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Creationism and Global Warming Denial: Anti-Science’s Kissing Cousins?

…as with evolution, Shaman said that climate scientists haven’t been their best advocates in responding to attacks of misinformation. He said climate change desperately needs a Ken Miller, the Brown University biology professor best known for his cheerful smackdowns of creationists and intelligent design proponents. “Climate change requires people to get out there and talk about it,” Shaman said. “You need people like [Miller] who get out and arti…

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Capricology: Divine Madness

…, (who seems to both want to sleep with Daniel and destroy him at the same time?) his Wife Amanda is seeing visions of her dead brother. And after some well placed drinking and smoking of a controlled substance with Sister Clarice, Amanda explains that she spent a little time “away” in a facility because of her hallucinations. Sister Clarice, intrigued by Amanda, both because of her visions and because she’s Zoe’s mother, starts to talk to her abo…

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Sure, There’s No ‘Religious Left’… If You Ignore Non-White Christians and Non-Christians

…single entity you can point to. On a national level, we have what I’ve sometimes derided as the “Religion-Industrial Complex,” which specializes in amplifying religious left voices and coordinating their direct action (generous interpretation), or in a bunch of crap PR gambits (less generous interpretation). But there isn’t anything analogous to the interlocking religious think tanks, legal firms, and activist groups that make up the Religious Rig…

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Polygamy, Genius, and the Origin of Religion

…so that they invest that pregnancy or egg-laying energy in babies with the best possible genes. This story is a rough approximation of a theoretical model. But that model has a lot of descriptive power in animals. So how does all of this play out in people? Barash lays out a strong case that human beings, and our primate forebears, were polygamous. His evidence is primatological (our primate relatives today are mostly polygamous), anthropological…

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Do Not Arrest the Pope: New Atheists’ Call for the Pope’s Arrest Isn’t Likely to Produce Justice

…osture rather than the introspective, self-critical posture that seems the best hope for bringing about real change. I am not without hope that the fallout of this crisis in the Church will be, if not a new reformation, then substantial reforms aimed at protecting the most vulnerable within the Roman Catholic fold. I am not without hope that the crisis will inspire some deep and honest reflection on ways in which the Church’s structures, ideologie…

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Election Reporters: Here’s Why Simply Descriptors Like ‘Christians’ Can Have Enormous Consequences

…For a lot of reasons, conservative Christians tend to own the cultural megaphone today. (Most important among them: conservative judges endorsing extremist conservative Christian arguments.) So I don’t expect the average person to understand all the nuances. But journalists covering national politics, especially those on the Trump beat, need to do better. Here’s why. First of all, it’s a matter of accuracy. As Sarah Posner points out on Bluesky, t…

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FX’s ‘Under the Banner of Heaven’ Adaptation Rejects Reductive Elements of Krakauer’s Book, But Confirms That ‘Mormonism Breeds Dangerous Men’

…with CBS’s 60 Minutes in 1996, and continued with Larry King, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, and Time. Hinckley’s exuberant optimism and insistence on Mormonism’s gregariousness did much to change the faith’s reputation. The culmination of this new congenial approach was Salt Lake City’s hosting the 2002 Winter Olympics, which received international acclaim. The Church finally appeared to be gaining mainstream acceptance. The honeymo…

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#MeToo and the Problem with the “The Billy Graham Rule”

…sex are threats to powerful men’s reputations. In such a circumstance, the best solution is sex-based segregation. But what Graham, Pence, and their ilk fail to understand is that neither women nor sexual desire are the problem; the problem is the abuse of male power. This is why women fear confronting powerful men, or simply men who have power over them. It’s easier to claim that sexual desire is inherently dangerous than to hold powerful men acc…

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Can Atheists Simply Ignore Theology?

…at we have to “try on” alternative interpretations to see which offers the best fit with the whole of human experience—not merely with what we experience through our senses, but also with the broader and ultimately more important dimensions of our lived experience, including our moral and aesthetic experience and our sense of the numinous. Is a naturalistic worldview, one which explains away these latter features of our lives (or at least the last…

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