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Are the Pews Half Empty or Half Full? Lessons From 734 A.D.

…nding ourselves that even the half-churched are still the church. In a few days, on Easter, we preachers will look out over our sermon notes and behold the blessed vision of a full sanctuary once again, knowing that—with all the half-churched Christians out there—we won’t see the like again until Christmas. Can it be long before the pendulum reaches the opposite extremity of its swing? More and more, O Venerable Bede, we pastors are singing your p…

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Good (Enough) Christians — Russell Moore in The Atlantic Illustrates the Limitations of ‘Christian Nationalism’ as Category

…polite” and “respectable” anti-LGBTQ evangelicals like David French and Russell Moore as “good” examples for their Christian nationalist coreligionists—people who might just persuade the Christian nationalists to start behaving like “good” Christians. You know, the Christians who oppose LGBTQ inclusion and abortion rights but that we should all be okay with politically because, while they only sincerely hold some of the same anti-pluralist theolog…

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October “Baby” is a Grown Woman

…passage from Hannah’s journal. “I feel dead inside,” Hanna evidently wrote days or weeks earlier. “No, something worse than death. I am a child… trying to find a place in the world. Why, God? Why do I feel unwanted?” Well, obviously, this is a bit contrived as screenwriting goes. Unwanted? Get it? Because her biological mother didn’t want her? Excuse me, I want to keep typing but first I need to remove this ham from my fist. As it turns out, Hanna…

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Christian Cults and Vampire Zombies: Stake Land is Scary and Smart

…hing, you might be temped to pass on Stake Land. But like Danny Boyle’s 28 Days Later and Let the Right One In, the brilliant reworking of vampire tropes by Swedish novelist-screenwriter John Ajvide Lindqvist, Stake Land upends many of the expectations moviegoers are likely to bring to a genre film. It also makes grimly imaginative and occasionally audacious use of some of the religious and political themes threading through contemporary American…

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Crossing the Rubicon? Mar-a-Lago Raid Enflames Right Wing Fantasies of Christian Caesarism

…a dream leader. And that dream leader paid CPAC a recent visit—just a few days after his widely denounced remarks about Europeans “mixing” with non-Europeans were called “worthy of Joseph Goebbels” by one of his own advisers (who subsequently resigned). And the dream of a new Trump administration echoes this kind of autocracy—be it Bannon’s calls to dismantle the federal bureaucracy so no one can oppose Trump; calls for what amounts to a new McCa…

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“Religious Liberty” Catholics Reap What They Sow in Trump

…ly corrupt that it must be disobeyed, and a harkening back to the good old days of black-and-white moral values—the “slithering id of a nervous age,” to use Kevin Baker’s phrase—that propels Trump. Now George and his compatriots in ginning up fears of a genuine assault on religious liberty repudiate what they themselves helped create because they don’t like the messy messenger, with his divorces and affairs and lust for money. But the message is t…

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World Congress of Families Meets, Seeks a New Dark Ages

…Develop Character,” and Promoting Fatherhood (Crisis in Manhood),” were outnumbered by those analyzing opposition tactics like, “Threats to Life and Family in International Law,” “The Homosexual Lobby,” “The Natural Family and the Revolution against the Family,” and counter-strategic sessions like “How to Fight Back against International Law,” or “How to Impact Public Policies and Elections.” 2012 marked the first time the WCF devoted an entire da…

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God Versus Mega-Aliens

…, is subject to the inexorable rise of entropy. Seeing that their days are numbered, this species creates our universe and us in it, because they know life is good and should be preserved. Next up, New Atheist Stephanie Zvan. A science-fiction writer by trade, she knows a story when she sees one: “[Naff’s proposal] is fine for a science fiction story, but [he] isn’t asking us simply to be entertained. For making a compelling case that an intellige…

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Why Didn’t Trump Lie About His Bible?

…for the murder of George Floyd at the hands of a white cop. After enduring days of withering criticism for appearing to be scared of facing protesters, Trump decided on a show of strength. The White House or the Department of Justice ordered federal authorities to tear gas peaceful protesters out of the way so Trump could stand with the Bible in his hands in front of nearby St. John’s Church. That photo op, according to polling by USA Today and CN…

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Call Me Pesach

…ews once called each other may soon be as forgotten as Yoshke Pan Drek. In the meantime, even a goy a called Pesach can be pleased to live at time when holy days intersect without bloodshed, in a place where rituals inform but do not define us….

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