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회양홀덤Θ﹛1sthol、coⓜ》☎회양홀덤✏회양바둑이❁회양포커 회양포커♧회양바둑이

The Women’s March, Anti-Semitism, and ‘The Jewish Farrakhan’

There is an old Hungarian Jewish proverb that says, “antisemitism is when gentiles hate Jews too much.” The underlying assumption, of course, is that the gentile always hates the Jew; antisemitism* is only when that hatred becomes overt. Most American Jews today may not quite believe that, but the assumption surfaces again when cases of Jew-hatred arise—and especially in the weaponizing of accusations of antisemitism. In a piercing essay on the c…

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Conservative Christians: Think Twice Before Claiming ‘Islam Is Not a Religion’

In her recent New York Times opinion piece, Asma T. Uddin rightly criticizes the “disturbing trend … [of] state lawmakers, lawyers, and influential social commentators,” like Oklahoma Republican state Rep. John Bennett, who claim that Muslims in the United States don’t deserve religious freedoms granted to adherents of other religions because “Islam is not even a religion; it is a political system that uses a deity to advance its agenda of global…

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Religion as a Front for Tyranny: A Roundtable on the Timeliness of Hulu’s “The Handmaid’s Tale”

“Nothing changes instantaneously. In a gradually heating bathtub, you’d be boiled to death before you knew it.” This inner monologue from Offred, the protagonist of Hulu’s adaptation of The Handmaid’s Tale, is a warning that echoes in our time. When Margaret Atwood published the dystopian novel in 1985, she said there was nothing in the book that hadn’t already happened. What makes the story so eerie to read now is that sense of recognition, of c…

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Louis C.K., Paige Patterson, and the White Male Forgiveness Charade

In 2012, the now-defunct online magazine Gawker published a celebrity blind item about a famous comedian who liked to pass his time by masturbating in front of and exposing himself to young female comedians backstage at shows. It was quickly surmised, due to reports from within the industry and from people in the know, that the item referred to established comic heavyweight Louis C.K., whose eponymous FX comedy show was in the second year of a fi…

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The Religious Origins of Fake News and ‘Alternative Facts’

Perhaps one of the strangest instances of fake news that proliferated in the final months of the 2016 election was the conspiracy known as “Pizzagate.” Supposedly, a D.C. restaurant housed a pedophilia ring involving members of the Democratic Party, including Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager, John Podesta. Podesta’s emails—released by WikiLeaks, and probably hacked by Russia—revealed phrases like “cheese pizza” and other code words for child se…

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The ‘Pro-Family’ Movement Has Little to Say About Family Separation

After weeks of protests and widespread anger over the thousands of migrant and refugee children separated from their parents at the U.S. border, the Justice Department has finally begun returning some of the youngest children to their parents. Horror stories continue to emerge: the 1-year-old forced to represent himself in immigration court; the 38 children whose parents cannot be located; the father who cries that having his child taken caused “…

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Is Cardinal Dolan’s Pro-Life Piece More Evidence of Pro-Catholic Bias from RNS Publisher?

After credible allegations that Religion News Service publisher and CEO Tom Gallagher demonstrated favoritism toward the Catholic Church, you might expect RNS to lay low, for a while at least, in its coverage of Catholicism. If you did, I hope you didn’t place any big bets on it. “Staffers tell me that [Tom] Gallagher’s behavior was part of a pattern, with Gallagher repeatedly attempting to influence the site’s coverage of Catholicism,” wrote Sar…

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Parkland Activists Don’t Care What You Think And They’re Not Interested in the Faith Wars

It’s been interesting to wake up this morning and discover that the #NEVERAGAIN kids have rattled everyone from conspiracy theorist Alex Jones to the National Review‘s Charles W. Cooke, to Marco Rubio, who whined: As fun as it would be to make fun of Rubio’s idea of a “Judea-Christian heritage” (please do!), or to point out that there’s no such thing as the Judeo-Christian heritage, we have…

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SCOTUS’s Incoherent ‘Masterpiece Cakeshop’ Decision

If you had to choose a word to describe the news of today’s Supreme Court ruling in the Masterpiece Cakeshop case, you could do worse than “stupid.” In case you’ve been hiding under a rock recently, Masterpiece involves a Colorado baker who refused to sell a wedding cake to a same-sex couple due to his religious beliefs. He was substantially fined by the Colorado Civil Rights Commission, but with the help of the ADF, appealed the case all the way…

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Pierre Teilhard de Chardin’s Legacy of Eugenics and Racism Can’t Be Ignored

After Bishop Michael Bruce Curry delivered his sermon at today’s wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, many observers around the world wondered, as one headline put it, “Who was the Jesuit priest mentioned during the Royal Wedding sermon?” On Twitter, many of those familiar with the work of that Jesuit priest, Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, expressed surprise and joy at the inclusion of a figure whose work had had a warning, or “monitum,” place…

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