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슬롯사이트ㅫ<lv-2021.cOm 텔레rOrOrO11⑼ 코드aaaa}✣슬롯사이트추천 파워볼 슬롯사이트추천 바카라놀이터▲미니게임추천

Soy Story: Atrocious ‘Reporting’ on Insular Religious Groups

Multiple news outlets, including the Independent, Huffington Post and Slate, recently linked to a story, originally posted in English on, claiming that a Hasidic group banned soy products because they ‘lead to homosexual sex.’ The problem with this outlandish story was that it was completely unverified; none of the outlets actually interviewed or did any on-the-ground investigation. Ultimately the story was retracted, but the d…

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On Pi Day, Puzzling Over the Most Famous Transcendental Number

Depending on how you look at it, Pi Day is a festival of nerds, a math class gimmick, a chance to pause and reflect on the infinite, or just a good excuse to eat a lot of sugar. For these and many other reasons people around the world have taken March 14th to ponder geometry’s most popular constant. Pi (π), a number used to measure the circumference of circles, is approximately 3.1415. I say approximately because pi is a transcendental number, me…

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United Methodists Elect 1st Gay Bishop; Canadian Anglicans OK Same-Sex Marriage

  Human Rights Watch released a report calling for an end to cruel, degrading, and useless anal exams that supposedly “test” for homosexuality: Some countries where authorities have used forced anal exams in the past, most notably Lebanon, have taken steps to end the practice. But others, including Egypt and Tunisia, rely on them with great frequency in prosecutions for consensual same-sex conduct. The use of forced anal examinations appears to b…

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Was it the Russians or God? Evangelical Leaders Working Out the Kinks with Trump’s Transition Picks

While Donald Trump’s narrow Electoral College victory on November 8 shocked and appalled most of the world, it didn’t take evangelical heavyweight Franklin Graham very long to declare that God himself was involved in the outcome: Since election day, however, many commentators, activists, and politicians have become increasingly concerned with a more tangible, demonstrable type of inter…

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Anti-Gay, Anti Catholic Evangelical Sworn In As Mayor of Rio; More in Global LGBT Recap

Durga Sengupta at reported on progress and backlash on LGBT issues in India and around the world in 2016. The Family Research Council praised the Trump transition team for demanding information from the State Department on programs and staff involved in promoting “gender equality.” Perkins complained that during the Obama administration the State Department operated “as a global base for abortion and sexual activism” that focused on…

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6 Overlooked Takeaways From a Reviewer of Controversial Texas Textbooks

In September 2014, I found myself standing before a mostly hostile Texas State Board of Education (SBOE) testifying about religious imbalance and inaccuracies in public school textbooks under consideration for adoption. To my great surprise, I also found myself quoted in Politico, the Washington Post, and several Texas newspapers. Al Jazeera America sought me out for an on-camera interview. For a religious studies scholar more at home in the clas…

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LDS Church Launches New Website Calling for Greater Openness and Understanding on LGBT Issues

When he visited shortly after its official launch yesterday morning, Jayce Cox cried. There at the new LDS Church-owned website, Cox, a gay Mormon man with six generations of family history in the LDS faith, saw video messages from top-ranking Church leaders and rank-and-file gay Mormons calling explicitly for greater understanding, openness, and dialogue around LGBT issues and an end to the rejection of gay family members, con…

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Russian Parliament Hosts U.S. Anti-Gay Activist Paul Cameron

Far right religious conservatives have long attempted to export or shore up their values abroad. In recent years, Russia has become a target for such activism, in which both American and Russian participants use each other in curious ways. Americans can use the trip to gain publicity while holding up the “exotic” Other in order to point out what they perceive as Western civilization’s moral failings—creating propaganda for the home audience as we…

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Scope Bacon, Twttr Hoaxes & Joel Osteen’s Big Reveal

U.S. stock markets continue to reel from a recent hoax in which the Dow dropped 145 points in a matter of two minutes in response to a single fake tweet. The AP’s Twitter account was hacked by a group calling itself the Syrian Electronic Army, which posted that there had been two explosions in the White House and that President Obama had been injured. Shortly thereafter, the AP tweeted that it had been hacked and press secretary Jay Carney quickl…

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The Papal Prayer Machine

In the days following Pope Benedict XVI’s announcement that he would resign last month, the Catholic men’s organization the Knights of Columbus offered a novel way for the faithful to take part in their Church’s transition from one leader to the next.  Following the pontiff’s request that all Catholics “continue to pray for me, for the Church, and for the future pope,” the Knights naturally asked for prayers. Breaking new ground, however, they pr…

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