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How the Religious (and ‘Nones’) Vote May Tip 6 Swing States

…t to do little more than the ordinary outreach to keep things close in the York-Lancaster-Harrisburg corridor, and try like hell to turn out the Philadelphia suburbs. Expect a lot of stops at mainline churches on the Main Line. North Carolina: Second only to Florida on this list for social complexity, but one thing is for certain: at 73% approval for Trump, North Carolina’s white evangelicals aren’t going anywhere. Religiously, the most likely sce…

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Tea Partiers Say Slavery Not Race-Related

…ot violent, just not silent anymore. The event was in a more rural part of Florida than where I live and I passed a number of confederate flags on my way there. I expected an all white crowd making arguments about “reverse discrimination,” libertarian arguments against violations of state sovereignty, especially with regard to the Civil Rights Act, and maybe even some of the “slavery wasn’t as bad as people say” arguments. Not so much. Don’t Like…

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Harry Jackson Shakes Religious Right Money Tree for “Below the Radar” Anti-Obama Campaign

…ard-sell pitch for help raising $1.5 million to fund Jackson’s campaign in Florida, New Mexico, North Carolina, Ohio, Nevada, Colorado, Maryland, and Virginia, saying he was seeking 100 people to commit to giving or raising $1,500 each. Jackson said he had just gotten a contribution from Pat Robertson, and that James Robison had also kicked in. Also on the call, at least at the beginning, was dominionist Lou Engle, who Jackson called a long time f…

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Why Obama’s Not “Evolved” Yet on Marriage Equality

…a’s ban on same-sex marriage passed in 2008, Hunter had this to say to the New York Times: The Rev. Joel Hunter, an evangelical pastor in Florida, said many religious conservatives felt more urgency about stopping same-sex marriage than about abortion, another hotly contested issue long locked in a stalemate. “There is enough of the population that is alarmed at the general breakdown of the family, that has been so inundated with images of homosex…

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Perry v. Romney Showdown Tonight

…a new poll shows 52% of Florida Republicans agree with him. If Romney wins New Hampshire, Florida, and Nevada, the question on which the longer-haul primary will hang seems to be this: can a candidate win the GOP nomination without a winning a majority of evangelical Christian conservatives? What can Romney do to overcome his disadvantage among religious conservatives as a perceived social moderate and a Mormon? Some data suggests that Perry is po…

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New Film Chronicles Unlikely Friendship in Battle Over God and Guns

…enck is attempting to persuade two close colleagues on the gun issue, Troy Newman, president of the anti-abortion group Operation Rescue, argues with his friend, “an armed society is a polite society.” Schenck is obviously pained by these pronouncements by his fellow travelers, including how they highlight the racial divide on guns. During our meeting, McBath called it a “spiritual and moral crisis” that white evangelicals would use the Bible as a…

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“Equality is Not a Feeling”

…semi-annual global conference. Mormon women travelled from as far away as New York, Florida, and Germany to take part in the collective action organized by the group Ordain Women as a gentle and symbolic demonstration against pervasive gender segregation in LDS Church administration and leadership. All observant men and boys over the age of 12 are eligible for ordination to the Mormon lay priesthood, and the Church’s theological, liturgical, fina…

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Why Crux‘s Knights of Columbus “Partnership” is Problematic

…. In its brief existence, Crux quickly became an important voice in church news. Because most secular outlets only give limited coverage to religion news, it can be difficult for readers to find stories about the Vatican and the pope that aren’t slanted in one way or another. National Catholic Reporter is run by lay people, as is Commonweal. Both tend to attract what could be described as more liberal contributing writers, but because of their edi…

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A Muslim Reflects on Christian Theologian (and UCLA Coach) John Wooden

…ater moving to the “big” town of Martinsville, population 4,800. So Coach knew the rural life. In 1948 he moved to Los Angeles where he would live for the rest of his life. As a part of the great migration from the rural Midwest to the urban West, he could sympathize with both urban and rural concerns. Basketball, of course, was common to both, played with equal fervor by farm boys in Indiana and gang bangers in South Central. And not only did he…

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Teaching Love: Soulforce Takes it to the Quad

…ow have the men fared in the two decades since they moved to Arkansas from New York? “We haven’t been shot at in two, maybe three years,” says Schenck, who was working as a bar-back in the Stonewall Inn on the day of the riots in 1969. “For our first pride parade, we had over 1,800 protesters and over 3,000 people holding a prayer vigil. This past year we had just one rabid protester. We’ve come a long way.” Loyd, a soft-spoken Vietnam vet who gre…

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