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Does Mormonism Encourage LDS People to Lie?

…tion about polygamy came, I imagined listeners in Wales and Bangladesh and Kenya, listeners who had no concept of Mormonism, perhaps, beyond the most rudimentary and familiar stereotypes; including nineteenth-century Mormon polygamy. I squeezed my eyes shut. “No,” I said, “we no longer practice polygamy,” agreeing this time around with the LDS Church public-relations official. As I did, I registered an old, familiar, sinking feeling. I tried to te…

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Pricking the Conscience of Churches: From AIDS Activism to Ending World Hunger

…and elsewhere are really good people. When you are helping AIDS orphans in Kenya or assisting women and children living with HIV in India, you discover the biblical truth that indeed it is more “blessed to give than to receive.” If I am spending time with a group of Asian commercial sex workers engaged in “survival sex,” or a group of caregiving grandmothers in Africa who are struggling to care for seven or eight children, I feel like my life is b…

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The Anglican and the Evangelicals: Insights from the Sudanese Genocide

…’ and sisters’ keepers, wherever they may be. Loving our neighbor requires promoting peace and justice in a world marred by genocidal violence.” …and the Evangelicals Brad Phillips, who heads the Virginia-based Persecution Project, now lives in Kenya, and simultaneously serves as the Sudan country director for Voice of the Martyrs, an evangelical agency that since 1967 has focused on helping Christians in restricted countries, emphasizing communis…

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Global LGBT Recap: Mandela and Equality; Elton John Defies Russian Ban; Fake-Healing of AIDS

…egically At least two gatherings in the past week focused on the strategic promotion of LGBT equality abroad. On Friday, December 6, in Washington, D.C., the Center for Transatlantic Relations, which is part of the Paul Nitze School of Advanced International Studies at Johns Hopkins University, hosted a presentation called “LGBT Rights: A Geostrategic Issue for Democracies.” The panel, part of a series of discussions on the topic, featured Elizabe…

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On Eve of Sudan Split Clashes Continue

…figure out how to transport a smoothie machine from Eilat to Juba given the 25 kg limit for luggage on flights, and the presents he intends to bring to friends from the Holy Land. Maybe he’d take the smoothie machine by boat, he told me; from the Gulf of Aqaba to Mombasa, Kenya, then overland to Juba. When I tried to call him in Israel last week, his social worker told me he had left the kibbutz. I emailed Emmanuel in Juba, but he has not heard fr…

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Morality and Marriage Vigilantes and More in Global LGBT Recap

…ause Westerners have said this or that… The current provision of the Penal Code is a fair balance between conservative public opinion and an uncompromising international community on the protection of minorities.” Russia: Muslim ‘morality’ vigilante pushing for purge of LGBT teachers Timur Bulatov, a self-described pious Muslim is waging a campaign to out LGBT teachers and get them fired, according to BBC: He wages his “morality” campaign from St…

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What American Flag-Worship Looks Like to a New Citizen

…s fiftieth anniversary, the Pledge was incorporated into the National Flag Code. Ten years later, in the shadow of the Cold War, two weighty words, “under God,” were added. It has become the creed of the state religion, taught early and often to our children. The Very Revd Will H. Mebane, Jr., Interim Dean at St Paul’s Episcopal Cathedral in Buffalo, NY, grew up in the South in a fairly conservative religious household. He encountered the Flag at…

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Scottish Episcopal Church Angers Conservative Anglicans With Embrace of Same-Sex Marriage; and more in Global LGBT Recap

…lic forums on the topic. The National Action party, he said, would seek to promote a civil contract but not a marriage. Arturo Sandoval, governor of Jalisco, joined Guadalajara’s Pride march and called for respect, inclusion and tolerance. The governor’s Facebook page included a range of comments both in support and opposition, with some citing the teachings of the Catholic Church and criticizing the governor for not having joined an earlier “pro-…

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Can Eurovision’s Rainbow Arch Undermine Ukraine’s Orthodox Value System? This and More in Global LGBT Recap

…o gambling, to extramarital sexual relations. The province’s 2014 Criminal Code bars both male and female same-sex behavior. Under its Sharia ordinances, Aceh imposed cane lashing against 339 people in 2016; a punishment recognized under international law as torture. To make matters worse, local government officials have aggressively stoked homophobia. … Knight writes that Indonesia “has historically been a unique beacon of tolerance for LGBT peop…

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Uncertainty About US Role In LGBT Human Rights Under Trump; Global LGBT Recap

…Report on legal case involving mistreatment by parents The Center for the Promotion and Defense of Sexual and Reproductive Rights (PROMSEX) reports on the legal case of Antonella Rabanal Roca, who says she was abused by her mother and stepfather because of her sexual orientation. PROMSEX cites the parents’ membership in the World Missionary Movement, which it calls “one of the evangelical churches that promotes speech and discriminatory practices…

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