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Lou Engle Attempts To Backpedal On Uganda Anti-Gay Bill

…o empower Oyet to gather signatures in support of the bill AS a government official. What Engle said to Sharlet is similar to what he said in his written statement, after claiming that the bill’s supporters actually wanted to lessen its penalties: “However, they were committed to raise up a principled stand to protect their people and their children from an unwelcome intrusion of homosexual ideology into an 83% Christian nation, an intrusion that…

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Dreaming Beyond the Madman: Reflections on the Revolution in Libya

…are would provide for his comfort in a mental hospital. He has refused any official title, going by “Brother Leader” and “Guide of the Revolution” and other such vacuous and pretentious false humilities; in his decades in power, he’s been busy producing a new flag (the only monochromatic flag in the world), writing an incoherent work of philosophy (the Green book, green like the flag), and producing a new kind of state. It is, officially, the Grea…

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You Asked For It

…ot so frustrated with some of the completely arbitrary and in some cases unofficial restrictions put upon women on the hajj. If traveling without a mahram is an official limitation and we can get around it, the ones that literally shout you in the face will perhaps make this journey difficult. So I wanted an outlet, a positive way to address them without shouting back, or losing my cool when all I really want to bask in the glory of the moment. Th…

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Despite Religious Violence, Egyptian Mosques Calling for Muslim-Christian Unity

…roblems, head-on, without allowing ourselves to become complacent; but to face those problems with any degree of seriousness, we have to face them together. Otherwise, we might as well admit defeat, and send out an official message to al-Qa’eda and their friends entitled “You’ve won.” Because that disunity is what they’ve been aiming to achieve all along. Egyptians and Americans have got a better message than that….

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Emad Effat, Shaykh of Egyptian Revolution, Shot Dead During Protest

…eminent Muslim institution of learning worldwide) and senior figure at the official state body of the Mufti of Egypt has been killed. But the reaction was still unexpected. Among the Azhari shaykhs present in Tahrir Square in January and February, Shaykh Emad refused to see the protests as illegitimate rebellion against a ruler. On the contrary, he considered them a form of calling to good and forbidding the wrong—a Muslim’s duty, according to cla…

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Fed. Court Rules Prop. 8 Unconstitutional

…onents of Prop 8 had standing to defend the initiative in court when state officials declined to do so (appeals court said yes). Judge Walker ruled that Prop. 8 unconstitutionally violated both the Due Process and Equal Protection clauses of the 14th Amendment. In his 2010 decision, Walker wrote, “A private moral view that same-sex couples are inferior to opposite-sex couples is not a proper basis for legislation,” and “The state does not have an…

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NYPD Lied About Islamophobic Third Jihad

…of Islamophobic ‘documentary’ Third Jihad shows just how disconnected the official police structure is from the communities they are supposed to protect and serve. The department’s counterterrorism unit has been valorized as the best in the nation, an assessment I once agreed with, as they created real community partnerships. In a very short time they’ve burned that goodwill and trust. There’s a legacy of targeting African Americans that must be…

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A Writer’s Murder Raises Fears of Death-by-Decree

…r “sending the reprobate who insulted the Prophet to hell.” And one of the official Iranian newspapers wrote approvingly that “Azerbaijan’s Salman Rushdie is dead.” As 70% of Azerbaijanis are Shia with allegiances to the Iranian clergy, it did not prove difficult to incite someone to murder Rafiq Tagi. In December seven prominent intellectuals called on the European Union to investigate the circumstances of Tagi’s death. Among them were Taslima Na…

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Is Ken Starr ‘Pulling a Clinton’ on Jewish Studies Professor Marc Ellis?

…the rabbi continued, smiling at Starr, who sported a silk tie in Baylor’s official colors, green and gold. “May your destiny be for worlds still to come.” By the next Rosh Hashanah, in the fall of 2011, the Starr administration had stripped Marc Ellis of his teaching duties and effectively shuttered his Center for Jewish Studies. An internal Baylor University investigation was underway, the charges cloaked in secrecy. Ellis, a tenured professor d…

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Mormon Numbers Not Adding Up

…ss of the self-identified Mormon core. But taken together the Pew and ARIS numbers suggest that while the highly active LDS core is highly self-assured, it may also be shrinking—a fact not immediately evident in Church membership statistics. The numbers also suggest that cultural or heritage identity sense of Mormonism may be weakening, especially at the margins of the core and among those who disaffiliate. That may be bad news for twenty-first ce…

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