that the feed is unsafe for women or rape victims to look at. And posting the accusers’ names, over and over, because one of the things we’re objecting to is that posting the accusers’ names is subjecting them to massive invasion of privacy, you can find their names and home addresses online, and that might get them hurt or even, like, raped, . . . .  And threatening to hack my PayPal, and threatening to hack Tiger Beatdown….

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Nashville Cats Play Dumb As Backwards Preachers

…sinner” statements, and even those look suspiciously recycled. There is no look into the complexities of sexual orientation, or what it means to form life-long partnerships with someone of the same gender, or how that might reflect the covenant-making God. The authors don’t even stop to consider that same-sex attraction might be more than hedonistic genitalism. Likewise, there’s no thought given to the science regarding gender/sexuality and the di…

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Is Coverage of Liberal Religion a Media Fail?

…in progressive venues, you might want to start with them instead of always looking for an unconventional conservative. Let me just state the obvious here: I have no idea what really went into Vox’s decision, and whether the people doing the hiring really thought it would be super neat to have a gay Christian as a writer. Because we all know—right?—that there are a lot of gay Christian writers who don’t fondly remember Jerry Falwell. (Also Christia…

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