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6 Reservations About U.S. Intervention in Libya

…o him may fight to the bitter end (see also: Iraq). The rebels don’t have any military capacity, and Qaddafi’s army could as of now easily wipe them out.   It is plausible that Qaddafi’s tribesmen may still reach Benghazi, at which point we will have to escalate our war to save Benghazi (again). Our options at that point would be arming the rebels, landing troops to finish the job, bombing the Qaddafis out of Libya, or splitting Libya into two sep…

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Dear Timothy Keller: The “Evangelical” Problem isn’t Pollsters

…e founding pastor of Redeemer Presbyterian Church in New York, took to the New Yorker to offer a rose-tinted historical gloss to the turmoil and looks to a multicultural future. First, Keller couches the contestation surrounding the term “evangelical,” and who and what it signifies, as a problem of public perception rather than an opportunity for reflection and change. Rather than acknowledge that there may be good reasons for white conservative e…

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Will Millennials Forge a Future for the Progressive Black Church?

…those whom he saw as “the least of these.” The same holds for Sharpton in New York. In the fallout behind the Tawana Bradley incident in 1987, Sharpton equated the then-New York state attorney general to Hitler. However, as blacks have ascended the political ladder in post-civil rights years, or when black clergy have been granted a seat at the municipal table, sometimes that scathing rhetoric has been tempered for fear of biting the hand that fe…

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God Need Not Be Real, But the Black Hole Photo Is

…cendant since 1687 had been overthrown by a Quaker in African forests. The New York Times’s headline the following day was “LIGHTS ALL ASKEW IN THE HEAVENS – EINSTEIN THEORY TRIUMPHS.” At a press conference held at the National Science Foundation in Washington D.C. on April 10th, a consortium of scientists working on a collaborative project called the Event Horizon Telescope presented the first photograph of another enigmatic cosmological phenomen…

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Shari’ah Creeps into Outer Space

Islam is back in the news, but this time in a good way. New York City is finally hosting the “1001 Inventions” exhibit. The film is narrated by crypto-Muslim–Jew Ben Kingsley, who is a Quaker famous for playing a Hindu, influenced by Jainism. I don’t think they could have chosen a better voiceover. A Malaysian woman, Dr. Mazlan Othman, was in the news for speculation that she would become the official UN Ambassador to Extraterrestrial Life. Altho…

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For God or for Fame? The Making of a Teenage Bomber

…media world in which news coverage of the individual Muslim’s actions metonymically represents Islam; not only throughout the globe today but also throughout its fourteen centuries of history. Pundits, Islamophobes, and Muslim apologists alike look to the Qur’an and the Islamic tradition as the source that could explain or condemn Mohamud’s actions, but his motives seem to make most sense in the context of this new media landscape in which, as Ma…

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Palin Talks Israel in Anticipation of 2012

…ls on their editorial boards. Just a day after a Nov 24 story in which the New York Times, like the Forward, dared to question the Israeli government’s definition of “Jerusalem,” the Times published a letter from an Israeli government spokesperson stating that: The notion that some areas of Jerusalem—the capital of the Jewish people for 3,000 years—should be off-limits to Jews, while the entire city is open to Arabs, is deeply prejudicial. The sug…

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It’s Preposterous That We Can’t Question Nominees on Religion

…stirred anew with the publication of an article by Laurie Goodstein in the New York Times that reported on Barrett’s previously undisclosed participation in a little-know charismatic Christian group called People of Praise. As Goodstein reported: Some of the group’s practices would surprise many faithful Catholics. Members of the group swear a lifelong oath of loyalty, called a covenant, to one another, and are assigned and are accountable to a pe…

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The Battle for the Meaning of Religious Freedom Day

…r 2018-2019 notes that resolutions have passed in Kentucky, Tennessee, and New York, as well as the house of representatives in Michigan and Washington. In an act less of historical revisionism than outright erasure, the Kentucky State Senate and House Religious Freedom Day resolutions failed to even mention the reason for the commemoration—the enactment of the Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom. The Tennessee legislature as well as the Michig…

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Republicans Claim Shari’ah Law Threatens Constitution

…hat strict adherence to Jewish law is required to be a “good” Jew, Yerushalmi misapprehends shari’ah as a set of requirements and, more ominously, punishments. As Haroon Moghul wrote here just after Oklahoma voters passed a shari’ah ban last year: Shari’ah is, for Muslims, the “path to the water,” the texts that normatively define a moral life and the means to God and heaven in the life to come. But Shari’ah is an ideal. Muslims, across countries…

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