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A Valentine for the World…and for the Church I Left

…ty-year-olds have to be myopic to survive. The big picture can be potentially paralyzing to those whose brains have only recently gelled into maturity. But I turned 30 and finally 40 with this same mindset. In the end, I didn’t persevere. It wasn’t that the seed was snatched away; it’s just that I wasn’t coded for longevity. Somewhere along the way, I started to wither. I wasn’t happy about the drying-up stage, either. It made me panic knowing tha…

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How a Pioneer of Branding Invented Christian Fundamentalism

…Civil War. These are the idea of the individual being the basic unit of analysis, that individual choices are really what matters, that’s how you create yourself. Whereas older ideas would see society as more of an organic unity, they see it as a collection of individuals. One of the main points of my story is that the particular arrangement we see today of evangelicals’ alignment with business is not a new phenomenon. It can be traced back, speci…

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Does God know if I cheat on a test in São Paulo?

…e completion of their college applications, approach written evaluations a bit differently, we may assume, than your average Tyvan. Also, as Purzycki observes in passing, it’s possible that his sample set—literate, urban Tyvans living in Russia, a dominantly Christian nation—might be a wee bit influenced by the culture at large, especially when taking foreigners’ surveys. And why is it that, as Purzycki seems to assume, the only difference between…

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As a Religious Studies Professor I Disagreed With the Hamline Firing — But Now I’ve Changed My Mind

…students are forced to opt out, just so the majority can gawk (or more likely yawn) at something deeply meaningful to the minority? The petition then turns around and disingenuously claims to speak for Muslim students, “who wish to be taught the historical nuances and complexities of the Islamic faith,” and who “are now too fearful to speak up, lest they be accused of hate and discrimination as well.” Comments from Aram Wedatalla, the student who…

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Sex Comes For the Archbishop: Rembert Weakland’s Unflinching Memoir

…ntually became persona non grata in the very places where he had been heavily involved, especially in liturgical circles. Changes in the papacy cause a ripple effect throughout Vatican offices. Theopolitics is nasty, rather like watching the law (or maybe sausage) being made—better not to get too close. I came away with a strong sense of just how personal (not to say petty) a lot of the Vatican workings are—who knows who and what squeaky wheel get…

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A Tale of Two Fascisms: ‘Douchey’ JD Vance vs. ‘Creepy’ Blake Masters

…t its heart a nerd-bully alliance. The ideal type fascist is the dorkus bully, a really insufferable douche who also has like historical delusions of grandeur and is obsessed with “strategy”.” This makes a lot of sense when one applies it to compare Vance and Masters. Ganz writes: “Applying my theory of jocks-nerds fascism to blake masters: Americans seems to like Italian-style jocky-douchey fascism a la Trump way more than than German creepy-nerd…

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Why Egypt is America’s Enemy

…re not Islamic Republics, Yemen was a mess to begin with but not particularly ideologically Islamic—although religiously conservative—and Syria was dominated by a secular Ba’ath party. Yet, as I wrote, the New York Times, America’s leading newspaper, irresponsibly confused religiosity with a lack of receptivity to democracy. (Then again, if you’re the majority, of course you’d support democracy—a principled stand is sometimes a partisan stand.) Fo…

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Catholic Health System Releases New Rules for Contraception

…hospital act, and they need to give the patient information on natural family planning as well. A bit cumbersome, perhaps, but respectful of the hospital’s obligation to be Catholic and the physician’s right to follow her conscience. The procedure will be nitpicked—one doctor claimed that some doctors would not be able to prescribe because they don’t have personal prescription pads. Go out and buy one for God’s sake! It will be interpreted as extr…

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Does the President Need Churching?

…steps up and works tirelessly to implement real policies that help “the least of these.” If Obama’s efforts raise people out of poverty, gives them the health coverage they need to withstand a health crisis both financially and physically, and brings this country to a better understanding of what it means to live in true harmony with one another, then he will have accomplished more than any other president who regularly sat in a pew….

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Reverend Billy For Mayor: Is He For Real?

…ations into daily life. The ubiquity of consumer culture represents a cataclysmic “Shopocalypse.” Mickey Mouse is the Antichrist. Such language has the imaginative scope to reach outside the here and now, while also the familiarity to make it feel like it might, in fact, be true. “If Bloomberg wins in New York City, it is the triumph of corporate capitalism in New York City,” says Durkee. But, with his collar on, Reverend Billy describes the mayor…

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