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Euthanasia Billboards, Post-Rapture Pet Care, Can You Tell a Burqa from a Hijab?

…es. As one observer put it, “For many, church has become too much (like a) business while they just want to live like the Bible.” Is religious studies a zoo? The Spanish Parliament has rejected a ban on burqas in public. Some in Boulder, Colorado argue that new city council rules accidentally ban burqas and hijabs at meetings. And in case you’re unsure of the difference between a burqa and a hijab, take a look at this explanation. A piece of artwo…

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Ahmadi Muslim Community Doesn’t Speak For All Muslims

…third of the community that is African-American as well as the increasing number of second and third generation immigrants. He lists a string of outlier incidents, ignorning the Muslims who helped stopped terrorist attacks, like the one in Times Square, or with the Hutarree. For every Nidal Hassan, we have tens of Kareem Rashad Sultan Khans. Younous’ view of adolescence is stuck at least 15 years behind where the immigrant Muslim community is now…

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Anne Rice Quits Christians, Still Dates Jesus

…Christianity will reduce me to trolling daily to see what her next religious status on Facebook will be. Which religion is going to slot up next? I’m guessing nothing, but like many of Rice’s fans, I hope that she’ll get back to the business of showing us real vampires, instead of those insipid ones on True Blood and Twilight. Since she’s decided to focus in on the ultimate bloodletting figure, Jesus, rather than his followers, I’m betting Lestat…

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“Soul Freedom” versus “Christian Nation”: Exploring the Legacy of Roger Williams

…sed heretics may be opposition to truth. He insists that government has no business trying to act for and as God in the world, determining which faith is correct or not, or privileging voice over against individual conscience. In the “Beck debates” it is important to suggest that while everyone has a right to assert his/her conscience in the public square, no one religious voice, i.e. “Judeo-Christian” or other, should be privileged. If you want a…

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Conservatives Stoke Fear of Fifth Column

…about the Clarion Fund and its films last year, Paul Barrett, an editor at Business Week and author of American Islam: The Struggle for the Soul of a Religion, told me, “Saying that organizations like CAIR and ISNA aim to institute Islamic religious law in the United States is similar to saying that Jewish or Catholic religious organizations aim to institute rabbinic or church law in the U.S. The notion that they are threat to the republic, a fift…

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Good Hair, Good God! The Divine Politics of African-American Hair

…documentary informs us that the hair cut for temple sacrifices is now the number-one export out of India. The fact that tonsure, a religious act, has turned into a profiteering scheme is remarkable. But there also exist unscrupulous people who are stealing women’s hair, either while they sleep or in movie theaters where their braids or hair hang over the seats; while a woman is enjoying the latest from Bollywood, someone is cutting her hair and e…

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No More Mosques

…ector of issue analysis — is not about to be outdone in the fear-mongering business: Permits should not be granted to build even one more mosque in the United States of America, let alone the monstrosity planned for Ground Zero. This is for one simple reason: each Islamic mosque is dedicated to the overthrow of the American government. […] Because of this subversive ideology, Muslims cannot claim religious freedom protections under the First Amend…

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By the Way: “Ten Commandments Judge” To Be Alabama’s Next Gov?

…where else precisely because the government has stayed out of the religion business. When Judge Myron Thompson ruled (correctly) that Moore’s stunt represented a violation of the First Amendment and the workers were preparing to remove the monument, one of the protesters screamed, “Get your hands off my God!” Unless I miss my guess, one of the commandments etched into that monument says something about a graven image. Moore’s refusal to remove the…

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Hagee and McCain Part Ways

…only about half of the people in EU member countries “believe in a god,” a number shockingly lower than anything we find here in the United States. But we might remind our European friends that a political arena free from religious concerns is the exception to the global rule. Even among their own “I” nations, while Iceland’s politics may maintain a secular purity, Ireland and Italy are decidedly more complicated cases. Which is all prelude to ref…

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Purpose Driven Politics: Rick Warren’s Civil Service

…“to create The PEACE Coalition, a new international alliance of churches, businesses, ministries, universities, and other institutions.” P.E.A.C.E. is an acronym for: Promote reconciliation; Equip servant leaders; Assist the poor; Care for the sick; and Educate the next generation. “For the past four years, thousands of members of Saddleback Church have been testing prototypes of the P.E.A.C.E. Plan around the world,” the release continued. “Duri…

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