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how to get cheap airline tickets for thanksgiving phone number 1-800-299-7264

Tony Perkins: Soldiers Will Quit if Gays Can Serve Openly

…re needed, that what goes on between some people’s ears is greasier than a Thanksgiving turkey dipped in used motor oil. But for another thing, this whole idea of the military uniting the nation in the protection of American values is a damned lie. Not because the members of the armed forces don’t fight bravely to defend their nation—they do—but because “American values” is a fiction, created out of whole cloth to cover up the fact that our border…

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Gingrich, Frontrunner, Touts Personhood in 14th Amendment

…nference this weekend, and missed the live coverage of the Family Leader’s Thanksgiving Family Forum in Iowa. I’m watching right now, and just saw Newt Gingrich extol the proposal by Manhattan Declaration author and Princeton University professor Robert George that the 14th Amendment authorizes Congress to pass legislation declaring a fertilized egg a “person” entitled to civil rights. Although many of the other candidates have supported a Human L…

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Can Interfaith Dialogue Cure Religious Violence?

…r. Examples abound: the annual deluge of “interfaith prayer services” each Thanksgiving; assertions that violence in Israel/Palestine is mainly a theological misunderstanding between Jews and Muslims; IFYC advising its campus chapters to avoid “divisive social issues” and “hot-button political topics” that may undermine an “inclusive atmosphere.” And focusing on “interfaith” in the case of Boston might leave out of focus the complex, messy, harder…

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Iowa Republicans Grade Newt’s “Worldview”

…nent Iowa Republican Craig Robinson grades the participants in last week’s Thanksgiving Family Forum on their Christian “worldview.” In a post, “Who Has the Worldview that Vander Plaats Is Looking For?” Robinson ranks Rick Santorum first, and Newt Gingrich fourth: After the FAMiLY Leader forum, I’m not really sure what Gingrich’s worldview is. Does he have a phenomenal grasp on American history? Yes. Is he a gifted debater? Yes. Do I know why he b…

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NOM Claims Victimhood for the Holidays

…ives will bat my life around like the football on the front lawn after the Thanksgiving turkey has been eaten. My “lifestyle” will be held up, scrutinized, questioned, and ultimately, condemned. Happy holidays, right? Well, this year, Maggie Gallagher over at the National Organization for Marriage has a great idea: instead of victimizing your gay or liberal family members, the anti-gay, conservative members of the family can be the victims this ye…

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Occupy in Exile: Sacred Space is Everywhere

…y Movement now, just go here: exile, diaspora, online, viral, on radio, at Thanksgiving tables, over coffee, in Los Angeles and Poughkeepsie and Riverside and more. Everybody wants to know where it is—and it is everywhere. On Monday night, November 14, 2011, the mayor of New York City ordered the police to evict the 500 or so overnight occupiers in Zuccotti Park. As part of the eviction, tents and computers, books and papers, food and toilet paper…

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Evangelicals and Newt: Love Him or Hate Him?

…tter to Bob Vander Plaats, the leader of the FAMiLY Leader, who hosted the Thanksgiving Family Forum God and country fest and whose endorsement the candidates covet. The open letter, written on a blog that bears no names or footprints (the site registration is private), lambasts Vander Plaats not only for his association with Gingrich, but for accepting Gingrich’s help in securing $200,000 in “seed money” for his campaign to oust judges who had ru…

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I Was Wrong About Occupy

…“mike check.”   This morning at Liberty Square we had a small ceremony of thanksgiving. The quote from Martin Luther King’s Letter from a Birmingham Jail made more sense than it ever has. And it has always made great sense. Many clergy hide behind “the anesthetizing security of stained glass windows,” he said in 1963. King was talking about space, even then. I’ve been wrong before, will certainly be again. But I see no need for my congregation, o…

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Gingrich Signs Personhood USA Pledge

…when he recently spoke in favor of a national personhood amendment at the Thanksgiving Family Forum, and then got flack for it, he clarified that he thinks personhood begins at “successful implantation,” not fertilization. Perhaps he was thinking of how the personhood-at-fertilization definition—so decisively trounced in Mississippi—raised serious worries that assisted reproduction and hormonal birth control would become unavailable and/or illega…

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Is the Internet the End of Religion?

…aguely offensive rambling by older men is something you can only handle on Thanksgiving, here are some telling clips:   Here Dennett argues that unified singing and chanting is an evolved trick for keeping religious texts alive. The idea here is that in order to stay alive, religions need to continuously replicate themselves. Where biological species accomplish this through sexual reproduction, cultural species like religions reproduce through cha…

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