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7 Religion Stories to Watch in the 2012 Battleground States

…oof that not all Southern evangelicals dislike Romney. Everyone’s favorite Florida religion storyline fixates on older Jewish voters who perennially threaten to ditch Democrats for not being strong enough on Israel. Jews may make up only 3% of Florida, but margins are tight enough—Obama now leads by .4%—that their votes matter. An emerging storyline is that Latino evangelicals (who lean conservative on social issues but prioritize immigration refo…

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Shucking Off The ’50s. And the ’40s. And the…

…to political gridlock? It’s worth a thought, says Digby. I’m not so sure. Florida has an interesting thesis that what he calls “structural factors” may cause more of a swing in the 2010 elections than “cyclical factors” such as the economy. But I’m just not sure you can do that with pre-election polling data like he does. More broadly, I think all of this talk about “creative class states” and “working class states” and this complex and that spec…

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Videos and Billboards and Yiddish, Oh, My!

…Romney this time. A recent poll by the American Jewish Committee showed Obama’s support among Florida’s Jewish voters running at 69% to Romney’s 25%, with a margin of error of 6%. Obama won 76% of the Florida Jewish vote in 2008. My favorite part of the campaign, though, is this Florida billboard which reads, “Obama. . . Oy Vey!!” Isn’t that what Jews are saying about Adelson?…

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Tea Party “Constitutionalism” on Abortion

…, by requiring that two physicians agree that her life is in danger.   The Florida Right to Life Act, sponsored in the previous legislature by North Florida representative and Baptist minister, Charles Van Zant, asserts that the US Supreme court does not have jurisdiction over abortion because the Constitution doesn’t give the Court “power to determine moral questions on behalf of the citizens of any state without their consent.” Van Zant is claim…

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Public Prayer Verdict Shows Its True Colors

…isely not just another sect. The Board of Commissioners in Brevard County, Florida, recently voted unanimously not to allow a representative of the Central Florida Freethought Community to give an invocation. Such invocations are “…presented by members of our faith community….The prayer is delivered during the ceremonial portion of the county’s meeting, and typically invokes guidance for the County Commission from the highest spiritual authority,…

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What the Hail: Satanists Got Busy in 2018

…rences for several years. Hosting visiting protesters was a coup for TST’s Chicago chapter, which only gained official status in February. April: TST announced their intent to sue the state of Arkansas. The legislature, in an effort led by Sen. Stanley Rapert, installed a Ten Commandments monument on their capitol in 2015. After TST began meeting with the capitol arts and grounds committee to discuss a location for their statue of Baphomet, the le…

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Religious Affiliation, ‘Mankind’: India’s Anti-Corruption Activist Leads Second Freedom Struggle

…good move. When I got to the lobby another something told me to dig out my phone and check it for messages. Sure enough, I had one from an unfamiliar number. A woman’s voice said Bedi was still sleeping, exhausted from the previous day’s overseas flight, and needed to reschedule our interview for that afternoon. I called the number back, convinced the opportunity was lost. “I’m here at the hotel now, but I’m booked solid this afternoon—” “Hold on,…

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Creators of Missing Lowe’s Ad Tell All

…h Federation’s Master class in Tel Aviv. He has lectured academically at a number of institutions including The New York Public Library, and is proud member of Writer’s Guild and Dramatist’s Guild. Today he lives in Los Angeles with his partner, is pitching a new Muslim family sitcom, and is rarely beat up. Parvesh Cheena recently starred in NBC’s comedy series Outsourced as Gupta and is the voice of Blades on The HUB Network’s new cartoon, Transf…

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Creeping Shari’ah… Ahem, Excuse Me… Biblical Law

…te about a similar move with regard to public education here). There are a number of dimensions to the Florida plan but those that interest me are the plans to “privatize” the system by turning even more of it over to “faith based” prison ministries and to reshape the system as whole with a model put forth over 40 years ago by none other than RJ Rushdoony, the founder of Christian Reconstructionism. Governor Rick Scott wants to move prisoners from…

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#SorryNotSorry: What U.S. Christian Denominations Teach About Homosexuality

The massacre of 49 individuals in an Orlando gay nightclub on June 12 has ignited a fierce and ongoing public debate about whether anti-LGBT laws and rhetoric lead to violence. Yesterday’s New York Times lists some of the more horrific statements made by Christian pastors, like Tempe, Arizona’s Steven L. Anderson, whose only objection to the tragedy was that “they should have been executed by a righteous government.” Both conservative religious f…

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