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American Buddhism: Beyond the Search for Inner Peace

…countries ranging from Vietnam and Cambodia, through India and Africa, to Haiti and the U.S. In 2007 you wrote an article for Buddhadharma: The Practitioner’s Quarterly that sparked the idea for Buddhist Global Relief. You said, “I’ve been struck by how seldom the theme of global suffering—the palpable suffering of real human beings—is thematically explored in the Buddhist journals and teachings with which I am acquainted.” You also wrote that “e…

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No to Church, Yes to Jesus?

…ardless of religious identification, affiliation, or practice. There are a number of ways to read this small body of data. The first is, of course, that, growth in the unaffiliated notwithstanding, the majority of Americans still identify with one Christian tradition or another. If you’re outside of that normative religious core, you have to contend on some level with the more dominant religiosity of American culture. Nones—like Buddhists, Hindus,…

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2010: What Did We Believe In?

…o hell, psychological instability of returning veterans with unprecedented numbers committing suicide, veteran services stretched thin—these are only a few items that come to mind though they only scratch the surface of the psychic, social, and cultural scars inflicted by this war. Historically and across cultures, warfare is often the most religious event in the life of any society. Is it any different here, in America, with this war? The patriot…

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Kristof’s Evangelicals

…ry work, in the wake of American evangelicals’ kidnapping of children from Haiti following the earthquake there, I found that there were few or no mechanisms for monitoring or overseeing missionary work by sincerely motivated evangelicals who had little training for their forays overseas.   When the snooty liberals Kristof meets at New York cocktail parties disparage evangelicals, it’s because of the Falwells and their descendants (see, e.g., most…

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Istanbul ‘Haven of Sorts’ For LGBT Syrians and Iraqis; Cayman Islands Affirm Marriage Ban with ‘Holy Bible Evidence’; No Room for LGBTs in Malaysia’s ‘Islam-Based’ Human Rights Policy; Global LGBT Recap

…place of gay people and families in Catholicism. Boorstein reports that a number of pro-LGBT groups have been denied permission to have a booth in the exhibition hall at the World Meeting. Among them was Fortunate Families, a group for Catholic parents seeking equality for their LGBT children. Its president, Deb Word, and her husband run a safe house for LGBT youth in Memphis. The World Meeting’s director of programming, Mary Beth Yount, told Wor…

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Come Hell or High Water: How the Melodrama of Disaster Leaves Us Vulnerable

…ds these catastrophes can seem like a boon. When there is an earthquake in Haiti or a hurricane in New Orleans, the authors point out, “the media usually beam within the country and across the world horrifying images of the suffering.” That fascination isn’t just disaster voyeurism. It sparks concrete action. Politicians promise aid; celebrities encourage donations, and international agencies organize to help. Media attention can generate huge amo…

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Country Trumpkins

…ded temper tantrum over a substantial gift we gave to earthquake relief in Haiti. He couldn’t believe the money wouldn’t be immediately stolen and squandered. So it goes. After a few years away, I’m back in a rural parish. Thanks be to God, this one doesn’t have the same kind of racial issues. Even if things were as fraught as the old place, I’d try again. Hell, I’d even try with my antagonist again. He once showed me a sepia-toned picture of hims…

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100 Years Later, Just Weeks After OK Bans Critical Race Theory, the Tulsa Race Massacre is Still Marginal History

…treet, “Little Africa,” and “Little Hayti” (named for the island nation of Haiti). Whereas many Black business districts would succumb to economic factors such as integration and urban development, the Greenwood neighborhood met a far grimmer fate. From May 31st through June 1st 1921, the Greenwood district of Tulsa, Oklahoma was decimated in what has come to be known as the Tulsa Race Massacre, often considered the worst race riot in American his…

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The Only Surprising Thing About the ‘Demon Sperm’ Doctor’s Views Is That They’re Shared By Many Evangelicals

…, they unfailingly diagnose them with a spiritual affliction from one of a number of malevolent spirits. If I protest out of concern for the sick person, which I will admit I have done, they remind me that “doctors cannot see everything.” For Haitians, of course, there’s hundreds of years of history to support the sense that the “experts” don’t always have their best interests in mind. The pervasive corruption of state leadership and the perniciou…

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Trump’s ‘Sh*thole Countries’ is Just a Cruder Term for What’s Been Said in American Churches for Generations

…he reportedly asked. He was referring to immigrants from African nations, Haiti, and El Salvador, and asked why the U.S. couldn’t get more immigrants from, say, Norway instead. Condemnation swiftly followed from lawmakers on both sides of the aisle, but the condemnation wasn’t universal. As one White House official explained, the comments “would resonate with Trump’s base,” playing to a sense of American greatness and exceptionalism. The tactical…

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